Send an e-mail with the title "CreixPlus +" indicating the name of the company, the contact person, the telephone number and the e-mail.
What are you looking for?
From Tecnocampus, with the collaboration ofASSENTED, we offer you an accompaniment custom, with a senior tutor, who for 25 hours and of form practice, will help you consolidate or grow your business.
This program is fully subsidized and therefore will not cost you anything.
Commercial / sales.
Marketing / communication.
Economic / Financial.
Management Control.
Having established a company or being self-employed in Mataró or the Maresme with less than 5 years of experience.
Be committed to participating in the program by attending meetings with the tutor.
Send an e-mail with the title "CreixPlus +" indicating the name of the company, the contact person, the telephone number and the e-mail.