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The GRACIS group has been working in the field of ageing, dependency and family networks for many years. As a result of this work, projects, research studies and doctoral theses have been developed and more recently, the Chair of Ageing and Quality of Life has been created.
This group of health and social professionals wants to delve into very prevalent problems in our society and find strategies that help us improve people's health and quality of life.
In Spain, the evolution of the main demographic parameters is leading society towards the progressive ageing of the population. It is expected that by 2060 people over the age of 65 will represent 30% of the population and that one in eight people will be 80 or older. Regarding the projection of the National Statistics Institute (INE), in 2066 there will be more than 14 million elderly people, 34,6% of the total population that will reach 41.068.643 inhabitants. On the other hand, life expectancy at birth reaches 82,87 years, with women at 85,58 years and men at 80,08 years. Life expectancy at age 65 in Spain is 21,5% and in Europe 20% (INE 2017).
Women are the majority in old age, 32,0% more than men. This significant change in population structure puts great pressure on systems that promote healthy ageing, so answers need to be found to maintain quality of life and functional independence, reducing morbidity and dependency. In this sense, it is important to frame this demographic transition as a challenge for health professionals for educational practices that promote active and healthy ageing.
The ageing process is associated with the development of chronic diseases, the progressive increase in dependency and changes in family and social structures. Although the association between age and health status is highly variable among the elderly population, old age is the stage of life in which people’s physical deterioration becomes most evident; Multiple disabilities and biopsychosocial health-related problems make it difficult to experience positive ageing.
It is also true that there is another factor related to the longer life expectancy of women. Living longer than men makes them more likely to be widowed and live longer alone. A growing problem in our society is the loneliness of the elderly, and even worse the unwanted loneliness. In Spain, 2 million people over the age of 65 live alone and 72% are women and this figure increases in the case of women over the age of 80.
Faced with this increase in life expectancy, the purpose of health professionals is to delay the onset of these diseases and promote healthy ageing by increasing disability-free life expectancy, promoting the health of the elderly so that they can live autonomously while contributing to society.
On the other hand, health and social professionals must be innovative when it comes to taking a comprehensive approach to the elderly and the resources we have at our disposal. Today, information and communication technologies (ICT) not only affect the way society is organized, but also the way people relate, work, communicate, understand and interact with each other.
Digital health has many benefits which affect the patient, medical care and the health system. It empowers the patient, offering satisfaction and improved standard minimum care, remote access, individual well-being, health awareness, and resilience. ICT is an innovative, creative and pedagogical tool that allows for changes in the process of disease prevention and promotion of health, and this knowledge opens up new possibilities in the development of educational strategies for patients with chronic diseases or risk factors.
For this reason, and given that the healthcare system faces significant challenges in both the increase in demand for care and the scarcity of available resources, it is necessary to develop and evaluate new interventions and technological tools in order to ensure a better quality of life for the patient; and evolve towards better, more efficient and sustainable care. This evolution becomes more relevant and highlights the need to change working methods in healthcare settings, health care models, and the training of students and health professionals using the most innovative learning methods.
This research group is directly linked to the Master's Degree in Integrated Care in Chronicity and Aging (MAICE) of the Pompeu Fabra University and to the activity that takes place at the Health Simulation and Innovation Center of the Department of Health TecnoCampus .
Group coordinator: Dra. Esther Cabrera Torres
nurse PhD in the doctoral program for Primary Care professionals (UIC). Accredited as Professor (AQU) and holder (ANECA)
Director of the Chair of Aging and Quality of Life at TecnoCampus and of the Master's in Integrated Care for Chronicity and Aging at Pompeu Fabra University. She works as a full professor at the Higher School of Health Sciences of the TecnoCampus and collaborates as an associate professor at the Department of Care Management and Social Work at the Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University) in Moscow (Russia) .
ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7353-0542
RESEARCH ID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/B-7591-2015
Contact: ecabrera@tecnocampus.cat
Dr. Carolina Chabrera Sanz
nurse PhD in Medicine from the UB. Accredited as a reader (AQU) and Contracted D (ANECA). Research Teaching Professor (PDI) permanent and coordinator of the degree in Nursing at TecnoCampus. Head of the ESCS Health Simulation and Innovation Center (UPF).
