Consult all the grants and funding lines, state and European, that you can choose to start and/or grow your company.

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Research, investigation or innovation project
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Company creation Initial investment
Recruitment of staff
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What is it?

To help repair the economic and social damage caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the European Commission, the European Parliament and EU leaders have agreed on a recovery plan that will lead the way out of the crisis and lay the groundwork for a modern and more sustainable Europe.

The Recovery Plan for Europe (NGEU) for high-impact projects towards a greener, digital and resilient economy related to the digitalisation of people, the productive fabric, technological infrastructures or the reform of the Public Administration is endowed with 750.000 billion euros to finance transformation projects.

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Object : promote the carrying out of industrial research projects, experimental development or prior feasibility studies in companies, state-level technology centres, state-level technological innovation support centres, business associations and scientific and technological parks, for which the employment of people with a doctorate degree is necessary. This is with the aim of promoting the professional career of research staff, as well as stimulating demand in the private sector for personnel sufficiently prepared to carry out R&D plans and projects, and helping to consolidate recently created technological companies.

Organisation: Ministry of Science and Innovation

Main characteristics of the call:

 - Subsidies of 25% to 70% of the annual salary cost for 3 years.

 - Maximum eligible annual contracting cost of €56.000.

 - The contract must be awarded after February 13, 2024 and before 20 days after the concession resolution.

 - Formalize an indefinite and full-time contract.

Terms : January 28, 2025.

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Industrial Doctorates

Object: Training of doctors in companies and other entities in the socio-economic environment (private non-profit entities and public administrations that can develop an R&D project aimed at knowledge transfer), through the co-financing of the employment contracts of research personnel in training who participate in an industrial research or experimental development project in which their doctoral thesis will be framed. The objective is to promote the employment of researchers in these entities from the beginning of their professional careers, contribute to their employability and promote the incorporation of talent into the productive and socio-economic fabric to increase its competitiveness.

The project can be executed entirely in the company or in collaboration between the company and another entity, public or private.

 - Industrial research projects

 - Experimental development projects

Organisation: Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities

Amount and Conditions: The subsidy is for the cost of the recruitment and the percentage depends on the size of the company. Fundable concepts


Contract financing (gross salary + social security).


Maximum financing cost: €32.800/year.

Minimum salary: €24.300 gross/year.

Mobility: carrying out R&D stays (accommodation, food and travel expenses).

Stays may be carried out in other public or private R&D entities, including foreign or Spanish companies.

The stay cannot be carried out at the university where you are enrolled in the doctoral program or, in the case of collaborative projects, at the entity with which you collaborate.

Each stay must last a minimum of 30 calendar days.

Other project execution costs:

Doctoral tuition fees.

Terms: March 6, 2025 at 14:00 p.m.

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ICO-Next Tech Fund

Object: It will encourage the development of high-impact digital projects and investment in growing companies through the strengthening of public financing instruments, the attraction of international funds and the empowerment of venture capital.


Amount and conditions:

The fund will invest mainly in funds and companies for the development of digital projects such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, cloud computing or green algorithms.

Who is it for?

  • Scale-ups: Growing companies, minimum ticket over 3 million euros.
  • Start-ups: Investments of less than 1 million euros.

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PID - CDTI project grants

Object: Aid to companies (small, medium or large) with industrial research projects or experimental development for the creation and significant improvement of a production process, product or service. Theme: Free. Bottom-up approach.

Amount and conditions:

  • Project duration: 1-3 years.
  • Budget: Minimum € 175K.
  • LOAN of up to 85% of the budget. (Interest: 1-year Euribor, grace period between 2 and 3 years, repayment: 10 years).
  • SUBSIDY, between 20 and 33%.

Terms: Call open all year.

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Innovation Hotline - CDTI

Object: Support for companies with applied technological innovation projects, very close to the market, with medium / low technological risk and short periods of return on investment, which manage to improve competitiveness.

Amount and conditions:

  • Fixed interest rate with two options depending on the chosen repayment period:
    • Amortization in 4 years and one grace period: Euribor in one year +0,75%.
    • Amortization in 6 years and one grace period: Euribor in one year +1,5%.
  • Help up to 75% of the approved budget.
  • 4% Non-refundable tranche (calculated on a maximum of 75% financial coverage).
  • Minimum project budget: €175.000.

Terms: Call open all year.

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Object: Funding of large industrial research projects developed in effective collaboration by business groups and aimed at carrying out planned research in strategic areas of the future and with potential international projection.

Amount and conditions:

Consortium made up of business groups with the following characteristics:

  • Minimum 3 companies - Maximum 8 companies.
  • Minimum 2 independent companies.
  • Minimum 1 SME.
  • Coordinator: must be a medium or large company.

Minimum participation of research organizations: 15% of the budget. At least 1 of the subcontracted research bodies must be publicly owned.

Deadline: Open all year.

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Enisa Young entrepreneurs

Object: Provide the necessary financial resources to newly formed SMEs (and startups) created by young people to address the investments needed by the business project in its initial phase. The business model must be innovative, new or with clear competitive advantages.

Amount and conditions: Loans of between € 25.000 and € 75.000, without guarantees.

  • Innovative business projects driven by young people up to 40 years old.
  • The interest rate will be applied in two installments: First installment: Euribor + 2% or euribor + 4,25%, according to the rating of the operation. Second tranche: variable interest depending on the financial profitability of the company, with a maximum limit set between 3% and 8%, in accordance with the qualification (rating) of the operation.
  • Opening commission: 0,5%.
  • Maturity: maximum, 7 years.
  • Lack of principal: maximum, 5 years.

Terms: Open all year.

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Enisa Entrepreneurs

Object: Provide the necessary financial resources to newly formed SMEs (and startups) created by entrepreneurs, with no age limit, to address the investments needed by the business project in its initial phase. The business model must be innovative, new or with clear competitive advantages.

