Talent-UPF scholarships



The Talent-UPF scholarships aim to recognize and reward the effort and talent of students with excellent academic performance in their pre-university studies, regardless of their financial situation.

Convening entity

These scholarships are financed with the funds from the agreement signed between the TecnoCampus and the UPF.

Status of the call

The call for scholarships for the 2025/2026 academic year is pending approval.

How many scholarships are offered and of what amount?

The budget agreed in the agreement between TecnoCampus and the UPF will be divided into 19 grants, one for each degree or double degree taught at TecnoCampus, to be deducted from the 1st year tuition fees. 

Who can be a beneficiary?

The beneficiaries of the aid will be the people with the best admission mark coming from the Baccalaureate or CFGS routes in the June university pre-registration and who meet the following requirements:

  • Have an admission grade equal to or higher than 10.
  • Having chosen to study at TecnoCampus in first preference (first assignment). Students who have been assigned to TecnoCampus studies between 2nd and 8th preference and have converted it to 1st preference through the "Final assignment" procedure are excluded.
  • Enroll for the first time in TecnoCampus for the first full year of undergraduate university studies. For these purposes, recognized credits are also calculated.
  • Students who are affected by a degree of disability equal to or greater than 65% may reduce the teaching load required to meet the enrollment requirement to a maximum of 50%.
  • Be under 22 years old on the start date of the academic year.

Persons who are already in possession of an official university degree or who meet the legal requirements for obtaining it are excluded from the call. 

How scholarships are awarded

The procedure for granting these grants is carried out ex officio by the Academic Management services of the TecnoCampus Foundation. 

The grants are awarded in strict order according to the admission grade obtained in each of the degrees or double degrees.

When will you know if you have been awarded the scholarship?

The call will be resolved in mid-October.


In this section you can consult the scholarship award resolution.

Regulations and reference documentation

This section will be updated shortly, once the call for scholarships for the 2025/2026 academic year is approved.