Internal quality assurance system
Degree monitoring
Accreditation of the degree
Operational development of education
Above, on this page you will find:
- Objectives of the degree
- Admission profile
- Career profile
- Number of places offered (see table at the bottom of the page)
- Global demand and first choice (see table at the bottom of the page)
Above, on this page you will find:
- Objectives of the degree
- Admission profile
- Career profile
- Number of places offered (see table at the bottom of the page)
- Global demand and first choice (see table at the bottom of the page)
Above, on this page you will find:
- Name of the degree
- Qualification after passing the degree course
- Minimum duration of ETCS studies and credits
- Structure of the curriculum
Above, on this page you will find:
- Teaching guide
- Tutorial action plan
And you can consult:
Degree teachers
Academic profile
Contact information
In the following link you can consult:
- Goals
- General regulations
- Definition of whether they are mandatory or optional
- Subjects to which the internships are linked
- Advancement of institutions where internships can be done
In the following link you can find:
- Goals
- General regulations
- Advancement of institutions with signed agreements
In the following link you can find:
- Goals
- General regulations
- Advancement of institutions with signed agreements
Data and indicators for undergraduate and double degree studies from the Department of Health: