General information

Subject type: Mandatory

Coordinator: Jordi Sarola Gassiot

Trimester: Third term

Credits: 6

Teaching staff: 

Carles Fernández Jané
Guillem Pera Blanco 

Teaching languages

  • Catalan

Oral presentations in the classroom will be in Catalan.


Specific skills
  • RAE3- You will use statistics applied to Health Sciences, recognizing the psychological bases and the biopsychosocial factors that affect human behavior.

  • RAE35- You will use the basic ICT tools in the field of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics.

General competencies
  • RAG18- You will be able to develop epidemiological nutritional studies and intervention programs in food and nutrition in different areas such as clinical or sports.

  • RAG26- You will demonstrate having acquired the basic training for research activity, formulating hypotheses, collecting and interpreting information for problem solving following the method.


The subject of Research Methodology belongs to Module 1 of Basic Training of the Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics. 

It constitutes a second approach to research methods after the subject of Demography, Statistics and Epidemiology, and aims to deepen research methodology. 

In the study of this subject, the fundamental principles of the research report will be reviewed and the most relevant basic aspects will be summarized in the form of a sequence of steps prior to the implementation of the field phase. 

The different types of research, hypotheses, variables, research designs will be differentiated, along with criteria and sample types. It will describe the methodological process, the elaboration of the introduction, the objectives, the results, the discussion and the conclusions, for the construction of a research problem. 

We will learn the use of different software for research, both for literature review articles and for the development of research projects. 


Topic 1. Introduction to research. 

Topic 2. The research process. 

Topic 3. The research report: summary, introduction, objectives, methodology, results, discussion and conclusions. 

Topic 4. Search in databases, bibliographic review, gray literature. 

Topic 5. Indexes of scientific quality. 

Topic 6. Statistics. 

Seminars 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Evaluation system

The evaluation system will be carried out according to the guidelines of the Academic Regulations for Undergraduate Teaching at Pompeu Fabra University. The results obtained for the student body will be expressed in numerical grades, in accordance with the scale provided for in Royal Decree 1125/2003, of September 5, for which the European system of credits and the system of qualifications in university degrees of an official nature and valid throughout the national territory:  

0,0 - 4,9: Suspension (SS) 

5,0 - 6,9: Approved (AP) 

7,0 - 8,9: Notable (NT) 

9,0 - 10: Excellent (SB) 

According to the Academic Regulations for degrees, there will only be one official call that will cover two different evaluation periods: 

1. Ordinary period, which takes place in an integrated way in the training process and during the teaching period. 

2. Extraordinary period, in which the student can be assessed again for tasks, activities or tests that have not been passed satisfactorily within the framework of the first period. 

Ordinary evaluation period 

Evaluation of the face-to-face modality: 


Evaluation system 


Learning outcomes 


Final exam 


RAG18, RAG26, RAE3 



Final subject work. oral group 


RAG18, RAG26, RAE3 



Final subject work. written group 


RAG18, RAG26, RAE3 



Evaluation of the virtual modality: 


Evaluation system 


Learning outcomes 


Exams through the e-Campus 




Appropriate use of the virtual campus and ICT applied to the subject 




Assignments: All assignments must be submitted through the Virtual Classroom on the date indicated. No late work will be accepted. Total or partial copying in any of the learning activities will mean a "Not Presented" in the subject, without the option to take the make-up test and without prejudice to the opening of a file for this reason. Therefore, plagiarism or copying someone else's work will be penalized according to the Regulations on the rights and duties of Pompeu Fabra University students. The University will be informed and a serious offense will be placed on the file.  

To facilitate the appropriate citation of texts and materials it is necessary to consult the orientations and guidelines for academic citation available at the website of the Library

The final mark of the subject will be the weighted average of the evaluations EP1, EP2, EP3, EV1 and EV3. To be able to make this average you need: 

1. having obtained a grade of at least 4/10 in the final exam (EP1) 

2. and having obtained a grade of at least 4/10 in the subject's final work (average of EP2 and EP3), 

3. and having obtained a grade of at least 4/10 in the virtual assessment (average of EV1 and EV3),  

The student who meets the 3 previous requirements (who can make the average) and whose average is 5 or more out of 10 will pass the subject in the ordinary period. 

Extraordinary assessment period 

In the event that a student has not passed the subject in the ordinary period, he/she may take the make-up exam, as long as he/she has taken the ordinary final exam (EP1). In this case, the grade of the recovery exam will account for 40% of the final grade, averaging with the rest of the assessment activities, following the weighting described above. Exceptionally, you do not need to meet the requirements b), c) and d) above to make an average, but you do need to have a grade of at least 4/10 on the retake exam. 

If the student does not appear in the ordinary exam, he will not be able to take the make-up exam and will have the subject suspended. 

If the student takes the make-up exam but does not achieve a 4/10 on this exam, or the weighted average of all assessments does not reach a 4/10, the subject will be failed. 

Assessable activities EP2, EP3, EV1 and EV3 cannot be recovered. 



Argimon Pallàs JM, Jiménez Villa J. Clinical and Epidemiological Research Methods (5th ed.). Elsevier. Madrid, 2019. 

Reyes A. Search techniques and use of information. Ramón Areces University Publishing. Madrid 2013. 

Salamanca Castro, AB. The future of nursing research. FUDEN Publishing. Madrid, 2013. 


Fletcher RH, Fletcher SW, Fletcher GS. Clinical epidemiology (5th edition). Publisher Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. Wolkers Kluwer Health. Llobregat Hospital, 2016. 

Lluch G, Nicolás M. Academic writing: planning, documentation, writing, citing and models. UOC Publishing. Barcelona, ​​2015. 

Pierola G. Preventive medicine and public health (12th edition). Publisher Elsevier Masson. Barcelona, ​​2016.