What are you looking for?
If you are a student under the age of 28 and you suffer an accident during the exercise of any of the activities included in the programming of culture, sports and leisure of the TecnoCampus, remember that you have underwritten a school insurance, from which you can benefit.
What is it?
It is an insurance policy that protects students under the age of 28 who are pursuing official studies from the third year of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) until the end of the third cycle of university, through health and financial benefits, in case of illness, school accident and family misfortunes.
A school accident is any bodily injury suffered by the student while doing activities, directly or indirectly, related to his/her student status (they must be curricular and not extracurricular), including sports (if they represent the University); assemblies; study, internship, graduation or similar trips, as long as they have been organized or authorized by the University.
For more information on school insurance benefits, see Social Security website.
Be Spanish or foreigner who legally lives in Spain and who meets the following requirements:
If you are a foreigner with legal residence in Spain, even if you are covered by school insurance, consult the information on health care for foreign students.
What to do in case of an accident?
Consult eCAMPUS for the procedure to be followed in case of injury: https://ecampus.tecnocampus.cat/ca/page/assegurances