From Tecnocampus, we bring you seven pills of innovation in order to present you with innovative solutions that respond to seven current challenges of the care economy. 

Access the pills, after the brief contextualization that you will find below, and learn about the existing innovation in this area, how it develops and how this is a fundamental tool to respond to these challenges.


What is the Care Economy?

The care economy is the model, based on the "Caring human being" paradigm, which includes the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of services, activities and practices necessary for the existence and reproduction of people. It includes both paid professional services, ranging from medical care and education to social assistance, as well as unpaid work such as household and unrecognized care work. 

This approach recognizes and values ​​the economic importance of care activities, seeks to balance responsibilities between genders, and advocates policies that recognize and equitably redistribute these tasks. In short, care economics focuses on understanding, measuring and valuing the economic contributions of care work in its various forms.

What areas does the care economy include?

In the care economy, several areas can be identified that play a key role in the provision of care and well-being services. 

The interdisciplinary collaboration between these professionals is essential to comprehensively address people's care needs. 

Some of these areas are:

Health care

It includes medical and therapeutic services aimed at maintaining or improving people's health

Socio-health care

It encompasses services that integrate health and social care, addressing medical and social needs in a coordinated and holistic manner.

Other care services for people

it includes transversal activities aimed at meeting the individual needs of people, such as physical sports activities, leisure activities or home care services.


It encompasses education and training covering all stages of life as well as its educational and emotional aspects.

Innovation and development

It includes the creation of new solutions, technologies and approaches that improve efficiency and quality in the provision of care services.

Support for entrepreneurship and companies

It involves the promotion and assistance of entrepreneurial initiatives and companies that develop innovative and sustainable solutions in the field of care.

Public administration

it includes the management and coordination of policies, programs and public services related to the care and well-being of people.

How does innovation help in the field of the care economy?

Innovation plays a fundamental role in boosting the care economy, by introducing improvements and efficiencies in various aspects. 

Some examples of how innovation can benefit the care economy are:

  • Development of new services and solutions

    Identification and creation of new services and solutions to address gaps in care and attention. This diversifies the offer and improves comprehensive care. 

  • Optimization of processes

    Improvement of services intended for the care of people. Doing so reduces costs, allocates resources more effectively, and improves the quality of care. 

  • Customization and accessibility

    Introduction of more personalized and user-centered services. This leads to a better quality of life for those receiving care as well as greater satisfaction and adaptability to individual needs. 

  • Interdisciplinary collaboration

    Fostering collaboration between disciplines and professionals in care. This allows for a more comprehensive approach, improves coordination and provides more cohesive care. 

  • Competence improvement

    Improvement of the skills and competences of care staff through the knowledge and adoption of new methods and tools aimed at care. It results in higher quality care and adaptability. 

  • Continuous assessment and feedback

    Implementation of data collection and analysis systems. This approach allows for continuous improvements, adapting to changes in needs and guaranteeing high quality care. 

Access our innovation pills

Access training pills on how to innovate in the field of the care economy

Autonomy and quality of life

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Active and healthy aging


Integrated care

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Deinstitutionalization of care


Unwanted loneliness


Personalization and access to technology


New housing models


Other areas and opportunities for improvement:

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