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This group began in biometrics applied to security in the mid-90s of the twentieth century, began to function as such in 1995, beginning to receive funding, both nationally and internationally, on a regular basis from in 1996. Becoming recognized for the first time in the 2009 call in the consolidated mode and since then the team has grown to become much more active in international collaborations, consolidating its scientific recognition in the field of biometric signal processing applied to health, and in attracting resources from competitive projects that include the subject of health
Marcos Faúndez Zanuy
Andreu Comajuncosas Fortuño
Xavier Font Aragonés
Carlos Gonzalez Tardon
Josep López Xarbau
Alfonso Palacios Gonzalez
Carlos Paul Recarens
Josep Roure Alcobé
Antoni Satué Villar
Enric Sesa Nogueras
Jaume Teodoro Sadurní
Rosa Herrero Antón
Reference: TEC2012-38630-C04-03 (MCINN).
Reference: TEC2010-09987-E (MCINN)
Reference: TEC2009-14123-C04-04 (MCINN)
Project Biometric recognition systems in real operating environments
Reference: TEC2006-13141-C03-02 / TCM (MEC)
Project User-friendly multimodal biometric identification system
Reference: TEC2004-20957-E (MEC)
Project II days of biometric recognition of people
Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, responsible for the subsidy to create teaching materials for masters, pla form @ tic of the DURSI (Generalitat de Catalunya). Amount granted: 2.500.000. (Requested on 15 March 2001, granted in May 2001, published in DOGC No. 3412 of 19/06/2001).
Topic: telecommunications and the internet. Number of researchers in the working group: 6. Date: July 1997. Number of hours taught: 40h. Amount approx: 300.000 pesetas. Responsible researcher: Marcos Faundez-Zanuy
Tecnocampus Mataró Maresme
Promotional videos
More info (in Spanish)
57. Karmele Lopez de Ipiña, Jesus B. Alonso, Carlos M. Travieso, Jordi Sole-Casals, Aitzol Ezeiza, Marcos
Faundez-Zanuy, Blanca Beitia, Pilar Calvo “Feature selection for automatic analysis of emotional response based on nonlinear speech modeling suitable for diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease” Neurocomputing. DOI: 10.1016 / j.neucom.2014.05.083, 20 February 2015, pp.392-401 Vol.150 part B
58. Karmele López de Ipiña, JB Alonso, J. Solé-Casals, N.Barroso, P. Henriquez, M. Faundez-Zanuy, C. Travieso, M. Ecay, P. Martinez-Lage, U. Martinez-de- Lizarduy, H. Egiraun, A. Ezeiza “On Automatic Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease Based on Spontaneous Speech Analysis and Emotional Temperature”.
Cognitive computation. DOI: 10.1007 / s12559-013-9229-9. ISSN: 1866-9956 (Print) 1866-9964 (Online). February 2015, vol. 7, issue 1, pp.44-55.
