ACA grants

Grants for university students from affiliated centers (ACA grants) are announced in January or February of each year, and can be applied for by students who are already enrolled in the current academic year. 

These grants are managed by the University and Research Grants Management Agency (AGAUR).

These grants aim to help cover part of the university tuition fees for students who are taking official undergraduate studies at the affiliated educational centres specified in the call, which includes TecnoCampus. 

They are compatible with the general scholarship from the Ministry of Education and Professional Training for the same academic year. 

This call is funded by the Directorate General of Universities (DGU) of the Department of Research and Universities and managed by the Agency for the Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR).

The call for ACA grants for the 2024/2025 academic year has been approved and you can consult it in the "Regulations and reference documentation" section of this same page. 

The amount of the grant will be established as a lump sum to help cover part of the university tuition costs of students who are taking official undergraduate studies at the affiliated centers specified in the call.

To establish the amounts of the grants, the prices set by the current Decree that sets the prices of academic services at Catalan public universities and the Open University of Catalonia are taken into account. For this reason, the amount of grants awarded may vary between different centers and studies.

The amount of aid you can obtain will depend on the calculation formula detailed in the regulations, and the number of grants awarded.

Students enrolled in official undergraduate university studies at one of the affiliated centers specified in the call, including TecnoCampus. Students must meet the academic and financial requirements detailed in the call.

Excluded from these grants are students undertaking or coming from the following studies/tracks:

  • Master's, postgraduate, specialization courses and own degrees recognized by universities.
  • Access route established for over 25, 40 and 45 years old.
  • University graduates (or other equivalent studies) or who meet the legal requirements for the issuance of a degree, bachelor's degree, engineering or architecture degree or other equivalent degrees.
  • Students who have passed all the subjects provided for in the corresponding study plan and for whom only the final thesis is pending, at the beginning of the course that foresees the call. 

You can check the requirements here link to the AGAUR website. 

Call for the 2024/2025 academic year: The application period will begin on February 13, 2025 and will end at 14:00 p.m. (Barcelona local time) on March 12, 2025.

The application must be submitted electronically, through the portal gencat procedures of the corporate headquarters of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

This procedure can only be done online and has a specific form which you must use. If you use the generic request by mistake, it will be considered that you have not submitted the form.

You only have to submit documentation in certain cases specified in the call (you will have to attach it to the application form). 

You can consult the information in this link to the AGAUR website. 


You can check the status of the procedure in the processing area of ​​the Generalitat de Catalunya:

  • Private area (with the Mobile idCAT or the valid digital certificate) if you are a natural person.
  • State of my management (with the procedure identifier that you will find on the receipt of the ACA aid application and with your DNI/NIF).

The maximum deadline for resolving applications is six months from the publication of the call in the DOGC.

The grant award decision is notified through its publication in Electronic board of the Administration of the Generalitat of Catalonia.

In order to spread it more widely, and for informational purposes, it is also communicated through the portal "gencat procedures" and on the AGAUR website. The concession resolution must indicate the resources that can be brought against it.

You will receive it directly to the account number you indicated in the application once the award resolution has been published and once the registration payment has been credited for a minimum amount equivalent to the grant.

You must be the owner/co-owner of this account.