
The research group Narratives of Resistance (NardeRes) was created out of the common aims of its members to address current media phenomena from a holistic point of view, which is based on the theoretical foundations of perspectives such as Cultural Studies, Audience Studies, critical theory, narrative and structuralist semiotics, social constructivism, Game Studies and Gender Studies.

The group, made up of academics and media professionals, aims to investigate the messages, representations and media practices of the so-called media life of today's society, not only to analyze those that respond to hegemonic discourses, but, above all, to highlight those who oppose it: the minority, the marginal, the resistant.

The areas of activity of the group are, therefore, various and varied, and combine academic and practical perspective, basic and applied research, quantitative and qualitative methodologies: social communication, documentary cinema, fantasy cinema, serial fiction, interactive narrative and ludo-fiction, social media, journalism, democracy and technology, film margins and migration, cross-media production, cultural resistance, musical audiovisual, cultural audiovisual, cultural minorities.


Areas of research

The lines of research will be organized in relation to three main axes, despite having cross-cutting themes and interests:

1) Narratives of the real:

               a) Representations of the work in the documentary images

               b) Geographies of communication, conflict and audiovisual migrations

               c) Cultural Practices and Industries

2) Fictional narratives

               a) Study of social representations (of gender, age, etc.) in the audiovisual and interactive

               b) Analysis of audiovisual and interactive fiction narratives

               c) Film and television narratives

3) Media and culture

               a) Cultural resistance

               b) Media, technology and culture

               c) Hearing and reception studies

Group members

Eloi Aymerich Casas



Carlota Frisón Fernández

Maria Fernanda Luna Rassa

Joan Jordi Miralles Broto

Jorge Oter Gonzalez

Aina Fernandez Aragonés

Ariadna Vazquez

Gonzalo Berger Mulattieri

Scientific production


  • Luna M. (2024). Indigenous communities. Decolonial explanations and new circulations in Colombian cinema. In Amiot Guillouet, J., Guerrero, G., Mouline Civil, Françoise (Eds), Cinema and Literature: Actors of cultural diversity between France and Latin America: since the late twentieth century. pp. 101-119. Peter Lang Eds.
  • Fernandez-Aragonès A. (2023). The entrepreneur as a hypermodern subject: his (self) media representation. Studies on the Journalistic Message, 29(2), 431-442. 
  • Aina Fernandez-Aragonès, Mª Soliña Barreiro (2023) Hermes under the algorithm. The riders. pp. 232-239. In: Alan Salvado and Jordi Balló (Ed.) Power in the scene. Visual motifs in the public sphere. Gutenberg Galaxy. ISBN: 978-84-19075-33-8. April 2023 
  • Fernández-Aragonès, A.; Barreiro, MS (2023) Framing the gig economy: Delivery riders in Spanish media (2015–21). Journal of Class & Culture, Volume 2, Issue 1, Apr 2023, p. 75 - 96.
  • Gonzalez, MSB; Fernandez-Aragones, A. (2022) Histories del Punt: oral memory and minor archives for a history of industrial Mataro from below. Information Science Documentation. DOI: 10.5209/dcin.80916
  • Fernández Aragonès, A. (2022). Women, body and war: Kurdish female fighters through Commander Arian and Girls' War. Media, War & Conflict, 15(3), 298–314.
  • Fernández-Moreno, AA.; Salvadó-Romero A. (2022). Joker and Gotham City: identity correspondence. The political value in the evocation of New York City in the 70s and the imaginary of new Hollywood's thriller. Breaking Down Joker: Violence, Loneliness, Tragedy. Redmon S. (Ed.). London: Routledge. ISBN 9780367774240
  • Fraj, E; Carmen Márquez Vázquez (Ed.) (2022) Situation of teaching and research staff with disabilities in the Spanish university system. FIVE. Inclusion and diversity n. 33. 180 p. ISBN: 978-84-18433-60-3
  • Garin, M., & Fernandez, A. (2021). Images and visual motifs of Spanish economic power: The IBEX court and the banking crisis (2011–2013). Communication & Society, 34(2 Special), .
  • Frisón Fernandez, Carlota (2021) Four steps towards the words of silence in cinema. Journal of Sound, Silence, Image and Technology, No. 4, p. 65-81
  • Moon, M., Mora, P. and Samper, D. (Eds.). (2021). Territories without borders. Transformations of the contemporary documentary. Bogota: Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.