59. Jose Antonio Fiz, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Enric Monte-Moreno, Josep Roure-Alcobé, Felipe Andreo, Rosa Gomez, Juan Ruiz Manzano “Short term oxygen therapy effects in hypoxemic patients measured by drawing analysis”, Elsevier Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. Volume 118, Issue 3, March 2015, Pages 330-336
60. Peter Drotar, Jiri Mekyska, Irena Rektorova, Lucia Masarova, Zdenek Smekal, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy “Decision support framework for Parkinson’s disease based on novel handwriting markers”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. Flight. 23, issue 3. May 2015 pp. 508-516
61. Irena Rektorova, Jiri Mekyska; Eva Janousova; Pedro Gomez-Vilda; Zdenek Smekal; Ilona Eliasova; Milena Kostalova; Martina Mrackova; Jesus B. Alonso-Hernandez; Marcos Faundez-Zanuy; Karmele Lopez-de-Ipina "Robust and Complex Approach of Pathological Speech Signal Analysis"
Neurocomputing. Flight. 167 pp.94-111. Nov. 2015
62. K. Lopez-de-Ipiña, A. Bergareche, P. de la Riva, M. Faundez-Zanuy, PM Calvo, J. Roure, E. Sesa-Nogueras, “Automatic non-linear analysis of non-invasive writing signals, applied to essential tremor ”Journal of Applied Logic, In Press, doi: 10.1016 / j.jal.2015.02.003, Available online 6/3/2015. ISSN:
1570 - 8683
63. Enric Sesa-Nogueras, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Josep Roure-Alcobé “Gender classification by means of online uppercase handwriting: A text-dependent allographic approach”. Cognitive Computation. In press. DOI: 10.1007 / s12559-015-9332-1, available online: 1/5/2015
64. Jose Antonio Fiz, Manuel Lozano, Enric Monte-Moreno, Adela González-Martínez, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Caroline Becker, Laura Rodriguez-Pons, Juan Ruiz Manzano “Tuberculine reaction measured by infrared thermography” Accepted for publication in Elsevier Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. In press. DOI: 10.1016 / j.cmpb.2015.08.009
1. Virginia Espinosa-Duró, “Fingerprints Thinning Algorithm”. IEEE AES - Aerospace and Electronics Systems Magazine. pp. 28-30, Vol.18, no. 9. ISSN 0885-8985. September 2003.
2. J. Ortega-Garcia, J. Fierrez, D. Simon, J. Gonzalez, M. Faúndez-Zanuy, V. Espinosa, A. Satue, I. Hernaez, J.-J. Igarza, C. Vivaracho, D. Escudero, Q.-I. Moro “MCYT Baseline Corpus: A Multimodal Biometric Database” IEE Proceedings - Vision, Image and Signal Processing Volume 150, pp.395-401, ISSN 1350-245X. December 2003.
47. Enric Sesa Nogueras, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy "Writer recognition enhancement by means of synthetically generated handwritten text". Engineering applications of artificial intelligence. Volume 26, Issue 1, January 2013, Pages 609–624
48. Virginia Espinosa-Duró, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Jiri Mekyska “A new face database simultaneously acquired in visible, near infrared and thermal spectrum” Cognitive computation. Pp 119-135, March 2013 DOI 10.1007 / s12559-012-9163-2
49. Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Amir Hussain, Jiri Mekyska, Enric Sesa-Nogueras, Enric Monte-Moreno, Anna Esposito, Mohamed Chetouani, Josep Garre-Olmo, Andrew Abel, Zdenek Smekal, Karmele Lopez-de-Ipiña “Biometric Applications Related to Human Beings: There Is Life beyond Security ”. Cognitive Computation. Flight. 5, pp. 136-151, March 2013. DOI 10.1007 / s12559-012-9169-9
50. Radek Benes, Pavel Dvorak, Marcos Faundez Zanuy, Virginia Espinosa-Duro, Jiri Mekyska “Multi-focus thermal image fusion”, Pattern Recognition Letters 34 Issue 5, 1 April (2013) 536–544.
51. Xavier Font-Aragones, Marcos Faúndez Zanuy, Jiri Mekyska “Thermal hand image segmentation for biometric recognition”. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine. June 2013, vol. 28, no. 6, p. 4-14
52. Diana Gallego, Jan Mikulka, Ondrej Smirg, Francisco Espin, Victor Gil, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Marcel Jimenez and Pere Clavé "In vitro motor patterns and electrophysiological changes in patients with colonic diverticular disease". Int Journal Colorectal Disease. 2013 May 24. PMID: 23702821.
53. Karmele López-de-Ipiña, Jesus-Bernardino Alonso, Carlos-Manuel Travieso, Jordi Sole-Casals, Harkaitz Egiraun, Aitzol Ezeiza, Nora Barroso, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Miriam Ecay-Torres, Pablo Martinez-Lage, Unai Martinez -de-Lizardui “On the selection of non-invasive methods based on speech analysis oriented to automatic Alzheimer Disease diagnosis”. Sensors 2013, 13 (5), 6730-6745; doi: 10.3390 / s130506730.
