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It is a research group that brings together ESCSET's research in economics, business and entrepreneurship, tourism, marketing and, in general, the economic and social environment from an applied point of view. In addition, it also integrates the research carried out within the framework of the Chair of Social Economy. The aim of this research is to contribute to improving the competitiveness and well-being of the territory while preserving the quality of the social environment. These areas of knowledge have obvious synergies and interdependencies that the group reinforces. The research group was born with a firm desire to transfer knowledge with the public and private sectors given the existence of strong collaboration agreements with many public and private entities.
Dr. Joseph Maria Raya
Coordinator of the Research Group Applied to the Financial, Economic and Social Environment
- Tourism, Housing and Transport: The area of Tourism and Transport brings together research that is included in two of the groups in which the journals of the Social Science Citation Index are classified (more than 20 journals). As for territorial data, tourism represents 13% of the GDP of the Maresme region (and 12% of Catalonia) and has the second coast with the most moorings in Europe. The research focuses on the analysis and evaluation of public policies in the fields of housing and tourism. An example could be the effects of rent control or the granting of tourist licenses.
- Social Economy: The Social Economy aims to combine innovation, business and values to be able to contribute, from the academic field, to the productive transformation of the country, while incorporating the study, knowledge and dissemination of inclusive forms of management and business relations. At the end of the crisis, there are many voices from the academic world calling for a more innovative business management and economic development that takes into account values as a form of economic innovation. Apart from the already mentioned presence of innovation within Tecnocampus, it must be borne in mind that this is based in a region traditionally sensitive to business organization with structures typical of the Social Economy, such as cooperatives.
- Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship and innovation is a younger research area and therefore with less specific power within the SSCI. Research in this area is located within others that are already very established (such as labor economics, business economics and education), but with many possibilities to grow and to achieve its own space in Research in the next 10 years. Likewise, it constitutes the axis of the Tecnocampus as a scientific park and is prominently present in the curricula of the Business Administration and Innovation Management Degree and the University Master's Degree in Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
- Finance and business development: The research areas associated with finance and territorial development bring together two of the well-established groups of the Social Science Citation Index, with more than 100 academic journals of the highest level, and their importance is justified from the roots of the economic crisis and financial and how the economic development of the territory should be approached. Within the Tecnocampus they are part of the main core of the AdE Degrees, Logistics and the double degrees.
- Research in digital communications, marketing and behavioral economics: Digital communities and new forms of communication, especially focused on how companies (tourist destinations and people) communicate, in their promotional videos, websites and social networks as well as their effects. Digital communities and new forms of communication focuses on the effects of digitization on the communication models of companies and people. Current trends in the use of different communication platforms, formats and messages are examined, as well as strategies for communicating personally or corporately. In this sense, the role of the current consumer and their characteristics are addressed taking into account the current digital ecosystem.
- Logistics and maritime business: Our maritime business and logistics research group focuses on analyzing and improving the processes of transportation, storage and distribution of goods across all modes of transport, in order to optimize operational efficiency, reduce costs and minimize environmental impacts. It also investigates supply chain management, maritime transport strategies, emerging technologies, legal and regulatory aspects, as well as sustainability in layman's terms, seeking to develop innovative solutions that benefit both companies, institutions and society in general. The fundamental axes are: Connectivity, sustainability and optimization of processes in our heterogeneous research field.
- Gender and diversity research: it has as its common axis the analysis of the impact of gender and diversity in various areas within the social sciences: the world of work, education, economy, health; as well as the construction of proposals that respond to the current reality, both from the perspective of prevention and overcoming it.
- Wellbeing and Health: The research area in "Wellbeing and Health", straddling the economics of health and the public economy, within GRAEFES focuses on public policies aimed at the elderly and vulnerable populations. Our research studies the impact of these public programs on health, well-being and the use of health resources. The area also includes research on the impact of lifestyles and mental health, as well as other interventions inside and outside the health sector. Among the questions we have asked ourselves, is included: "How does dependency benefits affect the use of health resources in Catalonia?" "How does the prescription of physical activity affect mental health?". We also collaborate with the Department of Social Rights and other institutions promoting the transfer of knowledge.