Amount and conditions: Loans of between € 25.000 and € 300.000, without guarantees.

  • No age limit.
  • The interest rate will be applied in two installments: - First tranche: Euribor + 2% or Euribor + 4,25%, according to the rating of the operation. - Second tranche: variable interest depending on the financial profitability of your company, with a maximum limit set between 3% and 8%, according to the rating of the operation.
  • Opening commission: 0,5%.
  • Maturity: maximum, 7 years.
  • Lack of principal: maximum, 5 years.

Terms: Open all year.

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Enisa Growth

Object: Finance business projects based on a viable and profitable business model when your company is in one of the following stages:

  • Looking for a competitive improvement or a change of model of the productive systems.
  • Expand production capacity, either by acquiring new technology, or by increasing the range of products / services or diversifying markets.
  • Looking for capitalization or debt in regulated markets.
  • Considering financing a business project through corporate operations.

Amount and conditions: Loans of between € 25.000 and € 1,5 million, without guarantees.

  • First tranche: Euribor + 2% or Euribor + 4,25%, according to the rating of the operation. Second tranche: we apply a variable interest depending on the financial profitability of your company, with a limit maximum established between 3% and 8%, according to the rating of the operation.
  • Opening commission: 0,5%.
  • Maturity: maximum, 9 years.
  • Lack of principal: maximum, 7 years.

Terms: Open all year.

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Cervera Transfer Projects

Object: To finance individual R&D projects developed by companies that collaborate with State-level Technology Centers in Cervera priority technologies.

Amount and conditions:

  • Loan up to 90% of the investment.
  • Subsidy of 24,75% of the loan.
  • Amortizable in 10 or 15 years.
  • 1-year Euribor interest rate.
  • Advance of 35% of the aid with a limit of 250000 €, without the requirement of additional guarantees. 
  • Execution period: Between 12 and 36 months.

Deadline: Open all year.

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Horizon Europe #HorizonEU

Presentation of the EU investment and innovation program (2021-2027)

Service of the Generalitat de Catalunya for advice on Horizon EU

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Horizon EU Calls:

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Partner Finder:  

Are you looking for partners for your project? 

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See also the section on funded R & D & I grants Next Generation of the European Union.


EUREKA: International network to improve the competitiveness of companies through the development of R&D projects with an orientation to international markets and based on innovative technologies:

  • EUROSTARS: Non-refundable financial support program for innovative SMEs to develop international and collaborative R&D projects. 
  • GLOBALSTARS: Program of financial support to innovative SMEs to develop R&D projects with specific countries that cannot qualify for EUROSTARS.
  • EUREKA CLUSTERS: Grants to develop collaborative R&D projects on an international scale with a sectorial approach and managed from the business environment.

See calls 

IBEROEKA: Support for R & D projects in Latin America framed in the Iberoamerican Program of Science and Technology for Development (CyTED) initiative. The countries that are part of CyTED are: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Spain, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela.

PRIMA: Initiative in research and innovation in the Mediterranean area has 19 countries and organizes calls funded by the PRIMA Foundation in different lines related to agriculture, food, water management in agricultural environments and sustainability .


International Technological Cooperation to develop R&D projects through agreements between the CDTI and counterpart agencies in the following countries: Algeria, Jordan, Morocco, Brazil, Korea, Cuba, Japan, China, Egypt, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Thailand and Russia .


International Technological Cooperation to develop R&D projects with unilateral monitoring by CDTI with any of the following countries: Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Cape Verde Islands, Cambodia, Qatar, Chile, China , Colombia, South Korea, Ivory Coast, Costa Rica, Cuba, UAE, USA, Ecuador, Egypt, Philippines, Ghana, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Sri Lanka, Laos, Lebanon, Malaysia , Morocco, Mauritania, Myanmar, Mexico, Peru, Dominican Republic, Oman, Russia, Senegal, Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Tunisia, Uruguay and Vietnam.

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ACCIÓ has a partner search and project structuring service with the support of ACCIO's field offices, the Enterprise EuropeNetwork (EEN) network and the new Opportunity Dissemination Platform: Catalonia Open Challenge.

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Public Procurement of Innovation is an administrative action to promote innovation, aimed at promoting the development of innovative solutions from demand, through the instrument of public procurement.

If you are an innovative company that can bring new solutions to the market and you want to apply for open public tenders, ask for more information! Action helps you find the tenders where you can have more opportunities, we will advise you in the presentation of the proposal and we will facilitate the search for partners to carry it out.



Object: The Digital Kit is an initiative of, a body attached to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, and aims to subsidize the implementation of digital solutions available on the market to achieve significant progress in the level of digital maturity.

The digital solutions provided by the Digital Kit are aimed at the needs of small and medium-sized companies, micro-companies and self-employed workers, belonging to any sector or type of business.

Amount and conditions:

The process to follow to receive aid under the Kit Digital program is as follows:

  • To request the digital voucher you must register on the website and complete the self-diagnostic test of the company's digitization level.
  • Once the call period has opened, you will need to request the digital voucher at the electronic headquarters, access the catalog of digitizing agents and decide with whom you want to develop the digital solution.
  • Get in touch with the digitizing agent in question and sign the Digital Solutions Provision Agreement. With the formalization of this Agreement, the right to collect the aid is transferred to the digitizing agent in payment for the services provided. The maximum term for the formalization of this Agreement is 6 months from the notification of the decision to grant the aid.
  • Once the agreement has been formalized, the Agent must provide the digitization solution. This provision will be made in two phases:
    • A first phase that will last a maximum of 3 months from the validation of the Agreement. In this phase the Digitizer Agent must install or develop the solution and the beneficiary must pay the invoice issued by the Digitizer Agent.
    • A second phase that has a fixed duration of 12 months from the issuance of the invoice in the previous phase. During these 12 months, the Digitizing Agent must continue to provide all the services required by the contracted solution or solutions.
  • Payment of the digital voucher as such will be made to the Digitizing Agents once they have justified each of the two phases of execution.

