"In the practicals you go through very different environments, from residences to the emergency room of a hospital".
Anais Rubio, undergraduate student.
A student-centered degree
With centre affiliated to Pompeu Fabra University, the Higher School of Health Sciences Tecnocampus proposes a curriculum student-centered and in person, with a generalist training, oriented to practice, to the development of critical thinking, to the achievement of autonomy and professional responsibility. Research and scientific evidence will be fundamental tools for deepening nursing knowledge and essential in the student learning process.
The 160 theoretical ECTS are carried out with diverse teaching methodologies and continuous assessment, which allows the student to play an active role during their training.
From the beginning of the degree, clinical simulation is used in the facilities of the Centre for Simulation and Innovation in Health to expand and replace real experiences with controlled experiences, which reproduce the substantial aspects of a situation with maximum realism. For this reason, simulation is a core part of the course, for quality learning and skills acquisition.

Click on the image to access the facilities of the Center for Simulation and Innovation in Health.
Out of the 80 ECTS of the Nursing practicum, 50 are carried out in the 4th year of the Degree. The design of real practices at this level is approached with an integrative vision: process monitoring. This is structured in itineraries where the student can collaborate with health professionals addressing different and complex processes in the levels of care and services where patient care is provided.
The training of the Degree in Nursing prepares the students to face the complex, problematic, and difficult to predict situations, having a reflective capacity. For this reason, the training emphasizes the development of skills, to provide a professional intervention according to the uniqueness of the person and their environment.
The external internships of the Degree in Nursing of the Higher School of Health Sciences have an important and essential weight in the teaching load, with a total of 80 ECTS. Excellence without practice is not easy to achieve, which is why the external practices are carried out in the reference health institutions of the Maresme, Barcelonès and Vallès Oriental areas. Each of them offers different degrees of specialization and has peculiarities that allow the student to know different areas of knowledge related to care practice, and also areas where the nurse carries out an autonomous role, such as management and research.
In the last academic year, the student is offered the opportunity to do the internship in itinerary format and according to their concerns and interests. These itineraries allow the patient to be monitored throughout their pathological process in all its complexity, in health or disease. They treat both individuals and communities, in all dimensions and approaches to care.
To consult the institutions and internship centers with an agreement with the School of Health Sciences, click below: Institucions i Centres de pràctiques amb conveni.