What are you looking for?
Analyse your business idea and your entrepreneurial skills. Our team will help you get off to a good start.
Develop your business model and validate the idea within the market. We'll accompany you in the validation process.
Get started and create your business, taking advantage of our experience and all your enthusiasm.
The most important thing to start a business project is to devise a good business idea. It's important to think it through thoroughly, let it mature, assess and improve on it.
Think deeply about your project, identify its strengths and weaknesses and reorient them to get better results.
Click on the link to Test out an idea
Find out if you are an entrepreneur> Entrepreneurial person profile
If you want to acquire a business idea that is already in operation we offer you Reempresa. A new model of entrepreneurship that encourages the continuity of companies that are economically viable and seek a place in ownership and management.
Are you ready? Come in! Entrepreneurial people can change the world!
Once you've narrowed down the business idea, its unique value proposition can be specified and validated within the market. This will bring you to your business model.
To validate the business model our recommendation is to work with agile methodology tools specific to the creation of companies and startups. This will help you identify problems and the needs of customers, and build the most efficient solution.
Agile tool to design your business model in a clear and structured way.
The use of this tool and the method proposed by its creator, Alex Osterwalder, helps you define a value proposition relevant to customers, decide how to bring it closer to the market, and what resources you need to generate a profitable and sustainable business over time.
A tool that allows you to raise the value proposition from the customer's point of view, understand the needs or problems of your customers and design the most appropriate products and services. It focuses on the "Value Proposition" and "Customer Segment" sections of the Canvas Business Model.
Once the Business model canvas is done, you can make the Business Plan to assess the feasibility of your business idea, both technical, commercial, economic and financial, with the aim of presenting the project to third parties such as investors , incubators or public administrations.
With the model of Economic plan you can analyze the economic and financial viability of your business model.
Before creating the company, find out which legal obligations, licenses and formalities you have to keep in mind. Depending on the place where you want to locate the activity, there may be planning ordinances that regulate and limit the type of establishments.
Before creating the company, check what grants and subsidies are available:
Find out the requirements for application, the types of subsidies and all the information you need from them Self-employed allowance subsidies.
The capitalization or single payment of the unemployment benefit facilitates the implementation of entrepreneurial and self-employment initiatives.
Find out about the requirements to be able to apply and find out the types of allowances and all the characteristics required to capitalise unemployment, by accessing the Catalan Employment Service. Capitalisation.
Find out what the Mataró grants are for the promotion of economic activity:
Tax rebates for opening an activity for unemployed people
Tax credits
Subsidy of 50% of the fee for opening an activity
Program We raise blinds
Access to the electronic office of the town hall
Do you want to hire talent?
We provide you with resources to find the professional profile you need. Two job boards where you can find candidates quickly and easily.
Mataró City Council Employment Service Job Bank
If you want to keep up to date with the calls for grants and subsidies that are being published for entrepreneurs and SMEs, you can find information at the following links
FINEMPRESA: Financing portal for companies and entrepreneurs
FISU: Database of grants and subsidies
Grants Bulletin: Bulletin of the City Council of Mataró towards subsidies from the European Commission and other bodies
Choose the legal form to legalize the activity:
If you have already been able to evaluate your idea, validate the business model with Canvas, make the business plan and decide the legal form, now is the time to create your company.
If you want to register as an Individual Entrepreneur, Private Civil Society or Limited Company, you can do so with the PAE point where the creation of the company is processed. You can do it in person or online (CIRCE system)
It is important that the search for funding is done in a planned and directed way, depending on the stage of development in which the business is.
Public Funding
CATALAN INSTITUTE OF FINANCE (ICF): Financing for Catalan entrepreneurs and companies.
ICO: Financing lines for entrepreneurs and companies
ENISA: Financing lines for entrepreneurs and companies with innovative business models or competitive advantages
CDTI (Center for Industrial Technological Development): Funding for R & D & I projects and innovative and technology-based companies
MINECO (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness): Consultation of grants and open calls
DIGEPIME (Directorate General of Industry and small and medium-sized enterprises): Consult aid and incentives for companies
Private financing
You can access our private financing section here
Small loans for entrepreneurial people who do not have guarantees to be able to resort to the ordinary financial system.
asca (solidarity action against unemployment): Interest-free loans to finance viable business projects of entrepreneurs, companies, cooperatives or social entities.
micro bank: financing for entrepreneurs and businesses
Endorsements: Financial institution, in order to allow the financing of business investment projects through its guarantee.
Alternative financing
Alternative financing catalog: Catalog containing a large list of alternative financing institutions for both capital and debt.
Ethical banking: List of the main ethical financial institutions
If you need a space for your new business, come to Incubator technology for Tecnocampus startups.