If you want to be part of the Digital Kit as providers of digital solutions, you can apply for registration as a Digitizing Agent.


They may be beneficiaries of these grants, as long as their tax domicile is located in Spanish territory:

  • Small and medium-sized companies, micro-companies and freelancers (not companies or collaborators)
  • Communities of property, civil societies with a commercial purpose, professional civil societies and agricultural holdings of shared ownership that carry out an economic activity.

Five different beneficiary segments are established:

  • Segment I: Small companies with between 10 and 49 workers.
  • Segment II: Small companies or micro-companies with between 3 and less than 10 workers.
  • Segment III: Small companies or micro-companies with between 0 and less than 3 workers.
  • Segment IV: Medium-sized companies with between 50 and 100 employees (including companies with less than 50 employees but which are considered medium-sized companies by having an annual turnover and annual balance sheet of 10 million euros).
  • Segment V: Medium companies with between 100 and less than 250 workers.

Eligible actions

The costs incurred by the beneficiary for the adoption of digitization solutions that correspond to one of the following categories will be subsidized:

  • Website and Internet presence (exclusive for segments I, II and III).
  • Electronic commerce
  • Management of social networks.
  • Customer management.
  • Business Intelligence and analytics.
  • Virtual office services.
  • Process management.
  • Electronic invoice.
  • Secure communications.
  • cyber security 
  • Advanced internet presence (except for segment I).
  • Marketplace (exclusive for segments I, II and III).
  • Managed Cybersecurity Service (exclusive for segments IV and V).
  • Customer management with associated AI (exclusive for segments IV and V).
  • Business Intelligence and analytics and associated AI (exclusive for segments IV and V).
  • Process management with associated AI (exclusive for segments IV and V).
  • Secure workplace (exclusive to segment III): May include the purchase of a computer that has an integrated license and encryption at rest that ensures the privacy of data and documents stored on the device. 

The aid may also be subject to the replacement of some of the digitization solutions previously adopted by the beneficiary as long as the solution to be replaced does not meet any of the requirements required for each category of solution (the requirements are specified in Annex IV of the Regulatory Bases).


The amount of the aid, called "digital voucher", will be:

  • €12.000 for companies in Segment I.
  • €6.000 for companies in Segment II.
  • €3.000 for companies in Segment III.
  • €25.000 for companies in Segment IV.
  • €29.000 for companies in Segment V.

Beneficiaries (companies) will be able to formalize an Agreement with Digitizing Agents only for one digitization solution for each Digitization Solution Category. The maximum aid amounts for each Category depend on the segment in which the company is included and range from 125 to 29.000 euros.

Open calls:

 - Segment III: between 0 and 3 workers. Deadline: 31/10/2025

 - Segment IV – between 50 and less than 100 workers: Deadline June 30, 2025

 - Segment V – between 100 and less than 250 workers: Deadline: June 30, 2025

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Object: To support and promote, through funding, female digital entrepreneurship projects and reduce the gender gap in this area.

Body: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, MINECO-ENISA.

Amount and conditions:

Loans are intended for emerging companies or those in the growth, consolidation or internationalization phase in which one or more women hold a relevant position of leadership or power within the company: in the shareholders, in the board of directors or who are part of the management team.


  • Minimum loan amount: €25.000.
  • Maximum loan amount: €1.500.000.
  • Maturity: maximum 9 years.
  • Lack of principal: maximum 7 years.


  • Co-financing of the financial needs associated with the business project.
  • The company's own funds will be equivalent, at least, to the amount of the loan.
  • The company applying for an ENISA loan must show a balanced financial structure and professionalism in management.
  • The company that receives an ENISA loan, for an amount greater than €300.000, must have its financial statements for the last financial year externally audited.

More information

Other European funding opportunities in the digital field: Here





Tax rebates for opening an activity for unemployed people

Object: Aid for the promotion of economic activity in Mataró

Body: City of Mataró

Amount and conditions: Bonus of 60% of the fee for environmental licenses and prior communications, and for controls after the start of the activity, for people who are unemployed, or a bonus of 75% for people unemployed under the age of 30.

Who can ask for it? People who start an activity in Mataró and who are sole proprietors or constitute a private civil society or community of property.

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Allowances for Social Security contributions for the self-employed

Object: Encourage the creation of businesses with the bonus to Social Security contributions for the self-employed.

Amount and conditions:

During the period 2023-2025, people who cause initial discharge in Self-employed regime they can request the application of one reduced fee (flat rate) of 80 euros per month during the first 12 months of activity. The request will be made at the time of registration.

They can benefit from these conditions independent people who have not been registered in the two years immediately preceding the default date of the new registration, or three years, in the event of having previously enjoyed this deduction.

After these first twelve months, a reduced fee can also be applied during the following twelve months, to self-employed workers that anticipate that their annual net economic returns will be lower than the minimum annual interprofessional salary that corresponds to this period and thus request it from the service that will be enabled at Importass.

In addition, self-employed people with a disability equal to or greater than 33%, victim of gender violence or victim of terrorism, they can request the application, at the time of registration, of a reduced fee of 80 euros during the first 24 months.

Likewise, at the end of this period, if its expected net return is equal to or lower than Interprofessional Minimum Wage, they will be able to request, through the service that will be enabled in Importass, the application of this reduced fee during the following 36 months, for an amount of 160 euros.

All requests for extension must be accompanied by a relative statement that the net returns expected to be obtained will be less than the current professional minimum wage.

The reductions in the contributions provided for in the previous paragraphs are not applicable to relatives of self-employed workers by consanguinity or affinity up to the second degree inclusively and, where applicable, by adoption, who join the Special Regime of the Social Security of Self-Employed Workers or self-employed.

