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Having a healthy life directly influences people's well-being, personal balance and quality of life. Achieving this depends in most part on the choices we make in our day-to-day lives and the lifestyle and daily habits we have.
According to the WHO, “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease.“
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), integrating gender perspectives into public health means taking into account the different needs of women and men at all stages of policy and program development. The fundamental goal is to achieve gender equality.
The incorporation of a gender perspective in the University implies recognizing the influence of social, cultural and biological factors in the design, planning and evaluation of healthy actions aimed at the entire university community. Identifying the differences between men and women is critical to formulating and addressing more effective health promotion and prevention strategies.
A Healthy and Sustainable Campus and the Equality Unit come together to organize common events for the university community with the goal of ensuring good health from a gender perspective.
First Series of Health and Gender Conferences of the TecnoCampus: health and gender for everyone.
The TecnoCampus, through A Healthy and Sustainable Campus and the Equality Unit promotes and gives visibility to the gender perspective in health. The starting point for this strategic line of action will be the "First Series of Health and Gender Conferences: Health and Gender for Everyone" which will take place online via Zoom from February 23 to March 10, 2021.
The event will take place through 4 presentations addressed to the university community of the TecnoCampus and the population of Mataró, in the following order:
Lecture I. Health and gender perspective: health and gender biases.
Health sciences, like many other sciences, are androcentric in their origins, and women have been invisible in biological, psychological, social, and environmental aspects. It is necessary to build a Science of Difference to introduce the Gender Perspective in teaching and healthcare.
Conference II. Sexuality and affective relationships: safe sex, empowerment, risky sexual behaviours, alcohol, and sex.
Workshop where we will talk about sexuality, but especially about affection and what we have been taught about it, and create tools to break the myths around these topics.
Conference III. Mature sexuality.
Paper I. Mature sexuality: sex and life.
Sexuality is a fundamental dimension of the human being, where neuroendocrine substrate is exchanged and combined with the psychological and biography of individuals. It manifests itself differently according to the vital stages, yet it is still considered that sexuality in childhood does not exist, sexuality in adolescence is explosive and in later life non-existent, fortunately things are changing and it is being increasingly internalised that sexuality in later life can be full and very satisfying.
Paper II. Enjoying sexuality after menopause/andropause is possible!
Is there sexuality beyond menopause? Is it normal to lose sexual desire? In this talk, we will look at what life cycles we go through, both women and men, and how they affect our sexuality. We will focus on sexuality based on menopause, how we experience it, and what we can do to reactivate our desire.
Conference IV. Career, Health and Fertility.
Paper I. Importance of motherhood and fatherhood in life planning.
In the conference "Motherhood and fatherhood in life planning" we will travel through an imaginary timeline where we encourage the reflection of the impact that motherhood and fatherhood have on people's professional lives.
Paper II. Approaches to Fertility in the XNUMXst Century.
A comprehensive look at female and male fertility will be offered, deepening in the importance of self-knowledge of our future hormonal and reproductive health.
Contact us via Instagram @viucampusaludable or send us an email!