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1661-7916
Contact: cchabrera@tecnocampus.cat
Dr. Sandra Arco Rodríguez
nurse PhD from the UAB. Associate Professor in the TecnoCampus Nursing Degree. Nursing coordinator of the CAP Progrés Raval de Badalona Care Services (BSA).
Contact: sarco@tecnocampus.cat
Dr. Esther Mateo Aguilar
nurse PhD in the joint Doctorate program in Health, Psychology and Psychiatry with international honors from the University of Almeria and the Rovira i Virgili University. Research Teaching Professor (PDI) permanent of the Degree in Nursing of TecnoCampus-Pompeu Fabra University. Member of the Catalan-language Febe d'Història d'Infermeria association.
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2036-0444
Contact: emateo@tecnocampus.cat
Mrs. Laura Curell Ferrer (doctoral student)
nurse Doctoral student in the doctoral program in Nursing Sciences at the Universitat Jaume I. Teaching Research Professor (PDI) in the Degree in Nursing at the Tecnocampus. Responsible for the technical simulation spaces of the Health Simulation and Innovation Center (CSIS) of the TecnoCampus School of Health Sciences. Active member in the Simulation Nursing Research Group of Catalonia and Andorra (GRISCA).
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5363-9666
Contact: lcurell@tecnocampus.cat
Dr. Meritxell Puyané Oliva
psychologist PhD in clinical and health psychology doctoral program of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Coordinator of the "Gender and Health" research line of the GRACIS group. Doctoral director and professor in the Higher School of Health Sciences of the TecnoCampus.
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4900-7249
Contact: mpuyane@tecnocampus.cat
Dr. Carlos Martinez Piper
nurse Doctor from the doctoral program in Health of the University of Lleida (UdL). Doctoral professor in the Degree in Nursing at the Higher School of Health Sciences TecnoCampus, a center attached to the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF). Principal Investigator (IP) of the '4D in the Digitalisation of Learning in Practice Placement' Project, ERASMUS+ Program Action Type KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education Call 2021 Round 1. Context: Field Higher Education; Agreement 2021-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000027496.
ORCHID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0899-353X
Contact: cmartinezga@tecnocampus.cat
Dr. Esther Limón Ramírez
Doctor specializing in family and community medicine, doctor of medicine, with experience in caring for people with complex needs and end-of-life situations.
She has been coordinator of the monograph on complex chronicity of the Spanish Society of Palliative Care and coordinator/author of the CAAPS Monograph Approach to the patient with frailty and complex chronicity of CAMFiC (Catalan Society of Family and Community Medicine). MIR teaching tutor and experience as teaching coordinator of the Ronda Prim team (MIR and IIR). Reference for continued training in the CAMFiC in ATDOM, chronicity, frailty and end of life. He has been part of the editorial committee of the journal Medicina Palliative. Director of the post-graduate course in care for people with complex needs (CAMFiC-*UIC).
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3530-3960
Contact: elimon.mn.ics@gencat.cat
Dr. Ferran Abbot González
Doctor specializing in Sports Surgery and Traumatology, expert in muscle and tendon injuries. He specialized in Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology at the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau. Doctor from the doctoral program in medicine at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He holds the title of General Management Program (PDG) from the IESE Business School in Barcelona.
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5711-6640
Contact: fabatg@tecnocampus.cat
Dr. Marc Terradellas Fernández
Physiotherapist. Coordinator of the Physiotherapy Degree at the Higher School of Health Sciences, TecnoCampus, a center attached to the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF). Coordinator of the Double Degree in Physiotherapy and the Degree in Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport in TecnoCampus. Doctor in Medicine from the UAB. PhD professor at the TecnoCampus School of Health. Member of the Research Group on Sarcopenia, Frailty and Dependence (GRESFD) accredited by AGAUR of the Consorci Sanitari del Maresme (Hospital de Mataró).
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7512-5826
Dr. Carme Planas Campmany
nurse Doctor from the Doctorate program in Nursing Sciences of the University of Barcelona (UB). Accredited as Reader by the AQU. She has been a PhD teacher in the Degree in Nursing at TecnoCampus. Currently, she is the director of nursing care for the Catalan Health System.