Dr. Alex Araujo
Dr. Valeria Bernardo
Dr. Marian Buil
Dr. Enric Camón Lluís
Dr. Doloros Celma
Dr. Patricia Crespo
Dr. Roberto Dopeso
Dr. Yvette Fuentes
Dr. Giovanni Giusti
Dr. Ismael Hernández Adell
Dr. Helena Hernández Pizarro
Dr. Alexander Kucel
Dr. Jesus Martínez Marín
Dr. Núria Masferrer
Dr. Jose Ignacio Monreal Galan
Dra. Mónica Juliana Oviedo León
Dr. Joseph Patau
Catalina Llaneza
Dr. Noemi Ruiz
Dr. Eloi Serrano Robles
Dr. Judith Turrión Prats
Vera Butkouskaya
Yanina Kowszyk
Below are the different scientific articles written by the members of the research group in recent years.
- ARAUJO-BATLLE, A., GARAY-TAMAJÓN, LA, MORALES-PÉREZ, S. (2023). Selfies versus conservation: The influence of user-generated content in the image of protected natural spaces, Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 2023,100644, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jort.2023.100644.
- TORRES-PRUÑONOSA, J., ARAUJO-BATLLE, A., DE ESTEBAN CURIEL, J., & DÍEZ-MARTÍN, F. (2023). The intellectual structure of destination image research in tourism (2001–2023): Background, pre-pandemic overview, shifts during COVID-19 and implications for the future. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/13567667231205065
- Wang, J. and Butkouskaya, V. (2023), "Sustainable marketing activities, event image, perceived value and tourists' behavioral intentions in sports tourism", Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science, Vol. 28 No. 55, pp. 60-78. https://doi.org/10.1108/JEFAS-09-2022-0219
- Butkouskaya, V., Oyner, O. and Kazakov, S. (2023), "The impact of omnichannel integrated marketing communications (IMC) on product and retail service satisfaction", Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/JEFAS-09-2022-0237
- Kowszyk, Y., Vanclay, F., & Maher, R. (2022). Conflict management in the extractive industries: A comparison of four mining projects in Latin America. The Extractive Industries and Society, 101161.
- CASANOVAS, MM, RUÍZ-MUNZÓN, N., AND BUIL-FABREGÁ, M. (2021). Higher education: the best practices for fostering competences for sustainable development through the use of active learning methodologies. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education•
- MANERA, C., SERRANO, E., PÉREZ-MONTIEL, J., AND BUIL-FABREGÀ, M. (2021). Construction of Biophysical Indicators for the Catalan Economy: Building a New Conceptual Framework. Sustainability, 13(13), 7462•
- FABREGÁ, MB, MASFERRER, N., PATAU, J., AND PÉREZ, APM (2020). Self-awareness competence as driver of innovation and environmental commitment in higher education students. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education.•
- RAYA, JM, & TORRES-PRUÑONOSA, J. (2022). The importance of administrative data in the evaluation of the incidence of social housing allowance programs. Evaluation and Program Planning, 94, 102117.
- RAYA, J. & KUCEL, A. (2022). How fiscal policy affects housing market dynamics: evidence from Spain. Bulletin of Economic Research (forthcoming)
- RAYA, J. and VARGAS, C. (2022). How to become a Cashless economy and what are the determinants of eliminating cash. Journal of Applied Economics 25(1), 543-562.
- RAYA, J. (2022). Can social capital variables help to determine loan to value approved by banks?, Journal of Real Estate Research. DOI: 10.1080/08965803.2021.2024678
- DURO, JA, & TURRIÓN-PRATS, J. (2022). Seasonality and the contribution of markets: Comparing methods. Tourism Management Perspectives, 43, 100987.
- CRESPO, P. & FUENTES, I. & RAYA, J. (2021). Economic and Social Yield of Investing in a Sporting Event: Sustainable Value Creation in a Territory. Sustainability.
- TORRES-PRUÑONOSA, J. & RAYA, JM & CRESPO-SOGAS, P. & MUR-GIMENO, E. (2022). The economic and social value of spa tourism: The case of balneotherapy in Maresme, Spain. PLOS ONE 17 (1): e0262428.