Self-employed workers who enjoy these benefits may at any time expressly renounce their application with effect from the first day of the month following the communication of the corresponding resignation. This request can also be made through the service that will be enabled in Importass.

Self-employed workers who on December 31, 2022 were beneficiaries of the old flat rate will continue to enjoy it, until the maximum period established expires, under the same conditions.

Deadline: The whole year.

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EIC ACCESS+ call for startups and deep technology SMEs

Object: The EIC ACCESS+ project aims to address specific challenges that deep technology innovators often face when bringing their innovative solutions to market. These challenges, such as access to infrastructure, talent and funding, can often prevent promising innovations from reaching their full potential. The EIC directly addresses these obstacles by providing financial support that allows beneficiaries to access the specialized services listed in the EIC service catalogue. This platform brings together the services of the organizations that support EIC innovators under the EIC Ecosystem Partnership Programme.

Body: European Innovation Council (EIC)

Amount and conditions: The call offers grants of up to €60.000, covering up to 50% of costs, to access specialist services from the EIC service catalogue for start-ups and deep-tech SMEs that have received EIC awards or the prestigious Horizon Europe Seal of Excellence. Companies can use the funds to access vital resources to accelerate their growth and scale their innovations.

Applicants can choose from four service packages that provide specific support: 

 - Research package (up to €60.000): access to infrastructure, R&D support, prototyping and proof of concept. 

 - Business acceleration package (up to €30.000): services such as business planning, matchmaking, internationalization and business creation. 

 - Skills improvement package (up to €10.000): tutoring, mentoring and talent management. 

 - Fund Access Package (up to €30.000): assistance with fundraising, intellectual property and legal services, and due diligence. 

Grants cover up to 50% of the service costs (excluding VAT), with a maximum cumulative grant amount of €60.000 per applicant. This flexible approach allows applicants to access one or more services based on their specific needs. 


Who can submit their application? 

The open call is open to EIC laureates (from the EIC Pathfinder, Transition and Accelerator programmes) and to Seal of Excellence holders (Horizon Europe programme). EIC laureates from EU or associated countries are encouraged to apply for this support. Applicants must be deep-tech start-ups that combine cutting-edge solutions in science, technology or engineering. 

Deadline: 31/05/2026

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Object: The in-kind aid of the "Startup Acceleration Program" consists of an individualized advisory service to promote the development and growth of startups and innovative projects with the aim of scaling their activity and business model.

Body: EOI

Conditions: The counseling will consist of three phases: (i) training program; (ii) acceleration program; and (iii) connection with the business fabric and networking. The estimated duration of the program is 5 months. The content of the Acceleration Plan resulting from these phases is detailed in Annex I of the aforementioned Basic Order.

Interested startups and innovative entrepreneurs can choose between the regional and sectoral modalities of the program:

  • "Startup Acceleration Programs - Regional": they will be developed in each autonomous community, with a territorial focus, targeting startups and innovative entrepreneurs from any sector located in it. The service subject to the aid of each regional program will be adapted to the priorities and needs of the territory, the entrepreneurs and the business fabric.
  • "Startup Acceleration Programs - Sectoral": they will be developed in each of the ten tractor sectors highlighted by the Spain Entrepreneurial Nation Strategy, EENE (industry, cultural, musical or audiovisual industries, mobility, health, construction and materials, energy and transition ecological, banking and finance, digital and telecommunications, agri-food and biotechnology). Each sectoral program is aimed at startups and innovative entrepreneurs from all over the national territory who develop or are going to develop their activity in this area. The service subject to aid will be adapted to the priorities and needs of each sector.

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Object: To support and promote, through funding, female digital entrepreneurship projects and reduce the gender gap in this area.

Body: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, MINECONISA

Amount and conditions:

Loans are intended for emerging companies or those in the growth, consolidation or internationalization phase in which one or more women hold a relevant position of leadership or power within the company: in the shareholders, in the board of directors or who are part of the management team.


  • Minimum loan amount: €25.000.
  • Maximum loan amount: €1.500.000.
  • Maturity: maximum 9 years.
  • Lack of principal: maximum 7 years.


  • Co-financing of the financial needs associated with the business project.
  • The company's own funds will be equivalent, at least, to the amount of the loan.
  • The company applying for an ENISA loan must show a balanced financial structure and professionalism in management.
  • The company that receives an ENISA loan, for an amount greater than €300.000, must have its financial statements for the last financial year externally audited.

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Program 30 Plus

Object: aid to facilitate job insertion for people over 30 years of age, in a situation of unemployment, difficulties in accessing the labor market and with the obligation to carry out training to improve their skills related to the position to be filled.

Organisation: Mataró Employment Service-Mataró City Council

Amount and conditions: 

- Subsidized work contract with a minimum duration of 6 months and a working week of at least 20 hours.

- Free training of the hired person in technical skills (between 20 and 100h) linked to the workplace and according to professional profile.

- Subsidy corresponding to the Interprofessional Minimum Wage of €1.323,00 full-time for a period of between 6 and 9 months. The subsidy will be proportional to the day and the time worked. 

Characteristics of the participants

- It is aimed at people aged 30 and over, belonging to one of the following groups:

- Unemployed workers over the age of 45.

- Long-term unemployed (360 days unemployed in the last 18 months) 

- They must be unemployed and registered with the SOC Employment Office as unemployed jobseekers (DONO) prior to joining the 30 Plus Program. 

- Candidates must reside in one of the following towns: Arenys de Mar, Arenys de Munt, Argentona, Cabrera de Mar, Cabrils, Caldes d'Estrac, Calella, Canet de Mar, Dosrius, Mataró, Òrrius, Pineda de Mar , Premià de Dalt, Premià de Mar, Sant Andreu de Llavaneres, Sant Cebrià de Vallalta, Sant Iscle de Vallalta, Sant Pol de Mar, Sant Vicenç de Montalt, Teià, Vilassar de Dalt and Vilassar de Mar. 