  • Miralles, JJ (2020). The world of Ciprì and Maresco. A praise to the degraded territory. L'Atalante. Magazine of cinematographic studies, 30, 182-197.
  • Villacampa Morales, E., Aran-Ramspott, S., & Fedele, M. (2020). Playing to be YouTubers: digital practices for the prevention of gender violence. ZER: Revista De Estudios De Comunicación = Komunikazion Ikasketen Aldizkaria, 25(48).
  •  Moon, M. and Mandirola, E. (2020). "Cinema and community. Projections of other possible worlds». Mediations, 24 (16). 2-7.
  • Moon, M. (2020). Sur on Demand. Colombian cinema from the legitimation of film festivals to the fragmentation of online distribution. In. AR Mantecón and L. González (Eds.). Latin American cinemas in circulation: in search of the lost public. Mexico: UAM. (Chapter in book).
  • Fernandez Aragones, A., & Camon Luis, E. (2020). Educating against the post-truth. Informational literacy as a strategy to make children resilient in digital consumption. ZER: Revista De Estudios De Comunicación = Komunikazion Ikasketen Aldizkaria, 25(48).
  • Fernandez, Aina; Barreiro, Maria Solina. (2020). The Algorithms is not My Boss Anymore: Technological appropriation and (new) media strategies in Riders x Derechos and Mensakas. Contracampo – Brazilian Journal of Communication, 39 (1), p. 65-83, April-July.
  • Fedele M, Masanet MJ, Ventura R. Negotiating love and gender stereotypes among young people: prevalence of “Amor Ludens” and television preferences rooted in hegemonic masculinity. Masculinities and social change. 2019;8(1):[43 p.]. DOI: 10.17583/MCS.2019.3742
  • Masanet, Maria-Jose & Fedele, Maddalena. (2019). The "bad boy" and the "responsible girl": aspirational models and youth representations in Spanish teen series. Keyword 22. 1-27. 10.5294/pacla.2019.22.2.5. 
  • Barreiro González, M., & Fernández i Aragonès, A. (2019). Underrepresentation and distortion of identity in the media during labor conflicts: The case of the Bershka workers' strike. Sociology of Work, 105-123.
  • Moon, M. (2019). Mapping heterotopias in Colombian documentary films. In I. Villarmea and F. Rosario (Eds.), New approaches to cinematic space . pp. 166-178. Routledge.
  • Aran-Ramspott, Sue; Fedele, Maddalena; Tarragó, Anna."YouTubers' social functions and their influence on pre-adolescence" [Funciones sociales de los Youtubers y su influencia en la preadolescence], Comunicar, 57, 71-80. 
  • Barreiro, Mª Soliña. "Geography against the plane: the other Barcelona in the cinema of Llorenç Soler" in The theoretical years. Arts, literature and criticism, 1962-1979. Narcís Garolera, Antoni Marí and Alex Mitrani (eds). Angle Editorial: Barcelona, ​​2018.
  • Barreiro, Mª Soliña "Filming on the ground. A landscape as a question of class" in Filming on the ground. A landscape as a question of class" in Marks in the Landscape. For a history of cinema in the Galician language. Margarita Ledo (coord.) Galaxia: Vigo, 2018 pp.43-80.
  • Castellón, E; Roca S.; Barreiro, Mª Soliña. "Qualitative and quantitative study of minority European Filmmaking through the synergistic convergence between in-depth interviews and the Delphi method" in  Finland, Galicia, Wales. I challenge you with two small cinemas in non-hexemonic languages./ Finland, Galicia, Walles. The challenges of small cinemas in non-hegemonic languages. GEA. University of Santiago de Compostela. Pp.239-254 // 255-269.
  • Mas, Lluís; Fedele, Maddalena; Larrea, Olatz. "Characters' portrayal in the television ads consumed by 5-8 year-old children in Spain". Creative Industries Global Conferences. Proceeding Book. Digital World Collection 12 of Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación, 233-246.
  • Frisón, Carlota. "A cinematic ecology" en Exchanges, psychoanalysis papers. No. 41, page 43-49, ISSN: 1576-1436.
  • Fraj Herranz, EG "The Problem of Truth in Activist Media Fakes" in, Research, Art, Creation, 6(2), 135-152. Barcelona. doi: 10.17583/brac.2018.2495
  • Fraj Herranz, EG "Survivors Male violence as a theme in the contemporary art of the Spanish State". (Ed.) Exhibition catalogue. Equality, City Council of Zaragoza. ISBN  Z-148 2018  
