What are you looking for?
We live in a constantly changing environment and therefore lifelong learning is central to our lives. TecnoCampus Mataró creates HUB4T to become a center of reference in postgraduate studies and permanent training.
To provide an innovative and empowering educational offer to professionals, companies and organisations committed to building a better world.
To offer quality educational experiences, backing entrepreneurship and innovation, and to become the lifelong learning centre of reference in the region, with an international vocation.
We prioritise people. We promote intrapreneurship, curiosity, co-creation, the spirit of service, customer-centric vocation, critical attitude and continuous improvement.
We are based on the e+i methodology: entrepreneurship and innovation. We apply this methodology to the formats and contents and the active learning of the participants through different online and offline tools.
We offer programs in different modalities based on the specific needs of the participants. Hub4T's Learning Lab is an inspiring space to promote learning experiences and will allow us to advance in the creation of training content.
Accreditation Catalonia for higher level training in the digital field
+ Java Back-end Web Developer
+ Front End Developer
+ Cloud Developer
+ Data Scientist
+ Internal Quality Assurance System of the Tecnocampus Polytechnic School of Pompeu Fabra University.
+ State Register of Training Entities to provide training not included in the catalog of training specialties.
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