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9840-0982
Contact: cplanas@tecnocampus.cat
Dr. Anabel Casanovas Alvarez
Physiotherapist. Specialized in lymphology and phlebology. Doctoral student in the Health Sciences program at the UIC. Full professor of the Degree in Physiotherapy and double degree in Physical Activity Sciences and Sport at the TecnoCampus School of Health Sciences. Teacher of the continuing education course at the Gembernat University Schools: Assessment and treatment of lymphatic and venous disorders.
Contact: acasanovasa@tecnocampus.cat
Mr. Carlos Garcia Lopez
Graduated in audiovisual media. Doctoral student for the UOC's information technologies and networks program. Director of the Quality, Learning and Innovation Service in TecnoCampus (SQAI).
ORCHID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6909-4365
Contact: cgarcia@tecnocampus.cat
Mrs. Gemma Garreta Parés
Nurse and Anthropologist. Doctoral student in the doctoral program in Nursing Sciences at the Jaume I University. Permanent Teaching Research Professor (PDI) in the Degree in Nursing at the TecnoCampus-Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Academic head of international relations at the TecnoCampus-UPF Health Department.
ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0009-0004-8100-2370
Contact: ggarreta@tecnocampus.cat
This line works in the field of chronic diseases and their impact on the lives of people who suffer from them and their carers.
Responsible: Dr. Esther Cabrera
Researcher/s: Dra. Esther Limón, Dr. Marc Terradellas, Dr. Carolina Chabrera, Dr. Meritxell Puyané, Dr. Carme Planas, Dr. Sandra Arco, Dr. Esther Mateo.
With the binding of la Aging and Quality of Life Chair TecnoCampus (CEQV). The commitment to knowledge transfer has been an indissoluble asset of academic policies. Innovation, research and transfer are the keys with which the TCM wants to assume its link with the world of business and health institutions. The CEQV wants to promote research into care models for the problems arising from and/or arising from aging and improving the quality of life of the elderly, through the creation and consolidation of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research groups and development around the health problems with more morbidity and prevalence.
Responsible: Dr. Carolina Chabrera
Researcher/s: Dr. Carlos Martinez, Dr. Carles Garcia, Dr. Esther Cabrera, Mrs. Laura Curell, Dr. Esther Mateo
Responsible: Dr. Anabel Casanovas
Researcher/s: Dr. Ferran Abat, Dr. Anabel Casanovas and Dr. Marc Terradellas
Responsible: Dr. Meritxell Puyané
Researcher/s: Dra. Esther Limón, Dr. Esther Cabrera, Dr. Carolina Chabrera, Dr. Marc Terradellas
The scientific knowledge in health currently available is biased, one of the main problems being the omission of gender (Laurila & Young, 2001). Historically, health research has scarcely examined the problems that particularly affect women, and numerous issues have been skewed through partial and stereotyped approaches (WHO, 1998).
The incorporation of the gender perspective in research understood as Gender-sensitive research takes into account gender and its multiple social, theoretical and methodological dimensions in all phases of research projects (design, theoretical framework, methodology and techniques, data analysis and publication of results), contributing to greater rigor and innovation (Schiebinger, L. Schraudner, 2011; Gender in EU-funded research Toolkit, 2009).
The GRACIS GROUP is committed to the inclusion of a gender perspective in its projects with the aim of creating scientifically reflective and socially responsible projects.
1. Title: Aging and loneliness. The feminization of unwanted loneliness in older people; how to face it (NOT ALONE). Funding entity: Ministry of Science and Innovation. Reference of the concession: Proyectos I+D Generación Conocimientos. Amount awarded: €100.625,00. Duration: 01/09/2023 - 30/08/2027. Principal researcher: Dra. Esther Cabrera Torres. Collaborators: Dra. Carolina Chabrera, Dr. Meritxell Puyané, Dr. Marc Tarradellas Fernández, Dr. Esther Mateo Aguilar. Collaborating entities: Mataró City Council.
