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Martí Roma - North Karelia University of Applied Sciences
In Martí Roma, student of the Degree in Audiovisual Media, living the Erasmus+ experience in Finland, at North Karelia University of Applied Sciences.
Ares Sebastia - Vancouver Island University
Experience of Ares Sebastia, student of the Double Degree in Business Administration and Innovation Management + Degree in Marketing and Digital Communities, at Vancouver Island University.
Freddy Santiago - University of Bologna
"Doing Erasmus has been one of the best experiences I've had in my life and I'll never forget it. I went without knowing anyone and totally alone, and I even arrived late at the beginning of classes! Still, I met people very quickly who became my friends and, almost without realising it, my second family! "
Marta Badia - International Business Academy
"Definitely one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life. Leaving Erasmus helped me learn a lot in every way, understand a very different education system, improve my English and meet very interesting people, it even makes you see things from a different perspective, and opens the door to a much wider world of work. My motto is, "If you can, go."
Guillem Chivite - Hogeschool Ghent
"I studied in Ghent. I 100% recommend this city, as it has everything a student needs (a good university, a good country, parties and the prices are very similar to Spain)."
Atzarí Suriñach - Hogeschool Ghent
"Erasmus has been the best experience I have had. Hogeschool University People are very good and both the professors and the administrative staff gave their full support to the students from outside at all times. I recommend that everyone go abroad, taking advantage of the good agreements we have "
Antoni Avila - Tec de Monterrey
Antoni Avila living the experience in Mexico, at the Tecnológico de Monterrey.
Oriol Herrero - Shih Chien University
"I am very happy with the choice I made and I recommend it to everyone that has the opportunity make an international stay."
Javier Flores - Universidad Mayor
"These 6 months have been the best experience of my life. I am very aware that it will be difficult for me to beat it no matter how young I am. More than an educational experience, it has been a social and personal transformation that I will never forget. "The only advice I'd give to the next students to come is to make the most of it every day. Even if it seems like a cliché, it's true, it's over in an instant."
Laia Valverde - University of Rome, Tor Vergata
Experience of Laia Valverde, student of Marketing and Digital Communities, in Rome.
Carla Martín - National University
Carla Martin, a double degree student in Business Administration and Tourism, recently returned from San Diego, California. "A unique experience in life, from the first day in the city I knew I had made the right choice," she explains. "We had teachers who were also entrepreneurs, they had their own company and the dynamics in class were very positive."
Martí Sadurní - Feng Chia
The idea of doing an international stay had been on my mind since I decided to study at University. But one never quite believes it until one is at the airport. With a giant suitcase I was there; destined for the best experience of my life. And that was exactly where the first doubts came to me. These little doubts mixed with immense excitement is what is meant by getting out of the famous comfort zone.
Jordi Pelatto - Shih Chien University
"My year in Taipei has been one of the best experiences of my life. I can say that I have learned a lot and made a lot of new friendships. Before coming to Taiwan, I was nervous and insecure about the experience because it was my first time in Asia. Going to a completely different country was a challenge I had always wanted to have. "