- People with whom a working relationship has been maintained during the last 3 years, or those with whom there is a family bond, cannot be hired.

Deadline to start contracts: April 1, 2025

Més informació



Subsidies for projects to promote the circular economy.

Object: contribute to the efficient use of resources and promote the development of a circular and low-carbon economy.

Body: Generalitat Catalonia

Amount and conditions: 

This line of subsidies aims to promote projects to accelerate the transition towards a circular economy in Catalonia, by improving efficiency in the use of material resources and decoupling global economic development from resource consumption. The definition of circular economy is included in Annex 2 of the call for proposals.

The subsidies regulated in these bases may be applied to projects in classes A, B or C relating to material resources and waste other than water, energy and atmospheric emissions, which are defined below:

 - Class A. Projects for the implementation of new products or services in the market.

 - Class B. Projects for obtaining and testing prototypes or demonstration projects for new products or services.

 - Class C. Sectoral and territorial studies of industrial symbiosis for private business associations or trade unions.

The following beneficiary companies may apply for the subsidies regulated by these rules, provided that they have at least one operational establishment located in Catalonia, that the main action or actions that are the subject of the call are carried out in Catalonia, and that the subsidized project benefits the aforementioned establishment or the territorial area of ​​Catalonia:

Class A or B projects: private companies and groups of private companies.

Class C projects: business organizations whose purpose is to represent the interests of a business sector or a territorial area, provided that they are private in nature and have their own legal personality, or unions.

The amount of the grant is a maximum of 75% of the expenses covered by the grant for microenterprises, SMEs and technology centres and universities, or 50% if the beneficiary company is not a microenterprise or SME. The amount is a maximum of 90.000 euros per project in the case of class A projects, 60.000 euros per project in the case of class B projects, and 30.000 euros per project in the case of class C projects.

Deadline: From 04/02/2025 to 04/03/2025 14:00 p.m.

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Aid for the reindustrialization and maintenance of industrial activity in difficulty in Catalonia

Object: to support reindustrialization projects and the maintenance of industrial activity in difficulty in Catalonia. Specifically, each subsidy is intended for:

 - Subsidize reindustrialization projects that contribute to restarting or continuing the activity of production centers that are subject to closure or relocation.

 - Subsidize the maintenance of industrial activities in difficulty.


Body: Generalitat Catalonia

Amount and conditions:

 - Industrial companies with CCAE 10, 11, 13 – 32, 38.

 - Have operational headquarters in Catalonia or be newly established.

 - Reindustrialization projects that contribute to restarting or continuing the activity of production centers subject to closure or relocation: GRANT of up to €2.250.000

 - Maintenance of industrial activity in difficult situations: SUBSIDY of up to €350.000

Deadline: October 1, 2025.

More information 



Object; The Activa Indústria 4.0 Program offers you a comprehensive diagnosis and analysis of the initial digital situation of your company and the preparation of a Transformation Plan that includes the definition, quantification and prioritization of personalized digitization opportunities so that you can develop and implement

Amount and conditions: In addition, you will have at least 50 hours of advice (face-to-face and/or online) from a specialist consultant; as well as workshops and presentation of the technologies that will help you define the implementation process of the actions included in your Digital Transformation Plan. Rated at  €7.400. From the hand of specialized consulting companies.

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Object: specialized and personalized advisory program, carried out by accredited consultants with experience in the implementation of industrial growth projects, which is carried out using the methodology developed by the General Secretariat of Industry and SMEs.

Organisation : Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism

Amount and conditions:

This program allows companies to have a situation diagnosis and a Growth Plan focused on one of the six areas of potential growth of the company: innovation, human resources, operations, digitization, marketing and commercialization and finance.

Time limit : Until funds are exhausted


Industrial Entrepreneurship Support Program for SMEs

Object: Ppromote entrepreneurship, the growth of industrial establishments and improve their industrial competitiveness.

Body: Spanish Refining Company - General Secretariat of Industry and PYME

Amount and conditions:

For SMEs with the following Economic Activities:

  • Industrial Companies: C10 to C32.
  • Valuation Activities: E38.x
  • Complementary activities to industrial production: N8292, H5210, C33 to c36.

Interest and commissions on loans granted with SGRs are subsidized.

  • Loans of a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 10 years.
  • The amount of the guarantee granted by the SGR may not exceed € 1,5 million for growth operations and € 750k for entrepreneurial operations.
  • The max bonus it will be €200k (minimum aid).

The grace period of the operations can be of maximum 3 years.

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New Productive Industrial Investment Support Fund (FAIIP)

Object: The Productive Industrial Investment Support Fund (FAIIP) is set up to provide returnable financial support to promote industrial investments that contribute to promoting industrial development, strengthening industrial competitiveness and maintaining the territory's industrial capacity.

Body: Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism.

Amount and conditions:

a) Financing of up to 75% of the budget.

b) Collect investments made from July 1, 2020 and up to 2 years after formalization.

c) Minimum budget of €200.000

d) Type of financing:

  1. Ordinary 10-year loans with up to 3 years grace period. Interest rate between 1,5% and 4,5%.
  2. Participatory loans for 10 years with up to 3 years grace period. Fixed and variable interest rate linked to parameters of activity evolution.
  3. Participation in the Capital.

e) A 10% guarantee must be presented in the case of loans.

Deadline: Applications may be submitted until funds are exhausted.

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Grants from the Incentive Program linked to self-supply and storage of renewable energy sources and the implementation of renewable thermal systems.

Object: Promote the deployment of renewable energies, both thermal and electric, in the different consumer sectors, encourage greater control of consumption through the development of storage systems behind the meter and the boost to industry and the associated business sector.