2. Title: Prevention of loneliness in the elderly in Maresme. Call: Funding entity: Maria de Calella de Mar Social Work Foundation. Amount: €15.000,00. Entity: TecnoCampus Mataró-Maresme Foundation. Aging and Quality of Life Chair. Collaborating entities: Federation of Associations of Senior Citizens of Catalonia (FATEC), Calella de Mar City Council, Pineda de Mar City Council. Obra de Maria Social Foundation (fundacioobrademaria.cat)
3. Title: Effectiveness of a therapeutic group exercise program in patients with muscular dystrophies: a randomized controlled clinical trial. Funding entity: College of Physiotherapists of Catalonia. Grant reference: R04/21. Amount awarded: €5.965,6. Duration: 31/11/2021 2022 - 2024. Principal researcher: Dra. Raquel Sebio. Collaborators: Dr. Joan Daniel Martí Romeu, Dr. Mihaela Adriana Taranu, Mrs. Inés Bouyssou, Mr. Oscar Vicente, Dr. Sarah Laxe Collaborating entities: Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. TecnoCampus Higher School of Health Sciences. Pompeu Fabra University.
4. Title: 4D in the Digitization of Learning in Practice Placement. Funding entity: ERASMUS+ European Commission. Grant reference: KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices. Granted amount €377.840. Duration: from/from 01/11/2021 to 01/11/2024. Principal researcher: Dr. Carlos Martínez Gaitero/ Dr. Esther Cabrera. Collaborators: Beata Dobrowolska (Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, Lublin, Poland), Daniel Moreno, Oriol Estrada, Isabel Andrés (Institute for Health Science Research Germans Trias i Pujol, Barcelona, Spain), Sebastian Dennerlein (Know- Center GmbH. Graz University of Technology and Business, Austria) Gilbert Peffer, Tamsin Treasure-Jones, Raymond Elferink Utrecht ( Kubify - Learning Toolbox , The Netherlands), Stephanie Herbstreit, Daniela Maeker ( Faculty of Medicine of the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany). Project website: https://4d.tecnocampus.cat/
5. Title: Prehabilitation program based on health education and Nordic walking with research registration number. Funding entity: College of Physiotherapists of Catalonia. Grant reference: R5/2022. Amount: €5.528. Duration: 05/05/2021 2023 - 2024. Collaborating entities: Hospital de Sant Pau and Santa Creu de Barcelona. TecnoCampus Higher School of Health Sciences. Pompeu Fabra University. IP: Anabel Casanovas. Collaborators: Dr. Raquel Sebio, Dr. Jaume Masià, Dr. Agustí Barnadas, Ms. Magda Ciendones, Ms. Blanca Estanyol, Mr. Josep Padrós, Mr. Jordi Cuartero and Dr. Bárbara Garcia Valdecasas.
6. Title: Effectiveness of a digital platform to improve adherence to pharmacological treatment and symptomatic control in children and adolescents with difficult-to-control asthma. Funding entity: Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR). Call 2019. Amount awarded: €12.000. IP: Inés de Mir Messa. Collaborating researcher: Dra. Raquel Sebio
7. Title: Evaluation of a pre-surgical optimization program (pre-qualification) in high-risk patients candidates for pancreatic surgery: efficacy and response factors. Health Research Fund - Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Amount granted: € 44.000 IP: Graciela Martínez Pallí and Fabio Ausania. Call 2020. Collaborating researcher: Dra. Raquel Sebio
1. Title: AQUAFIT Project: Efficacy of aquatic versus conventional exercise in breast cancer survivors. IP: Dr. Esther Moore. Researchers: Collaborators: Dra. Raquel Sebio, Dr. Mar Vernet, Dr. Marta Coll, Mrs. Marion Funding entity: ADAMED Laboratorios, SLU Second call for the Aid Program for research projects related to breast cancer. Collaborating entities: Amount granted: €4.478,88. Duration: 2020 -2022. Higher School of Health Sciences. Pompeu Fabra University. TecnoCampus Mataró, CEM Marítim (Clubs Claror), Hospital del Mar de Barcelona.
