I am interested in collaborating with the TecnoCampus
University - Company Service
Av. Ernest Lluch, 32, TCM1 University Building. 08302 Mataró
What are you looking for?
It aims to explore and consolidate opportunities for collaboration between companies and the Tecnocampus and establish partnerships that are profitable for both sides, improving the employability of students and graduates and the competitiveness of companies.
We currently work with more than 2.200 collaborating companies and annually make more than 800 internship agreements and publish more than 2.000 offers.
Access to TecnoCampus talent
Contribution to talent development
Participation in classrooms
Corporate presentation
Collaboration in Final Degree Projects (TFG)
Launching business challenges
Collaborates with sponsorship actions
University - Company Service
Av. Ernest Lluch, 32, TCM1 University Building. 08302 Mataró