Body: Generalitat Catalonia-ICAEN.

Amount and conditions:

Different programs open:

  • Incentive program 1: Construction of self-consumption installations, with renewable energy sources (photovoltaic or wind), in the service sector, with or without storage.
  • Incentive program 2: Construction of self-consumption installations, with renewable energy sources (photovoltaic or wind), in other productive sectors of the economy, with or without storage.
  • Incentive program 3: Incorporation of storage in self-consumption facilities, with renewable energy sources, already existing in the service sector and other productive sectors.
  • Incentive program 4: Construction of self-consumption installations, with renewable energy sources, in the residential sector, public administrations and the third sector, with or without storage.
  • Incentive program 5: Incorporation of storage in self-consumption facilities, with renewable energy sources, already existing in the residential sector, public administrations and the third sector.
  • Incentive program 6: Realization of thermal renewable energy installations in the residential sector. It includes solar thermal, biomass, geothermal, hydrothermal or aerothermal technologies (except air-air technologies) for air conditioning and/or domestic hot water.

Deadline: Consult according to the program.

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Call for innovative projects in the Catalan meetings and events tourism sector towards sustainability

Object: Transforming the meetings and events tourism sector in Europe towards a more sustainable, inclusive and resilient model, the ACT has published Resolution EMT/4426/2024, of December 4, for the award of grants to promote innovative projects in the meetings and events tourism sector with the aim of selecting small and medium-sized enterprises that will receive financial support within the framework of the BEFuture acceleration program, co-financed by the European Union under the Single Market Programme.

Amount and conditions:

Small and medium-sized companies with headquarters in Catalonia can be beneficiaries of the subsidies. 

Groups of a maximum of four entities may also be beneficiaries, in which: 

 - The entities are all SMEs, with headquarters in Catalonia or 

 - The entities include at least one SME, with headquarters in Catalonia, and at least one public, private or non-profit entity, which are instrumental in carrying out the project. 

Amount: The amount of the subsidy is a maximum of 30.000 euros per project. The innovative projects submitted must have a minimum budget of 20.000 euros. 

Terms: February 5, 2025

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Catering and Trade Financing (ICF AVALIS)

The recipients of the loans are self-employed people and micro-enterprises in the restaurant and small business sector whose activity has been affected as a result of the measures implemented due to the Covid-19. The loan line, initially endowed with 20 million euros, has the guarantee of 100% of Avalis de Catalunya.

The amount of the loans has been set at 15.000 euros plus the risk and mutuality expenses inherent in Avalis de Catalunya. Recipients will be able to apply for five-year credits with a grace period included in the term.

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 ICO MRR Line Companies and Entrepreneurs 

Loan conditions: 

  • Up to 100% of the investment project can be financed. 
  • Long repayment terms: From 1 to 20 years with the possibility of up to 3 years of principal grace period 
  • Financing will be formalized in the form of a loan or leasing. 

For whom: 

  • Private companies and freelancers in general. 
  • Private or self-employed companies in the tourism sector registered within the CNAE Tourism Sector. 
  • Spanish universities, public or private, for the PERTE New Language Economy (NEL) section. 

What is financed: 

  • Investment projects and working capital needs associated with the project. 
  • Projects by companies in the tourism sector that promote, among other things, the sustainability and modernization of the Spanish business fabric. 
  • Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence projects from universities that contribute 100% to digital transformation. 

Where to apply for financing: 

It is processed directly at the offices of the financial institutions that collaborate with the ICO on this line. Applications are studied, approved and formalized by each bank or credit institution. 

Time limit :Loans may be formalized until August 31, 2026. 

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ICO Line Commercial credit

Object: To finance freelancers, entrepreneurs and companies that wish to obtain liquidity through the payment of invoices from their commercial activity within the national territory, or to cover the production costs of goods for sale in Spain. You can apply directly to credit institutions.

Amount and conditions:

  • Type of operation: type of financing agreement agreed between the client and the credit institution.
  • Interest rate: variable rate, plus the margin established by the credit institution.

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ICO International Line

Object: Financing for freelancers, entrepreneurs and types of companies domiciled in Spain with investment or liquidity needs outside the national territory. Also companies that want to export and need to apply for supplier credit, buyer and complementary financing. You can apply directly to credit institutions.

Amount and conditions:

  • Modality: loan, leasing and line of credit for investment and liquidity. Loans for Medium and Long Term Exporters.
  • Interest rate: fixed or variable rate (euro or USD dollar), plus the margin established by the credit institution according to the repayment period.
  • Amortisation and grace period: Section I Investment and Liquidity: from 1 to 20 years with the possibility of up to 3 years of principal grace depending on the terms. Section II Exporters Medium and long term: from 2 to 12 years with the possibility of up to 3 years of principal deficiency depending on the terms.

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Microcredit Business Microbank

Object: Microbank and Caixabank financing line in collaboration with Tecnocampus. We help you with your business plan. It launches any proposal, from a self-employment project to a micro-enterprise.

Amount and conditions:

  • Maximum amount: € 30.000
  • Maximum funding: 100%
  • Interest rate - Until 31/12/2023: 7,4 TIN % 
  • Amortization period up to 6 years
  • Lack of capital up to 6 months
  • No real guarantee, except if it is a legal entity in which the endorsement of the partners will be required

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Microcredit Innovation Microbank

Object: Start-up, consolidation or expansion of micro-enterprises that have an innovative business project.