2. Title: Digital Toolbox for Innovation in Nursing Education (I-BOX). Funding entity: European Commission. Grant reference: KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices KA203 - Strategic Partnerships for higher education. 2019-1-ES01-KA203-065836. Amount granted: €248.000. Duration: from/from 01/09/2019 to 31/08/2022. IP's and Project Coordinators: Dra. Esther Cabrera/ Dr. Carolina Chabrera, School of Health Sciences TecnoCampus (SPAIN). Collaborators: University of Maribor, Slovenia, University of UMIT, Austria, Sechenov University Russia, University Applied Sciences Turku. Project website: https://i-box.tecnocampus.cat/?lang=es
3. Title: Student Stress Training E-Mobile Management. Funding entity: European Commission. Grant reference: KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices KA203 - Strategic Partnerships for higher education. 2019-1-ES01-KA203-065836. Amount granted: €297.000. TecnoCampus €20.033 Duration: 2019 -2022. IP: John Wells (Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland). Researchers: Dr. Carme Rosell, Dr. Esther Mateo. Collaborators: School of Health Sciences TecnoCampus, Spain University of Maribor, Slovenia, Euro Care Healthcare Ltd - EUPMC Whitfiled, Ireland, IBK Management Solutions, Germany. Project website: https://sstemm.eu/casa/?lang=es
6. Title: The Use of Simulation in Nursing Education Programs. Duration: 2019-2020. IP's .: Dra. Carolina Chabrera and Dra. Esther Cabrera. Researcher / s: N.Prlic, L.Serrant, B.Dobrowolska, R.Kane, Christine Jackson, A.Sigurdardottir, J.Wells, A.Palese, M.Pajnkihar, M.Treslova, N.Kasimovskaya, J.Betlehem , Schulc. Funding Entity: TecnoCampus Foundation. Amount Granted: € 2000.
7. Title: Effectiveness of high-fidelity simulation (HFS) in undergraduate nursing students: randomized controlled trial (RCT). Funding entity: TecnoCampus Foundation. Amount: €3.000. Duration: from/from 3/2018 to 2020. IP: Dra. Carolina Chabrera Researchers: Mrs. Laura Curell, Mrs. Griselda Manzano, Mrs. Mireia Carmona, Dr. Alicia San José, Dr. Carmen Rosell
8. Title: Mobile applications in health used by healthcare professionals during healthcare practice. Funding entity: Academy of Medical Sciences of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands - Branch of Maresme. Institutions: Higher School of Health Sciences TecnoCampus. Pompeu Fabra University. Maresme i la Selva Health Corporation. Doctoral thesis by Griselda Manzano Awarded amount: €3.000. Duration: 2016-2020. Researchers: Dr. Carolina Chabrera, Dr. Guillermo Paluzié, Mrs. Mercè Díaz, Mrs. Ariadna Rivers, Dr. Sandra Arco.
9. Title: Evaluation of an innovative information, training and social support intervention "INFOSADEM" to principal caregivers of dementia patients living at home. Experimental study. Funding entity: Fundació Marató de TV3 2014 (155/U/2104). Amount awarded: €133.700. Duration: 2014-2017. Principal researcher: Adelaida Zabalegui. Clinical Foundation for Biomedical Research. Researchers: Risco E, Segarra R, Roura S, Blat E, Navarro M, Puy N, Fusté T, Cabrera E.
1. Chabrera C, Diago E, Curell L. Development, Validity and Reliability of Objective Structured Clinical Examination in Nursing Students. SAGE Open Nurs. 2023; 9:1-8. DOI: 10.1177/23779608231207217
2. Martínez-Gaitero C, Dennerlein SM, Dobrowolska B, Fessl A, Moreno-Martínez D, Herbstreit S, Peffer G, Cabrera E. Connecting actors in healthcare practice placements with the introduction of mobile technology: European 4D Project Protocol Study. JMIR Preprints. 02/10/2023:53284. http://doi.org/10.2196/preprints.53284
3. Casanovas-Álvarez A, Sebio-Garcia R, Ciendones M, Cuartero J, Estanyol B, Padròs J, García-Valdecasas B, Barnadas A, Masià J. Prehabilitation in patients with Breast Cancer Receiving Neoadjuvant Therapy to Minimize Musculoskeletal Postoperative Complications and Enhance Recovery (PREOPtimize): a protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Phys Ther 2023; 103:1-7. DOI: 10.1093/ptj/pzad062
4. E Muñoz-Redondo, A Morgado-Pérez, M Pérez-Sáez, J Pascual, M Tejero-Sánchez, Y. Curbelo, M Terradellas-Fernández, D Meza-Valderrama, O Vázquez-Ibar, C Annweiler, D Sánchez-Rodríguez, E Marco. New perspectives on frailty in light of the Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition, the Global Leadership Initiative on Sarcopenia, and the WHO's concept of intrinsic capacity: A narrative review, Maturitas, Volume 177, 2023, ISSN 0378-5122. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.maturitas.2023.107799
5. Manzano-Monfort G, Paluzie G, Díaz-Gegúndez M, Chabrera C. Usability of a mobile application for health professionals in home care services: a user-centered approach. Sci Rep. 2023;13(1):2607. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-29640-7
6. Barco I, Chabrera C, García-Fernández A, Fraile M, Vidal C, Mitru CB, Porta O, García-Font M. COVID-19 Incidence and Mortality in Patients Operated on for Breast Cancer. Comparison with the General Population. Clin Breast Cancer. 2023 Feb;23(2):135-142. DOI: 10.1016/j.clbc.2022.11.002
7. Sevilla-Guerra, S., Jean, E., Kilpatrick, K., Zabalegui, A., Martínez-GaiteroC. Contextual factors of advanced practice nursing development: A network analysis. Int J Nurs Pract. 2022; e13114. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijn.13114
8. Mateo-Aguilar E, Martínez-Casas JM, Pérez-Rodríguez R, Fernández-Sola C, Dobairro-Sanz I, Ruiz-Fernández MD Dignity in the care of people with advanced illness in emergency services from the perspective of family members: A qualitative study. International emerge Nurs. 2022; Nov 65: 101216.
