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Physical activity can be defined as all the energy expenditure produced by the skeletal muscles (locomotor system) that exceeds the expenditure produced by the basal metabolism, i.e. energy necessary to keep the body functioning, while guaranteeing the minimum vital functions to live.
Although sport is a physical activity that meets this definition, thephysical activity integrated into the activities of day to day life (at work, at home, in leisure time, etc.) it has more impact in terms of preventing sendtarism and any other pathologies that may arise from physical inactivity (cardiovascular disease, obesity, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, etc.).
The physical activity recommendations of theWHO for the adult population are:
In addition, the Elderly must take into account:
If you don't know where to start, contact a professional of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (CAFE), COPLEFC.
In the following drop-downs you can find specific recommendations according to population and tips to increase the level of physical activity
Source: based on WHO document, Global recommendations on physical activity for health. Retrieved October 15, 2020 from the World Health Organization website:
The physical activity recommendations of theWHO for childhood and adolescence are:
Source: based on WHO document, Global recommendations on physical activity for health. Retrieved October 15, 2020 from the World Health Organization website:
In addition to the above recommendations, you can incorporate these small changes to increase your daily physical activity level and thus reduce sedentary lifestyle:
Other links of interest:
Source: Taken from Canal Salut website:
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