Amount and conditions: 

  • Maximum amount: 50.000 euros (with a maximum of 80% of the investment)
  • Beneficiary Natural persons with a self-employment project.
  • Self-employed and micro-enterprises with less than 10 employees and with an annual turnover of less than 2.000.000 euros
  • Monthly frequency
  • Terms 84 months including 24 months optional grace period
  • Interest rate - Until 31/12/2024: 7,40%
  • Guarantees No real guarantee, no guarantee condition, except when the holder is a legal entity, which may require the guarantee of the partners.
  • Requirement Provide a business plan and a favorable feasibility report from the collaborating entity (TecnoCampus is)

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ICF Eurocredit

Object: Loans for small and medium-sized companies that want to finance investments or working capital needs to grow, open new markets, make new developments or strengthen the company's activities. The operations approved through this line have preferential conditions thanks to the co-financing of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union.

Amount and conditions:

Loans to short term:

  • Import: from € 100.000 to € 2.000.000. Up to 70% of the project will be funded.
  • Terms: from 2 to 5 years, with up to 1 year grace period included.
  • Interest rates: 12-month Euribor plus a spread between 0,50% and 2,25%.
  • Commissions: opening of 0,25% of the nominal of the loan.
  • Guarantee: to be determined according to the project.

Loans to long term:

  • Import: from € 150.000 to € 2.500.000. Up to 70% of the project will be funded.
  • Terms: from 5 to 15 years, with up to 2 years grace period included.
  • Interest rates: Euribor at 12 months plus a spread from 0,50%.
  • Commissions: opening of 0,25% of the nominal of the loan.
  • Guarantee: to be determined according to the project.

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ICF-Avalis loan for SMEs and the self-employed

Object: Loan with guarantee for Catalan SMEs and self-employed that make investments or for working capital needs. The ICF makes the loan and Guarantees of Catalonia grants the endorsement.

Amount and conditions:

  • Import: Between €25.000 and €250.000.
  • Deadline:
    • For circulating, up to 5 years, with the possibility of a grace period of up to 1 year included.
    • For investment, up to 10 years, with the possibility of a grace period of up to 2 years included.
  • Interest rates:
    • 12-month EURIBOR plus a spread of 3,10% for amounts over € 100.000.
    • 12-month EURIBOR plus a maximum spread of 3,45% for amounts less than € 100.000.

By ICF, 12-month EURIBOR + 1,50% (monthly settlements); by Avalis, annual risk commission of between 1,60% and 1,95%.

  • Commissions: without opening and study commission; for early cancellation, 0,25% per entity.
  • Guarantee: endorsement ofGuarantees of Catalonia for 100% of the capital plus 90 days of ordinary interest.

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ICF - Social and cooperative economy

Object: Loans for companies in the social and cooperative economy to finance investments, working capital needs, advances in contracts with the public sector and capitalizations of the companies themselves.

Amount and conditions:

  • Investment loans: Up to 80% of the investment, with a minimum of 30.000 euros and a maximum of 1 million euros.
  • Working capital loans: Minimum 30.000 euros and maximum 100.000 euros.
  • Loans for advances on contracts with the public sector: Minimum 30.000 euros and maximum 300.000 euros.
  • Capitalization loans: Minimum 10.000 euros and maximum 60.000 euros per beneficiary of the loan.

The ICF studies the viability of the project from a financial point of view, then formalises and manages the loan. The operations approved through this line will have the assumption of 80% of the credit risk of the operation by the Department of Labour, Social Affairs and Families.

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ICF Tourism Loans

Object: Encourage the transformation and modernisation of the tourism sector. Line of loans to finance facilities modernisation projects that improve accessibility, energy efficiency, competitiveness and drive the digital transition in the sector.

Body: ICF

Amount and conditions: The amount of the loans ranges between € 60.000 and € 2 million, and it is possible to finance 100% of the project. As for the term, the loan can be applied for up to 10 years with the possibility of a grace period of up to 2 years.

  • Interest rate: Approved operations will have an interest rate bonus of up to 2%.
  • Recipient companies: Hotel establishments, including hotels and hostels or pensions, tourist apartments, campsites and rural tourism establishments operating in Catalonia that have been in operation for at least two years and are qualified, as well as energy service companies that act based on a energy services contract with one of the aforementioned companies.

Deadline: December 31, 2022.

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Microbank Innovation Loan

Object: The Innovation Loan allows the financing of business projects that have the support of a collaborating entity of MicroBank, such as the Tecnocampus.

Amount and conditions:

  • Maximum amount: €50.000.
  • Maximum financing: 100%.
  • Fixed interest rate at 6,062% TAE (TIN 5,90%).
  • Maximum period of the operation: 7 years.
  • Lack of capital up to 24 months.
  • No real guarantee.

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Young Entrepreneurs Line (ENISA)

Object: Aimed at recently established SMEs (and startups) created by young people to address the investments that the business project needs in the initial phase.

Amount and conditions:

  • The company must have been incorporated, at most, during the 24 months prior to the application.
  • The majority of the capital must be in the hands of natural persons of no more than 40 years of age.
  • conditions: €25.000 Minimum amount €75.000 Maximum amount 7 years Maximum maturity     5 years Maximum grace period.
  • The partners must contribute, via capital or through their own funds, at least 50% of the loan.

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Entrepreneurs Line (ENISA)

Object: Aimed at supporting the early life stages of SMEs promoted by entrepreneurs, without age limit.

Amount and conditions:

  • Your company must have been incorporated, at most, during the 24 months prior to the application.
  • Your equity must be at least equal to the loan amount.
  • Co-financing of the financial needs associated with your business project.
  • conditions: €25.000 Minimum amount €300.000 Maximum amount 7 years Maximum maturity 5 years deficiency maximum

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Growth Line (ENISA)

Object: Aimed at supporting the business projects of companies interested in expanding their business or achieving a competitive improvement.

Amount and conditions:

  • Your equity must be at least equal to the loan amount.
  • Co-financing of the financial needs associated with your business project.
  • For loans approved for an amount greater than €300.000, you must have the financial statements of the last closed financial year externally audited.
  • conditions: €25.000 Minimum amount €1.500.000 Maximum amount 9 years Maximum maturity     7 years deficiency maximum

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Object: To support and promote, through funding, female digital entrepreneurship projects and reduce the gender gap in this area.