9. M. Serra-Prat, M. Terradellas, I. Lorenzo et al. Effectiveness of a Weight-Loss Intervention in Preventing Frailty and Functional Decline in CommunityDwelling Obese Older People. A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Frailty Aging 2022;11(1)91-99; http://dx.doi.org/10.14283/jfa.2021.38.
10. Barco I, Chabrera C, García-Fernández A, Fraile M, Giménez N, Vallejo E, Zarco P, González S, González C, Larrañaga I, Garcia-Font M. Clinico-pathologic factors associated with the occurrence of early and late metastatic spread in a cohort of breast cancer patients. Breast Dis. 2022;41(1):365-372. DOI: 10.3233/BD-210086
11. E-Book. Title SSTeMM Manual for Trainers Subtitle Student Nurse Clinical Support Manual for Trainers .Authors/Contributors. SSTeMM (Student Stress Training e-Mobile Management) project teams: Waterford Institute of Technology School of Health Sciences; University of Maribor, Faculty of Health Sciences; TecnoCampus (FTMM) School of Health Sciences (Dr. Ester Mateo and Dr. Carme Rosell); UPMC Whitefield Hospital (EHC); IBK Management Solutions GMBH. Cover graphics. Published by SSTeMM (Student Stress Training e-Mobile Management). Publication type E-book Published August 2022.
12 Sebio-Garcia R, Dana F, Gimeno-Santos E, Lopez-Baamonde M, Ubré-Lorenzo M, Montané-Muntané, Risco R, Messagi-Sartor M, Roca J, Martínez-Pallí G. Repeatability and learning effect in the 6MWT in preoperative cancer patients undergoing a prehabilitation program. Support Care Cancer 2022. Jun 30;(6):5107-5114. DOI: 10.1007/s00520-022-06934-6
13. Torres-Pruñonosa J, Raya JM, Crespo-Sogas P, Mur-Gimeno E. The economic and social value of spa tourism: The case of balneotherapy in Maresme, Spain. PLoS One. 2022; Jan 31;17(1):e0262428.
14. Peña-Pérez T, Mur-Gimeno E, Sebio-Garcia R. Association between physical activity and patient-reported outcome measures in patients with lung cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Quality of Life Research. 2022; Jan 21
15 Mur-Gimeno E, Postigo-Martin P, Cantarero-Villanueva I, Sebio-Garcia R. Systematic review of the effect of aquatic therapeutic exercise in breast cancer survivors. ): European Journal of Cancer Care (Engl). 2022; Jan;31(1):e13535.
16 Chabrera C, Dobrowolska B, Jackson C, Kane R, Kasimovskaya N, Kennedy S, Lovrić R, Palese A, Treslova M, Cabrera E. Simulation in Nursing Education Programs: Findings From an International Exploratory Study. Clinical Simulation in Nursing. 2021; 59:23-3.
17. Rodriguez E, Chabrera C, Farré M, Castillo J, Virumbrales M, Raurell M. Adaptation and validation of a Spanish version of the KidSIM Team Performance Scale. J Prof Nurs. 2021; 37(5):795-803.
