What are you looking for?
We want to show you in depth the facilities of the TecnoCampus, in a complete guided tour of classrooms, laboratories, spaces for the promotion of entrepreneurship, sets, the library, the auditorium or leisure areas.
We appreciate it if you arrive at the meeting point (lobby of the TCM1 building) about 15 minutes in advance, to be able to accredit everyone correctly and start the visit on time, at six in the afternoon.
Check with the Student Information Point (PIE) in which undergraduate degrees there are vacant places.
Common areas
We will visit spaces such as the library-CRAI, the Student Information Point, Campus Services, the incubator for business projects or the auditorium.
The TecnoCampus study promotion team will accompany you to get to know the classrooms and spaces where you will soon develop your training.
Engineering laboratories and audiovisual spaces
We will explain in detail the teaching spaces and the laboratories. We will also approach television sets and radio studios.
Health teaching spaces
You will visit the practice spaces for the degrees in Physiotherapy, Nursing, Physical Activity Sciences and Nutrition (the latter, in the project phase), located in the TCM6 building.