Body: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, MINECO-ENISA.

Amount and conditions:

Loans are intended for emerging companies or those in the growth, consolidation or internationalization phase in which one or more women hold a relevant position of leadership or power within the company: in the shareholders, in the board of directors or who are part of the management team.


  • Minimum loan amount: €25.000.
  • Maximum loan amount: €1.500.000.
  • Maturity: maximum 9 years.
  • Lack of principal: maximum 7 years.


  • Co-financing of the financial needs associated with the business project.
  • The company's own funds will be equivalent, at least, to the amount of the loan.
  • The company applying for an ENISA loan must show a balanced financial structure and professionalism in management.
  • The company that receives an ENISA loan, for an amount greater than €300.000, must have its financial statements for the last financial year externally audited.

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ENISA Cultural and Creative Industries

Object: To support and promote, through funding, innovative business projects promoted by small and medium-sized companies in the audiovisual and video game sectors, as well as in the cultural and creative industries.

Organisation: ENISA 

Amount and conditions: Minimum loan amount: €25.000. Maximum loan amount: €1.500.000.
The interest rate will be applied in two installments:

  • First section: Euribor + 2% or Euribor + 3,75%, according to the qualification (rating) of the operation.
  • Second section: variable interest depending on the financial profitability of the company, with a maximum limit set between 3% and 8%, in accordance with the qualification (rating) of the operation.

Opening commission: 0,5%. Maturity: maximum, 9 years. Lack of principal: maximum, 7 years.

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ICF-IFEM participatory loans. Corporate entrepreneurship

Object: ICF manages through IFEM the support for the creation and development of innovative start-ups through venture capital programs and co-investment with private investors through participatory loans.

Amount and conditions: The expenses associated with the development of the business plan that is the subject of the application will be financed. A corporate entrepreneurship project is understood to be one in which a corporate investor enters the capital of a small company to develop a business plan that responds to a need for innovation and/or growth of the corporate investor. .

  • Between € 50.000 and € 200.000 per project, subject to investment in the form of capital by private investors.
  • Term: up to 5 years.
  • Amortization: only at maturity.
  • Fixed interest: the maximum between 4% and the rate that would result from the application of the Communication from the European Commission on the revision of the method for setting the reference and updating rate (OJ C 14, 19.1.08). Settlements will be quarterly.
  • Variable interest: will be determined based on the evolution of the business plan (up to a maximum of 15% including the fixed).
  • Commissions: 0,5% management.
  • The approved operations will have the assumption of 80% of the credit risk of the operation by the Department of Business and Knowledge.

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ICF Venture Tech II

Object: Venture capital fund intended to invest in startups that promote technological and/or innovation projects with high growth potential.

Amount and conditions:

  • Type of investment: Transactions with debt instruments, convertible debt and/or equity.
  • Amount of the operation: Between € 500.000 and € 2 million.
  • Project characteristics: Projects in early early maturation phases and series A.
  • ICT Sector: ICT, digital, and selectively, health sciences (excludes models with products that need clinical phases).
  • Business Model: Capital efficient, scalable, aimed at large, growing markets and where a clear differentiation is provided (through technology and/or innovation) that produces sustainable competitive advantages so that the company presents a high potential for growth and revaluation.

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Interest-free loans from the ASCA Foundation (Solidarity Association against Unemployment)

Object: Fund entrepreneurship projects for people who are unemployed or in precarious work situations. The aim is to encourage the self-esteem of these people and encourage the creation and consolidation of jobs.

Amount and conditions:

  • Interest-free loans.
  • The project, the skills of the entrepreneur and also the social impact it can generate are valued.
  • A very wide range of modalities, from the financing of work tools to the granting of loans for the creation of cooperatives.

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Crowfunding or micro-patronage

Micro-patronage is a collaborative project financing mechanism developed on the basis of new technologies. It dispenses with traditional financial intermediation and consists of contacting project promoters who request funds through the issuance of securities and shares or through the application for loans, with investors or fund providers looking for a return on investment. . Two characteristics stand out in this activity: the massive union of investors who finance small projects with high potential in small amounts and the risky nature of this investment. There are several crowfunding platforms.

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Alternative financing recommender

Alternative business financing is a reality, with a multitude of options and specialisations. There are so many, that finding the most suitable option for your needs is the first of the important decisions to make. The Alternative Financing Adviser created by ACCIO will help you achieve this. Tell them, in just 5 clicks, what your needs are, and they will suggest the solutions that best suit your sector, the situation of your company and the particularities of your project.

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Young European Entrepreneur Award 2025

The European Young Entrepreneur Award is a business pitch competition designed to celebrate innovation and entrepreneurship across all sectors. 


Open to young entrepreneurs from various industries, this award offers a unique platform to showcase new ideas and innovative companies.


 - Exclusive media prominence: Global visibility with coverage dedicated to their successes and innovative ideas.

 - Networking opportunities: Participation in prominent European industry events to connect with leaders and foster innovation.

 - Training and incubation: Package of up to €20.000 in personalized pre-incubation/acceleration training.

 - Travel sponsorship: Full coverage of travel expenses to facilitate participation in events.


Terms: March 14, 2025


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Aid intended for the financing of training

Object: Subsidize training actions related to the development of skills in digital, ecological and productive transformation as long as they do not lead to the obtaining of official degrees from the educational system (including master's degrees, post-graduate degrees, etc. or professional training accreditations).


Line A; Beneficiaries:

  • Working people, the self-employed and working partners of social economy entities.
  • People in a situation of unemployment

The amount of the subsidy will be equivalent to a module of 600 euros per person.

Deadline: 30 September of 2025

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