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"Steam TecnoCampus" brings together a series of initiatives and projects with the intention of promoting both technological vocations and technological empowerment. The aim of these initiatives is both current university students and students in training cycles and high school, to whom proposals for courses and other activities are sent.
Currently, the projects led by the Steam team are:
We are Hackathon
The #SomHachathon is a challenge, a creative and training event in which, during an intense weekend, you will have an entrepreneurial experience working with multidisciplinary teams.
Sign up!Install Party
It's a party around technology that brings together students, educational centers and companies to share technological projects. Activities are organized to enjoy technology: workshops, round tables, competitions, exhibitions and more.
Coming soon
The MotoStudent project, carried out in the 2022-2023 academic year, marked the starting point for these activities in which entrepreneurship, contact with the professional world and sports competition go hand in hand. The natural successor to this program has been Fórmula Student, from 2023-2024, a project that wants to have continuity.
Formula Student
Formula Student is a competition where university students from all over the world compete in the design, development, construction and driving of a single-seater vehicle, combining both engineering and business aspects.
AccessMotorcycle student
Moto Engineering Foundation and TechnoPark MotorLand promote the MotoStudent International Competition, a challenge between university student teams from around the world.
Entrepreneurship is one of the pillars of studies at the TecnoCampus, and with initiatives such as International Bootcamp in Germany it acquires an international character. We encourage participation in interdisciplinary initiatives that allow students to expand their knowledge and experiences.
International Bootcamp
It is a intensive and hands-on entrepreneurship program of one week intended for students from different universities internationally, which has a team of teachers...
The awards aimed at secondary school students encourage the recognition of excellence in end-of-cycle, research or end-of-degree work. Those in entrepreneurship (Creatic) have a long history, while those in Industry 4.0 are newly created in the 2023-2024 academic year.
Creatic awards for university entrepreneurship
AccessCreatic Awards for entrepreneurship in VET centres
AccessIndustry 4.0 awards
The TecnoCampus organizes the first edition of the Industry 4.0 Awards, intended to promote work related to the Industry 4.0 concept, both in the End-of-Cycle Projects of a higher degree and for Baccalaureate Research Projects.