54. Karmele López de Ipiña, JB Alonso, J. Solé-Casals, N.Barroso, P. Henriquez, M. Faundez-Zanuy, C. Travieso, M. Ecay, P. Martinez-Lage, U. Martinez-de- Lizarduy, H. Egiraun, A. Ezeiza “On the Automatic Alzheimer Disease Diagnosis based on Spontaneous Speech Analysis and Emotional Temperature”. Cognitive computation. DOI: 10.1007 / s12559-013-9229-9. ISSN: 1866-9956 (Print) 1866-9964 (Online)
44. Enric Sesa Nogueras and Marcos Faundez Zanuy “Biometric recognition using online uppercase handwritten text” Pattern Recognition Vol. 45 (2012) pp. 128–144. January 2012.
45. N. Houmani, A. Mayoue, S. Garcia-Salicetti, B. Dorizzi, MI Khalil, M. Mostafa, H. Abbas, ZT Kardkovàcs, D. Muramatsu, B. Yanikoglu, A. Kholmatov, M. Martinez- Diaz, J. Fierrez, J. Ortega-Garcia, J. Roure Alcobé, J. Fabregas, M. Faundez-Zany, JM Pascual-Gaspar, V. Cardeñoso-Payo, C. Vivaracho-Pascual “BioSecure Signature Evaluation Campaign (BSEC '2009): Evaluating Online Signature Algorithms Depending on the Quality of Signatures ”. Pattern Recognition. Elsevier. March 2012, Vol 45 (2012), pp.993–1003
46. Enric Sesa Nogueras, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy and Jiri Mekyska “An information analysis of in-air and on-surface trajectories in online handwriting” Cognitive Computation. Cognitive Computation. Volume 4, Number 2 (2012), pp. 195-205, DOI: 10.1007 / s12559-011-9119-y. June 2012
39. Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy and Juan Manuel Pascual-Gaspar “Efficient On-line signature recognition based on Multi-section VQ” Pattern Analysis and Applications. Volume 14, Number 1 pp. 37-45, February 2011.
40. Juan Manuel Pascual Gaspar, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Carlos Vivaracho “Fast On-line signature recognition based on VQ with time modeling”. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. Elsevier. Flight. 24 (2011) 368–377, March 2011.
41. Virginia Espinosa, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy and Jiri Mekyska “Beyond cognitive signals” Cognitive Computation. Springer. Flight. 3 pp.374–381, June 2011
42. Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Jiri Mekyska and Virginia Espinosa “On the focusing of thermal images” Pattern Recognition letters. Elsevier. Flight. 32 (2011) pp. 1548–1557, August 2011.
43. Anna Esposito, Alessando Vinciarelli, Simon Haykin, Amir Hussain, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy “Cognitive computation special issue on cognitive behavioral systems”. Cognitive Computation. Springer. Vol.3 pp.417-418, September 2011
36. J. Fierrez, J. Galbally, J. Ortega-Garcia, MR Freire, F. Alonso-Fernandez, D. Ramos, DT Toledano, J. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, JA Siguenza, J. Garrido-Salas, E. Anguiano -Rey, G. Gonzalez-de-Rivera, R. Ribalda, M. Faundez-Zanuy, JA Ortega, V. Cardeñoso-Payo, A. Viloria, CE Vivaracho, QI Moro. JJ Igarza, J. Sanchez, I. Hernaez, C. Orrite-Uruñuela, F. Martinez-Contreras, JJ Gracia-Roche “BiosecurID: A Multimodal Biometric Database”. Pattern Analysis and Applications. ISSN 1433-7541 Springer. Flight. 13 Issue 2. Pp. 235-246, May 2010
37. Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Jose Juan Lucena-Molina, Martin Hagmüller “Speech watermarking: an approach for authentication of forensic audio digital recordings” Journal of Forensic Sciences. July 2010, Vol. 55 No. 4. Pp.1080-1087.