- SERRANO-ALARCÓN, M. & HERNÁNDEZ-PIZARRO, H. & LÓPEZ-CASANOVAS, G. & NICODEMO, C. (2022). Effects of long-term care benefits on healthcare utilization in Catalonia. Journal of Health Economics, 102645.
- MARTÍNEZ CASANOVAS, M. & RUÍZ-MUNZÓN, N. & BUIL-FANREGÁ, M. (2021). Higher education: the best practices for fostering competences for sustainable development through the use of active learning methodologies. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
- MARTÍNEZ, J. (2022). Technological drivers of seaports' business model innovation. A case study of the port of Barcelona. Research in Transportation Business & Management.
- MARTÍNEZ, J. (2022). DLT-based sustainable business models for the shipping industry. International Journal of Transport Economics.
- HAUK, ESTHER & OVIEDO, MÓNICA & RAMOS, XAVIER (2022). Perception of corruption and public support for redistribution in Latin America. European Journal of Political Economy, Volume 74, 102174, Elsevier Science Inc., Netherlands.
- DOPESO-FERNÁNDEZ, R., GIUSTI, G., & KUCEL, A. (2022). Only the smartest? Motivating job characteristics for all ability levels and their impact on job satisfaction. Bulletin of Economic Research, 00, 1– 34. https://doi.org/10.1111/boer.12379
- BERTA BARQUERO, MARIANNA BOSCH, IGNASI FLORENSA & NOEMÍ RUIZ-MUNZÓN (2022) Study and research paths in the frontier between paradigms, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 53:5, 1213-1229, DOI: 10.1080/0020739X .2021.1988166
- TORRES-PRUÑONOSA, J., GARCÍA-ESTÉVEZ, P., RAYA, JM, & PRADO-ROMÁN, C. (2022). How on Earth Did Spanish Banking Sell the Housing Stock? SAGE Open, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.1177/21582440221079916
- MANERA, CARLES, AND ELOI SERRANO. 2022. "Management, Cooperatives and Sustainability: A New Methodological Proposal for a Holistic Analysis" Sustainability 14, no. 12: 7489. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14127489
- SERRANO, E. (2022). Josep Maria Feliu Roca, Raimon Soler Becerro, Granada Cooperative Cellar (1920-2020). One hundred years of viticulture in the heart of the Penedès, La Granada, Celler Cooperatiu i Secció de Crèdit, 2020, 298 pp. Investigaciones De Historia Económica, 18(1), 71–72. https://doi.org/10.33231/j.ihe.2021.04.009
- MONTALVO, JG, RAYA, JM (2022) A comparison of banks and real estate intermediaries as house sellers. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10901-022-09994-6
- GALÍ, J., GIUSTI, G., AND NOUSSAIR, CN (2021). Monetary policy and asset price bubbles: a laboratory experiment. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 130, 104184.
- RAYA, J, AND GIUSTI, G. (2021). Can information regarding previous sales stabilize the house price index? Evidence from a field experiment in Spain. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 36(2), 353-366.
- LÓPEZ-LÓPEZ, D., AND GIUSTI, G. (2020). Comparing Digital Strategies and Social Media Usage in B2B and B2C Industries in Spain. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 27(2), 175-186
- GIUSTI, G., AND DOPESO-FERNÁNDEZ, R. (2020). Incentive magnitude and reference point shifting: a laboratory experiment. International Journal of Manpower.
- MAYNOU, L., HERNÁNDEZ-PIZARRO, HM, AND ERREA RODRÍGUEZ, M. (2021). The association of physical (in)activity with mental health. Differences between elderly and younger populations: a systematic literature review. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(9), 4771.
- HERNÁNDEZ-PIZARRO, HM, NICODEMO, C., AND CASASNOVAS, GL (2020). Discontinuous system of allowances: The response of prosocial health-care professionals. Journal of Public Economics, 190, 104248.
- DURO, JA, PEREZ-LABORDA, A., TURRION-PRATS, J., AND FERNÁNDEZ-FERNÁNDEZ, M. (2021). Covid-19 and tourism vulnerability. Tourism Management Perspectives, 38, 100819.
