General information

Subject type: Basic

Coordinator: Jordi Sarola Gassiot

Trimester: Second term

Credits: 6

Teaching staff: 

Eduard Domínguez Room

Teaching languages

  • Catalan
  • Spanish

Oral presentations in the classroom will be in Catalan and Spanish.


Specific skills
  • RAE1- It will identify the chemical, biochemical and biological fundamentals of application in human and dietary nutrition.

General competencies
  • RAG8- It will classify food and food products by determining their properties, nutritional value, bioavailability of nutrients, organoleptic characteristics and the modifications they undergo as a result of technological and culinary processes.


The subject of chemistry belongs to module 1 of Basic Training of the Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics.  

The aim of the subject is for the student to have the knowledge of chemistry necessary for the exercise of the profession of dietitian-nutritionist, and to be able to apply it in the resolution of practical problems. In order to achieve this goal, specific skills such as the chemical foundations of food science and nutrition, and the physico-chemical properties of food will be worked on. 

The student must also achieve a series of experimental skills in chemical laboratory techniques, safety rules for the use of chemical reagents and the preparation of a laboratory notebook. In the laboratory sessions, you will need to work in a team, sharing laboratory material, taking care of it and solving problems. 


Block 1. Principles of chemistry and structure of matter. 

Topic 1. Introduction and fundamental concepts. 

Topic 2. Atomic structure and periodic classification of elements: atoms, elements, periodic table, the mole. 

Topic 3. Chemical bond and aggregation states of matter: ionic and covalent bond, intermolecular forces. 

Block 2. Thermodynamics and kinetics. 

Topic 4. Chemical thermodynamics and equilibrium. 

Topic 5. Chemical kinetics. Chemical calculations (stoichiometry): grams, moles and volumes. 

Block 3. Reactions. 

Topic 6. Water. Solutions and solubility equilibria. 

Unit 7. Acid-base balances. 

Unit 8. Oxidation-reduction reactions. Oxidation number: oxidizing agents and reducing agents. Antioxidants 

Block 4. Organic chemistry. 

Unit 9. Organic chemistry: alkanes, alkenes and aromatics. isometry Properties and reactivity. Organic nutrients. 

Unit 10. Organic chemistry: halogenates, alcohols, aldehydes and ketones. Properties and reactivity. Organic nutrients. 

Unit 11. Organic chemistry: carboxylic acids and their derivatives. Properties and reactivity. Organic nutrients. 

Unit 12. Organic chemistry: amines and heterocyclics. Properties and reactivity. Organic nutrients. 

Seminar 1. Previous practical work in the chemical laboratory (whole group). 

Seminar 2. Occupational risks session and laboratory work (whole group). 

Seminar 3. Practice: laboratory (small group). 

Seminar 4. Practice: laboratory (small group). 

Evaluation system

The evaluation system will be carried out according to the guidelines of the Academic Regulations for Undergraduate Teaching at Pompeu Fabra University. The results obtained for the student body will be expressed in numerical grades, in accordance with the scale provided for in Royal Decree 1125/2003, of September 5, for which the European system of credits and the system of qualifications in university degrees of an official nature and valid throughout the national territory:  

0,0 - 4,9: Suspension (SS) 

5,0 - 6,9: Approved (AP) 

7,0 - 8,9: Notable (NT) 

9,0 - 10: Excellent (SB) 

According to the Academic Regulations for degrees, there will only be one official call that will cover two different evaluation periods: 

1. Ordinary period, which takes place in an integrated way in the training process and during the teaching period. 

2. Extraordinary period, in which the student can be assessed again for tasks, activities or tests that have not been passed satisfactorily within the framework of the first period. 

ordinary period 

Evaluation of the face-to-face modality: 


Evaluation system 


Learning outcomes 


Final exam 





Oral, individual and/or group presentations 





Presentation of written memory of the laboratory work 




Evaluation of the virtual modality: 


Evaluation system 


Learning outcomes 


Examination through the E-Campus. 




Presentations of cases or practical exercises 




Extraordinary assessment period 

Requirements to pass the continuous assessment (AC):  

- Mandatory minimum achievement in the subject and seminars of 75%, absences due to illness or injury are included.  

- If the continuous assessment is not passed due to non-compliance with any of the necessary requirements described above, the student will fail the subject.  

Recovery: Within the same course, there is the possibility of recovering skills not achieved during the subject. In accordance with current regulations, in the evaluation activity of the exam, you can only choose to retake the subject, if it has been suspended. In the case of those who did not present, it will not be possible to opt for recovery. 

Assignments: All assignments must be submitted through the Virtual Classroom on the date indicated. No late work will be accepted. The seminars will be mandatory (75% minimum attendance. The average grade obtained in the continuous evaluation will be averaged with the grade of the final exam. To get an average, it will be necessary to have passed the final exam. The full or partial copy in any of the learning activities will mean a "Not Presented" in the subject, without the option to take the recovery test and without prejudice to the opening of a file for this reason. Therefore, plagiarism or the copy of someone else's work will be penalized according to the Regulations on the rights and duties of students of the University of Pompeu Fabra. The University will be informed and a serious offense will be placed on the file.  

To facilitate the appropriate citation of texts and materials it is necessary to consult the orientations and guidelines for academic citation available at the website of the Library



Belitz, HD; Grosch, W. (1998). Food chemistry (4th ed.). Acribia 

Chang, R.; Goldsby, K. A. (2013). Chemistry (11th ed.). McGraw-Hill. 

Petrucci, RH; Harwood, WS; Herring, FJ (2011). General Chemistry: Principles and modern applications (8th ed.). Prentice Hall. 


Reboiras, MD (2006). Chemistry: the basic science [Book]. Thomson-Paraninfo.