  • Fraj Herranz, EG "Survivors Male violence as a theme in the contemporary art of the Spanish State". Curation of collective exhibition. Juana Francés Art Room. Equality, City Council of Zaragoza. dates: 7/03/2018 – 06/04-2018
  • Moon, Maria and Meers, Philippe. The films of Ciro Guerra and the making of cosmopolitan spaces in Colombian cinema. Alphaville. Journal of film, screen and media, 14 (Winter Issue). 126-142.
  • Mauri de los Ríos, Marcel; Rodríguez-Martínez, Ruth, Figueras-Maz, Monica; Fedele, Maddalena. "Press Councils as Traditional Instruments of Self-Regulation: the Perception of European Journalists". Journal of Applied Journalism and Media Studies, 7 (2), 221-244.
  • Huertas Bailén, A. y Moon, M.  (Eds.) (2018). Indigenous cultures: research, communication and resistance. InCom-UAB Publications, 16. Bellaterra: Institute of Communication, Autonomous University of Barcelona. ISBN 978-84-948252-0-0.
  • Barreiro, MS (2017). Historicity and the original in the European avant-garde cinema of the twenties. Index.Communication: Cinema and Artistic Avant-Gardes, 7
  • Barreiro, MS, and Elduque, A. (2017). The look and the weight. Iconography of the working class in Chircales and Tierra Nueva. The gaze and weight: Iconography of the working class in Chircales and New Earth. Cinemas of Latin America, 25, 144-155.
  • Gómez García, S., Planells de la Maza, A., and Chicharro Merayo, M. (2017). Do students want to learn with video games? What its users think of the educational potential of this medium. Educate, 53(1), 49-66. ISSN: 0211-819X
  • Huertas, A., and Moon, M. (2017). Islam, migration and media consumption. The view of women from North Africa. Social Prism Magazine, no. Special 2, 83-103.
  • Manias-Muñoz, M., Barreiro, M.S., and Rodríguez, AI (2017). Public Policies, Diversity and National Cinemas in the Spanish context: Catalonia, Basque Country and Galicia. Communication & Society, 30
  • Planells de la Maza, A. (2017). Video games and the crowdfunding ideology: From the gamer-buyer to the prosumer-investor. Journal of Consumer Culture, 17(3), 620-638. ISSN: 14695405
  • Rey, E., Hediger, V., Montiel Mues, JA, Pinto, R., Muñoz-Aunión, M., Frezza, G. (2017). Germany, Italy, Spain: eroticism and desire under European fascisms (Alemania, Italia, España: el eros y el deseo bajo los fascismos europeos). The Atalante. Journal of Film Studies, 23.
  • Rodríguez-Martínez, R., Mauri-De los Ríos, M., y Fedele, M. (2017). Criticism in journalism as an accountability instrument: the opinion of Spanish journalists. Communication & Society, 30 - 1, 57 - 72. ISSN: 2386-7876
  • Fernández, A., and Garcia Pujadas, A. (2017). Free or vassals? The digital dilemma. Barcelona: Cultural Intervention Editions. ISBN: 8416995060; ISBN-13: 9788416995066
  • Barreiro, MS (2016). The temporary revolt as a method of the vanguard of Interwars. photo cinema Scientific Journal of Cinema and Photography, 12. ISSN: 2172-150
  • Otter, J. (2016). Analysis of a sequence of Salut les Cubans (Agnès Varda, 1963): music and filming of photographs. WHAT. Journal of Communication Studies, 41, 33-48. ISSN: 1989-631X
  • Fedele, M., García-Muñoz, N., and Prado, E. (2015). Catalan Adolescents' Media Uses and Leisure Preferences Related to New Media and Television. Catalan Journal of Communication and Cultural Studies, 7 - 1, 51-70. ISSN: 1757190
  • Jiménez-Iglesias, M., Fernández Aragonès, A. (et al). (2015). Materials created in projects: hands-on, online portals, papers... Scientix Observatory. Luna, M., and Sourdis, C. (2015). Found footage in Colombia. The tradition of rupture. New Cinemas, Journal of Contemporary Films, 13, 1, 51-64. ISSN: 14742756, 20400578
  • Planells de la Maza, A. (2015). Possible worlds, pressure groups and public opinion in the video game Tropico 4. Tripods, 37, 63-77. ISSN: 1138-3305
  • Planells de la Maza, A. (2015). The expressive power of the possible worlds theory in video games: when narratives become interactive and fictional spaces. Communication and Society, 27, 289-302. ISSN: 1645-2089