- Butkouskaya, V., & Llonch-Andreu, J. (2021). The impact of customer performance on IMC outcomes: firm size moderation in the inter-country context. Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science, 26(52), 358-375. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/JEFAS-10-2021-0207
- Butkouskaya, V., Llonch-Andreu, J., & Alarcón-del-Amo, MDC (2021). Inter-country customer-perspective analysis of strategic antecedents and consequences for post-purchase behavior in Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC). Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 33(1), 68-83. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/08961530.2020.1731901
- Butkouskaya, V., Llonch-Andreu, J., & Alarcón-Del-Amo, MDC (2021). Strategic antecedents and organizational consequences of IMC in different economy types. Journal of Marketing Communications, 27(2), 115-136. DOI: 10.1080/13527266.2019.1633551
- BERNARDO, V. AND FAGEDA, X. (2020) "Impacts of competition on connecting travelers: Evidence from the transatlantic aviation market . Transport Policy, 96, 141-151.
-BAGUR-FEMENÍAS, L., BUIL-FABREGA, M. AND AZNAR, JP (2020) "Teaching digital natives to acquire skills for sustainable development. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. 21 (6), 1053-1069
-GIUSTI, G. AND DOPESO-FERNÁNDEZ, R. (2020) "Incentive magnitude and reference point shifting: a laboratory experiment". International Journal of Manpower. ISBN: 0143-7720
-AGULLEIRO, A., MIQUEL, S., GARCIA, I. AND GONZÁLEZ, Z. (2020) "Approach to the non-professional profile of the fashionable micro instagrammer in Spain, The Information Professional, 29, 4.
-BERTOLI, P., GREMBI, V., LLANEZA, C. AND VALL, J. (2020) "The effect of budget cuts on C-section rates and birth outcomes: Evidence from Spain, Social Science & Medicine, 265, article 113419
-GARCIA MONTALVO, J., PIOLATTO, A. AND RAYA, J. (2020) "Transaction-tax evasion in the housing market, Regional Science and urban Economics (forthcoming). 81, article 103526.
-RAYA, J. AND RIPOLL, A. (2020) "Tourism indicators and airports' technical efficiency, Annals of Tourism Research 80, article 102819
-RAYA, J., NICODEMO, C. AND MCMILLEN (2020): "Does Juan Carlos or Nelson Obtain a Larger Price Cut in the Spanish Housing Market? Urban Affairs Review 56 (5), 1581-1604.
-MARTORI, A. (2020). The Impact of Communication Policies in Local Television Models. The Cases of Catalonia and Scotland. In: Baines, D. & Gulyas, A. Routledge Companion to Local Media and Journalism. London: Routledge.
- Butkouskaya, V., Llonch-Andreu, J., & Alarcón-del-Amo, MDC (2020). Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO), Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC), and Performance in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs): Gender Gap and Inter-Country Context. Sustainability, 12(17), 7159. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su12177159
- Butkouskaya, V., Romagosa, F., & Noguera, M. (2020). Obstacles to Sustainable Entrepreneurship Among Tourism Students: A Gender Comparison. Sustainability, 12(5), 1-15. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/su12051812
SERRANO-ALARCÓN, M. & HERNÁNDEZ-PIZARRO, H. & LÓPEZ-CASANOVAS, G. & NICODEMO, C. (2022). Effects of long-term care benefits on healthcare utilization in Catalonia. Journal of Health Economics, 102645.
HERNÁNDEZ-PIZARRO, HM, NICODEMO, C., AND CASASNOVAS, GL (2020). Discontinuous system of allowances: The response of prosocial health-care professionals. Journal of Public Economics, 190, 104248.
MAYNOU, L., HERNÁNDEZ-PIZARRO, HM, AND ERREA RODRÍGUEZ, M. (2021). The association of physical (in)activity with mental health. Differences between elderly and younger populations: a systematic literature review. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(9), 4771
BERTOLI, P., GREMBI, V., LLANEZA, C. AND VALL, J. (2020) "The effect of budget cuts on C-section rates and birth outcomes: Evidence from Spain, Social Science & Medicine", 265, article 113419