Do you have doubts that you never dared to ask?
Make your inquiry through La BÚSTIA: Online and Face-to-face Health Consultation!
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From the Healthy and Sustainable Campus (CSS) is giving importance to the Prevention of Addictions through two main interventions
It is a program subsidized by the Public Health Agency of Catalonia (ASPCAT), executed by the Fundació Àmbit Prevención and coordinated and led by CSS.
The course aims to train students as Health Agents in the reduction of risks associated with drug use and sexuality, so that they carry out actions among peers on health promotion within the university campus through the methodology peer-to-peer.
It is a free 25-hour training, with theoretical-practical sessions with real interventions at the TecnoCampus University and the town of Mataró, if completed you can obtain 1 RAC credit in addition to a certificate.
Do you want to receive information about drugs, alcohol, tobacco or other forms of behavioral addictions (addiction to screens, social networks, video games)? Are you worried about something related to your consumption? Do you think someone close to you needs help? Do you have questions about drug addiction? Do you have doubts about health and sexuality? Do you want counseling on sexuality and violence?
"La Bústia" is an intimate and confidential space, in addition to being a completely free service offered by the Àmbit Prevención Foundation inaddressed to the entire TecnoCampus university community, both students and PDI/PAS staff.
Solve your doubts and receive advice on the use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco; sexuality and other risky behaviors or addictions (social networks, gambling, compulsive sexuality, among others).
In-person consultation:
Online Consultation:
The free rapid HIV test is a service offered at TecnoCampus together with the Àmbit Prevención Foundation for the entire TecnoCampus university community. It is a free service, which guarantees an intimate and confidential space.
Request a prior appointment and advice through the following form.
Make an appointment
At the same time, CSS disseminates rigorous information in the field of addiction prevention and sexual health through this section of the website and Instagram. We are also a spokesperson for Public Health programs and resources in this area.
Tobacco is a legal drug but it is also a very addictive substance which has stimulating effects on the smoker's central nervous system and which carries many health risks.
Tobacco use is associated with numerous diseases: different types of cancer, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, problems in reproduction and many other pathologies. Furthermore, exposure to tobacco smoke is associated with many of these diseases involving numerous risks. Smoking also has serious social, economic and environmental consequences.
A healthy life is a life without tobacco. Quitting smoking is probably the most important thing a smoker can do to improve their health, regardless of age or background as a smoker. Quitting smoking will improve your health and that of those around you.
Source: Guide to Quitting Smoking. Smoke-Free Primary Care Program (PAPSF). Public Health Agency. Government of Catalonia. Available at:
More resources:
Drugs are substances that act on the central nervous system when introduced into the body. This causes changes that can affect behaviour, mood, or perception. In addition, consumption may involve:
The regular user of any kind of drug may experience any or all of these three effects at once.
Alcohol is the most consumed and accepted drug in our society and the one which generates the most social and health problems (dependence, digestive diseases, cardiovascular diseases, injuries resulting from traffic accidents, absenteeism, etc.).
Excessive and habitual consumption of alcohol harms the liver and pancreas, causes gastritis and stomach ulcers, malnutrition and disorders of the nervous system. It can increase the risk of injury, aggravate physical, mental and social problems, and can damage family and work relationships. In addition, due to the mechanisms of tolerance and brain neuroadaptation, this consumption can lead to medium and long term dependence on alcohol or alcoholism.
The World Health Organization (WHO) states that there is no safe level of alcohol consumption and the less alcohol you drink, the better for your health. And if you do drink, always keep it below the levels considered risky.
Source: General Help and Support Tips to Help Reduce Alcohol Consumption. Public Health Agency of Catalonia, Generalitat de Catalunya. Available at:
Guide to recommendations on alcohol and other drug use at local festivals. Public Health Agency of Catalonia, Generalitat de Catalunya. Available at:
Make your inquiry through La BÚSTIA: Online and Face-to-face Health Consultation!