Call schedule 2025-26


The SICUE program is a national mobility program that allows a university student to complete part of their studies at a Spanish university other than their own, with guarantees of academic recognition, use and adaptation to their curricular profile.

This program is only available to students from: Department of Technology, Department of Cultural Industriess and Department of Health.

The deadline for submitting the application for the 2025-26 academic year is from February 13 to February 28, 2025.

Apply for your place here!

The duration of the stay at the destination university will be at least half a year and a maximum of one full year, with the following requirements:

  • Full course: minimum 45 credits enrolled *
  • Half year: minimum 24 credits enrolled *

* Students with a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33% may apply for a reduction in enrolled credits. 

* The sports student of high level and performance, exceptionally, will be able to extend the length of the stay to facilitate the possibility of change of destination within the selected destinations and will be subject to the availability of places and the acceptance by of the destination university.


During the SICUE mobility, it is possible to study both the internship and the Final Degree Projects (TFG).

The corresponding credits may be counted among the minimums established as requirements of the SICUE Call.

The awarded places will be published on April 8, 2025.

In case of rejection of the application, the interested student may claim, within 10 working days from the publication of the resolution, in any of these cases:

  • That there is an error due to the misinterpretation of the documents provided or the assessment of your academic record.
  • That new documents of essential value for the resolution appear or be provided.
  • That documents of dubious validity have been included in the resolution.
  • Other duly justified circumstances.

How can you participate?

  • Be enrolled in a UPF degree during the 2024-25 academic year.
  • The places correspond to specific degrees; therefore, it is not possible to apply for a place other than that of the studies in which you are enrolled.
  • Not having obtained a SICUE place in previous courses for the same destination university.
  • Having not waived the place outside of the specific dates and without force majeure duly justified in the SICUE 2024-25 call.
  • Having passed a minimum of 60 ECTS and being enrolled in 30 more credits.
  • Average grade of the academic file calculated in accordance with article 5 of Royal Decree 1125/2003, of September 5, taking into account the grades as of September 30, 2024-25.
  • In the event of a tie, preference will be given to the student who has fewer suspended credits and more passed credits, in that order.
  • National mobility places are incompatible with international mobility places for the same academic year. Therefore, the final award of the SICUE place is conditional on the student accepting the place within the established deadlines and in the event that he / she has a place awarded for the same course in the ordinary call for international mobility, renounce it.
  • A student may not obtain more than one SICUE exchange at the same university, nor more than one in each academic year.
  • Once a place has been awarded, it must be accepted by the beneficiary within the deadlines established in the call. Failure to do so will result in a waiver.
  • The student must officially enroll at the UPF during the 2024-2025 academic year and must comply with the requirements and duties contained in these rules and in the mobility regulations, otherwise the place granted will be withdrawn. It is also the student's responsibility to carry out the necessary procedures for final admission to the destination university.
  • The award of the SICUE place can be revoked in the event that it is discovered that the concession was used to conceal or falsify data, or in the event that the stay is not carried out in the terms in which it was scheduled.
  • Students will be able to give up the places obtained. If the resignations take place outside the established term, they will be excluded from the possibility of SICUE exchange during an academic year and will not be able to participate in the next SICUE call of the 2024-25 academic year.
  • If a student who has obtained a place does not join the exchange, without having resigned due to duly justified force majeure and within the established period, will be penalized, being excluded from the possibility of exchange SICUE during the following year.

Which universities offer my studies?

The list of universities available within the SICUE program may vary until February 15.

I already have a place!

If you are one of the students in the SICUE program, you will be interested to know the following information. It is important to note the points below. For more detailed information, and access to the necessary documentation, consult the Guia per l'estudiant dins del programa SICUE.

  • Before leaving

    1. Inform us of the start and end dates of your stay

    Make it through SIGMA until MAY 31.

    You can see how to do this by following the steps inthis manual.

    2. Prepare your study agreement

    Fill in one proposal and validate it with your academic coordinator until JULY 14 (if you leave in the 1st semester) or until OCTOBER 28 (if you leave in the 2nd semester).

    - Business Department: Valeria Bernardo

    - Department of Technology and Department of Cultural Industries: Josep Roure

    - Department of Health: Gemma Garreta

    3. Check accommodation information

    Check if the destination university offers you this service.

    4. Register for TecnoCampus

    It's about doing the automatic registration like every year. It is important to know that you will not be able to enjoy the mobility place if you have not registered with TecnoCampus.

  • Once there

    1. Certificate of arrival

    Fill in the form you will find at the end of the guide and have it signed and stamped by the destination university. Once you have it, send it to us by e-mail with the subject "arrival certificate - Surname, Name", at most, 30 days after your arrival at the destination university.

    2. Participate in the reception sessions

    This will help you understand how the university works, make better use of the services they offer you, and allow you to meet other exchange students.

    The destination university will inform you when these sessions take place, which are usually organized one week before classes begin.

    3. Formalize your stay and registration

    The destination university will inform you of the necessary arrangements for your stay.

    You will need to send a copy of your registration to the Office of International Relations.

    4. Changes in the study agreement

    Fill out the new proposal and send it to your academic coordinator; validate and report toOffice of International Relations of the changes, at most, 30 days after arrival.

    5. Extension of stay

    You will need to apply at the destination university. If you agree you must send us, by mail, thesigned extension before DECEMBER.

  • Before returning

    1. Certificate of stay

    Complete the following form and have it stamped by the destination university. When you have it, send the document to the International Relations office, at the latest, 30 days after your return at the Tecnocampus and keep a copy for yourself.

    2. Certificate of grades

    You must ensure that the destination university sends us the original transcript by mail, at most, 30 days after your return to the Tecnocampus or whatever the destination university has indicated to you. It is the student's responsibility to make sure this document makes its way to the university in order to validate the subjects studied while away.

Do you have any questions?