TecnoCampus around the world

Currently, our University has the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027. These agreements regulate the conditions of mobility between students and teachers, allow the realisation of joint training programs and facilitate the formation of international consortia to participate in the calls for research projects of the European Commission.

The "Erasmus +" project is co-financed by the European Union's Erasmus + program. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of TecnoCampus and neither the European Commission nor the Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE) are responsible for the use that may be made of the information expressed here.


A Spanish mobility program for university students that allows them to carry out a period of study at another Spanish university, with the same guarantees of academic recognition and use of the studies carried out at their home university. It is organised by the Ministry of Education, via the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE).

TecnoCampus also has different agreements for studying outside Europe: the bilateral agreements and the "Study Abroad" agreements. The bilateral agreements allow you to study at another university paying tuition to TecnoCampus, while in the Study Abroad agreement you must pay the tuition to the Host University.


What destinations do my studies offer?

Call 2024-25. Listings can be modified. (Last updated 18/11/24)

An important decision

Going abroad is not a decision that is made overnight, as every little detail must be planned. In order to get your place you will need:

  • A good academic record (the main criterion for awarding the place is the average grade).

  • The language level required by the target University.

  • A serious motivation and a firm academic commitment.

  • International mobility is an experience of personal growth that will change your life

  • You will acquire new knowledge and expand your resume

  • You will improve your skills and be better prepared to face new challenges and to adapt to changes.

  • You will live and work with people from different cultures

  • You will perfect your language level

  • In short, you will mature as a person, as a student and as a future professional