Wifi service

The TecnoCampus has deployed new equipment to improve the quality and level of service of the WIFI access infrastructure. The investment carried out guarantees the highest levels of quality. Technologically, WIFI level 6 equipment is deployed, with guaranteed service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

As a student, you will have to connect to the Teaching network, which will have more security and become a network with user identification. That means it will take enter your eCampus username and password to access it for the first time. 

And remember that you also have the EDUROAM Network at your disposal. 

It is the global secure mobility service for the academic and research community with the motto "open your device and you're already connected". The service allows you to have Internet connectivity across campus and when you visit other participating institutions.

You can consult the instructions to connect to it here.

Parking service

The TecnoCampus car park has a capacity for 477 vehicles and an area of ​​13.900m2.


Hours and contact


The parking cards consist of an hourly card that is spot on charging with 180h or 90h.


Card prices for student hours are as follows:

90h subscription card: €25,40
180h subscription card: €41,50



To have the card, you have to pay €5 deposit which are refundable when the card is returned.

Location of the TecnoCampus:


You can also arrive with:

Public transport

Commuters (Renfe) R1 From Barcelona Frequency: 7 min

Empresa Casas E11.1 Direct from Barcelona (Pl. Tetuan – Rda. Universitat, 21) Frequency: 10 min

Empresa Casas C10 Stops in towns from Barcelona to Mataró

Sagalés (Bus del Vallès) Sabadell – Granollers – Mataró E13

Link with city buses

Station-TCM: Line 1
TCM – Station: Line 2

C-10 Stops in the towns from BCN to Mataró
Also from Llavaneres

Bus from the Vallès

Welcome to the TecnoCampus bar-restaurant! 



We invite you to enjoy traditional and healthy cuisine

The bar-restaurant is located in the TCM1 building. Throughout the day, you can enjoy the bar service, and at lunchtime, from Monday to Friday, the special lunch menu: homemade, healthy cuisine with a price for students of €8,30 which includes first course, second course, dessert , drink and coffee or infusions. You can contact them at 931 69 65 01.