18. Gosak, L., Fijačko, N., Chabrera, C., Cabrera, E., & Štiglic, G. Perception of the Online Learning Environment of Nursing Students in Slovenia: Validation of the DREEM Questionnaire. Healthcare. 2021; 9(8): 998.
19. Alvira, C, Cabrera, E, Kostov, B, et al. Validity and reliability of the Spanish caregiver reaction assessment scale for caregivers of people with dementia. Int J Nurs Pract. 2021; 27:e12848.
20. Barco I, García-Font M, García-Fernández A, Fraile M, Giménez N, González S, Vallejo E, Zarco P, Gonzalez C, Larrañaga I, Chabrera C. Breast cancer patients developing distant metastasis at follow-up: Mortality-related factors. Breast Journal. 2021; 27(3):291-293.
21 Mur-Gimeno E, Sebio-Garcia R, Solé J, Lleida A, Moras G. Short-term effects of two different recovery strategies on muscle contractile properties in healthy active men: a randomized cross-over study. Journal of Sports Sciences. 2021; Dec 1; 1-9.
22 Mateo-Aguilar E, Curell-Ferrer L, Chabrera-Sanz C. Incorporation of the NNN-Consult® tool within the ECOE test of the Degree in Nursing. Spanish Association of Nomenclature, Taxonomy and Nursing Diagnostics. AENTDE. (Publishers). XIII AENTDE Symposium. "Nursing science through languages: 25 years of AENTDE". Barcelona AENTDE. 2021. ISBN: 978-84-09-34802-2.
23 Cabrera E, Zabalegui A. Bologna process in European nursing education. Ten years later, lights and shadows. J Adv Nurs. 2020; 00: 1–3. doi: 10.1111 / jan.14727.
24. Padilla-Escobedo V, Álvarez-Carnero L, Suárez-Galvis MM, Mateo-Aguilar E, Vila-Miravet V. Atypical presentation of gastric heterotopia in a pediatric patient: report of a case. Atypical presentation of gastric heterotopia in a pediatric patient: a case report. Sick Endosc Dig. 2020;7(2): 22-27.
25. Frias CE, Cabrera E, Zabalegui A. Informal Caregivers' Roles in Dementia: The Impact on Their Quality of Life. Life (Basel). 2020 Oct 23; 10 (11): 251.
26 Cabrera E, Zabalegui A. Nurses workforce and competencies. A challenge for health systems more than ever. Nurse Educ Pract. 2020 Oct; 48: 102858.
27 Sebio-Garcia R. Pulmonary Rehabilitation: time for an upgrade. J Clin Med 2020; 9 (9) 2745; doi: 10.3390 / jcm9092742
28 Mur-Gimeno E, Campa F, Badicu G, Castizo-Olier J, Palomera-Fanegas E, Sebio-Garcia R. Changes in Muscle Contractile Properties after Cold- or Warm-Water Immersion Using Tensiomyography: a cross-over randomized trial. Sensors 2020, 20, 3193.
29. Nebreda, IB, Chabrera, C., García ‐ Fernández, A., Giménez, N., Fraile, M., González, S., Vallejo, E., Lain, JM, Vidal, MC, González, C., Larrañaga, I., Canales, L., Pessarrodona, A., García ‐ Font, M. Factors associated with the development of distant metastases in breast cancer patients - A regression model predicting organ relapse. Breast Journal. 2020; 26 (4): 794-796.
30. Barco, I., García-Font, M., García-Fernández, A., Giménez, N., Fraile, M., González, S., Vallejo, E., Lain, JM, Vidal, MC, González , C., Larrañaga, I., Canales, L., Pessarrodona, A., Chabrera, C. A regression model to predict axillary high tumor burden in sentinel node-positive breast cancer patients. Breast Journal. 2020; 26(2): 322-324
31 Sebio García R., Serra-Prat M. Opinion of community-dwelling elderly obese about the barriers and facilitators to engage physical exercise. Sport Sciences For Health 2020; 16:411-418
32. Book chapter: Rodríguez E, Chabrera C. Team performance rating scale (EVAE). In: Raurell Torredà M (coord). The evaluation of competencies in health professionals using the simulation methodology. Editions Octahedron. Barcelona: 2019. P.39-45. ISBN: 978-84-17667-65-8.
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