38. Virginia Espinosa, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Jiri Mekyskya and Enric Monte, “A criterion for analysis of different sensor combinations with an application to face biometrics” Cognitive Computation. Volume 2, Issue 3 (2010), Page 135-141. September 2010.
29. Carlos Vivaracho, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy and Juan Manuel Gaspar “An efficient low cost approach for On-Line signature recognition based on length normalization and fractional distances” Pattern recognition Vol. 42 (2009), Issue 1, pp. 183-193. Elsevier. ISSN: 0031-3203 January 2009
30. Mohamed Chetouani, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Bruno Gas and Jean-Luc Zarader “Investigation on LP-residual Representations for Speaker Identification” Pattern Recognition, Volume 42, Issue 3, pp. 487-494 Elsevier. ISSN: 0031-3203 March 2009
31. Enric Monte-Moreno, Mohamed Chetouani, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy and Jordi Solé-Casals “Maximum Likelihood Linear Programming Data Fusion for Speaker Recognition” Speech Communication, Volume 51, Issue 9, September 2009, Pages 820-830
32. Joan Fabregas and Marcos Faundez-Zanuy “Biometric Dispersion Matcher versus LDA” Pattern Recognition, Volume 42, Issue 9, pp. 1816-1823 Elsevier ISSN: 0031-3203 September 2009
33. Joan Fabregas and Marcos Faundez-Zanuy “On-line signature verification system with failure to enrol management” Pattern Recognition, Volume 42, Issue 9, pp. 2117-2126 Elsevier ISSN: 0031-3203 September 2009
34. Mohamed Chetouani, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Amir Hussain, Bruno Gas, Jean-Luc Zarader, Kuldip Paliwal “Special issue on non-linear and non-conventional speech processing” Speech Communication, Volume 51, Issue 9, September 2009, Page 713
35. Joan Fabregas and Marcos Faundez-Zanuy “Biometric recognition performing in a bioinspired system” Cognitive Computation. Springer. pp.257-267. Vol.1 issue 3 September 2009. ISSN: 1866-9956 (Print) 1866-9964 (Online)
28. Joan Fabregas and Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy “Biometric Scattering Matcher”. Pattern Recognition. Elsevier. Pattern Recognition Vol. 41 (2008), Issue 11, pp. 3412-3426. Elsevier. ISSN: 0031-3203 November 2008.
24. Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy “On-line signature recognition based on VQ-DTW”. Pattern Recognition Vol. 40 (2007) pp.981-992. Elsevier. ISSN: 0031-3203 March 2007.
25. Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Josep Roure-Alcobé, Virginia Espinosa-Duró, Juan Antonio Ortega “An efficient face verification method in a transformed domain” Pattern recognition letters. Vol.28 / 7 May 2007 pp.854-858 Elsevier. ISSN: 0167-8655
26. Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Martin Hagmüller, Gernot Kubin “Speaker identification security improvement by means of speech watermarking”. Pattern Recognition. Flight. 40 (2007), Issue 11, pp. 3027-3034. Elsevier. ISSN: 0031-3203 November 2007
27. Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, David Elizondo, Miguel Angel Ferrer-Ballester and Carlos M. Travieso-González “Authentication of Individuals using Hand Geometry Biometrics: a Neural Network Approach”. Neural Processing letters. volume 26, issue 3, December 2007, pp 201-216 Springer. ISSN 1370-4621
17. Marcos Faúndez Zanuy “Biometric security technology” IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, Vol.21 nº 6, pp.15-26, ISSN: 0885-8985. June 2006.
18. Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Julian Fierrez-Aguilar, Javier Ortega-Garcia and Joaquin Gonzalez-Rodriguez “Multimodal biometric databases: an overview”. IEEE Aerospace and electronic systems magazine. Flight. 21 nº 9, pp. 29-37, ISSN: 0885-8985, August 2006.
19. Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy “ADPCM speech coding through adaptive combined nonlinear prediction” Speech Communication, Vol. 48, pp. 838-847 Issue 7, July 2006. ISSN-0167-6393 Elsevier
20. Frédéric Bimbot, Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy and Renato de Mori, “Editorial”. Speech Communication, Vol. 48, pp. 759 Issue 7, July 2006. ISSN-0167-6393 Elsevier
21. Jordi Solé-Casals and Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy “Application of the mutual information minimization to speaker recognition / verification improvement”. Neurocomputing. Flight. 69, pp.1467-1474, Issues 13-15, August 2006. ISSN-0925-2312 Elsevier
22. Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Martin Hagmüller, Gernot Kubin “Speaker verification security improvement by means of speech watermarking”. Speech Communication Vol. 48 pp.1608-1619 issue December 12, 2006. ISSN-0167-6393 Elsevier
23. Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Léonard Janer, Josep Roure and Renato de Mori, “Editorial”. Speech Communication, Vol. 48, pp. 1607 Issue 12, December 2006. ISSN-0167-6393 Elsevier
6. M. Faúndez-Zanuy “Data fusion in biometrics” IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine. Vol.20 nº 1, pp.34-38, ISSN: 0885-8985. January 2005.
7. M. Faúndez-Zanuy “Privacy issues on biometric systems”. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine. Vol.20 nº 2, pp13-15, ISSN: 0885-8985. February 2005.
8. M. Faúndez-Zanuy “Technological evaluation of two AFIS systems”. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine. Vol.20 nº 4, pp13-17, ISSN: 0885-8985. April 2005.
9. Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy and Enric Monte-Moreno “State-of-the-art in speaker recognition”. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine. Vol.20 nº 5, pp 7-12, ISSN: 0885-8985. May 2005.
10. Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy and Joan Fabregas “Testing report of a fingerprint-based door-opening system”. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine. Vol.20 nº 6, pp 18-20, ISSN: 0885-8985. June 2005.
11. Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy “Signature recognition state-of-the-art”. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine. Vol.20 No. 7, pp. 28-32, ISSN: 0885-8985. July 2005.
12. Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy “Biometric recognition: why not massively adopted yet?” IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine. Vol.20 nº 8, pp.25-28, ISSN: 0885-8985. August 2005.
13. Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Virginia Espinosa, Juan Antonio Ortega “A low-cost webcam & personal computer opens doors”. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine. Vol.20 nº 11, pp.23-26, ISSN: 0885-8985. November 2005.
14. M. Faúndez-Zanuy “NOLISP’05 Summary”. EURASIP News letter Vol. 16 No. 2, pp.37, June 2005. ISSN 1687-1421.
15. M. Faúndez-Zanuy “NOLISP'05 conference”. (Summary) The Phonetician. International Society of Phonetic Sciences. No. 91. 2005-1. pp.36-37. ISSN 0741-6164
16. J. Roure, “Incremental methods for Bayesian network structure learning”. AI Communications. 18 (1): 61-62 (2005)
3. M. Faúndez-Zanuy “Are inkless fingerprint sensors suitable for mobile use?” IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine. Vol.19 nº 4, pp.17-21, ISSN: 0885-8985. April 2004. Winner 2003 APEX ® Awards for Excellence publication.
4. M. Faúndez-Zanuy “On the vulnerability of biometric security systems”. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine. Vol.19 nº 6, pp.3-8, ISSN: 0885-8985. June 2004.
5. M. Faúndez-Zanuy “Door-opening system using a low-cost fingerprint scanner and a PC” IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine. Flight. 19 No. 8, pp.23-26, ISSN: 0885-8985. August 2004.
55. Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Jiri Mekyska, Xavier Font-Aragonès “A new hand image database simultaneously acquired in visible, near-infrared and thermal spectrums”. Cognitive computation. Flight. 6 Number 2, Cogn Comput (2014) 6: 230-240 DOI: 10.1007 / s12559-013-9230-3, IF = 1.44, Q2 (COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE)
56. Peter Drotár, Jiří Mekyska, Irena Rektorová, Lucia Masarová, Zdenek Smékal, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy “Analysis of In-Air Movement in Handwriting: A Novel Marker for Parkinson’s Disease” Elsevier, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Volume 117, Issue 3, December 2014, Pages 405-411, IF = 1.897, Q1 (COMPUTER SCIENCE, THEORY & METHODS)
1. M. Faúndez, S. Mc. Laughlin, A. Esposito, A. Hussain, J. Schoentgen, G. Kubin, WB Kleijn, P. Maragos “Nonlinear speech processing: overview and applications”. Editor: A. Hussain. Pp.1-10, Vol. 30, no. 1, 2002, special issue on “Nonlinear Speech processing techniques and applications”. Control and Intelligent systems, Published by ACTA Press, .Vancouver, Canada ISSN 1480-1752.
2. Virginia Espinosa-Duró, “Minutiae Detection Algorithm for Fingerprint Recognition”. pp. 7-10, Vol. 17, no. 3, 2002, IEEE AES - Aerospace and Electronics Systems Magazine. ISSN 0885-8985.
14. M. Faundez and F. Ferrándiz “COST Projects: European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research”. Electronic world. January 2002, No. 327, pp.54-58. ISSN 0300-3787. Cetisa Editores SA. Legal deposit: B.24928-71.
11. M. Faúndez "JPEG2000 still image encoding standard". Electronic world. January 2001, Nº 316, pp.58-61, ISSN 0300-3787. Cetisa-Boixareu Editores SA Legal deposit: B.24928-71
12. M. Faúndez “Digital Radio Mondiale: digital radio transmission in AM”. Infocommunications, May-June 2001 No. 2, pp.46-53, ISSN 1577-287X. Cetisa-Boixareu Editores SA Legal deposit: B.5034-01-2001.
13. M. Faundez “Identification of people through the voice”. SEGURITECNIA, independent security magazine. No. 265, November 2001, pp.78-81, ISSN 0210-8747. Editorial Borrmart SA Legal deposit: B-1126-1980.
8. M. Faúndez “New technologies and protection of intellectual property rights”. Electronic world (published as the main article on the cover). February 2000. No. 306, pp.38-46. ISSN 0300-3787. Cetisa-Boixareu Editores SA Legal deposit: B.24928-71
9. M. Faúndez “Applications of biometric verification”. Electronic world. October 2000. No. 313, pp.54-60. ISSN 0300-3787. Cetisa-Boixareu Editores SA Legal deposit: B.24928-71
10. M. Faúndez "MPEG-4 audio encoding standard". Electronic world (published as main article on the cover), December 2000, Nº 315, pp.52-61. ISSN 0300-3787. Cetisa-Boixareu Editores SA Legal deposit: B.24928-71
6. M. Faúndez “H.323: Standard of multimedia communications”. Electronic World (published as the main article on the cover). April 1999, no. 297, pp.40-44. ISSN 0300-3787. Cetisa-Boixareu Editores SA Legal deposit: B.24928-71
7. M. Faúndez “MPEG audio encoding standards”. Electronic World (published as main article on the cover) September 1999, No. 301, pp.46-50. ISSN 0300-3787. Cetisa-Boixareu Editores SA Legal deposit: B.24928-71
4. J. Aymerich and M. Faúndez "Acquisition of a telephone signal by PC". Electronic World. March 1998, No. 285, pp.60-61. ISSN 0300-3787. Cetisa-Boixareu Editores SA Legal deposit: B.24928-71
5. M. Faúndez “Recognition of people through biometric characteristics. Secure access to premises, information, and control of people. Electronic World. December 1998, no. 293, pp.44-48 ISSN 0300-3787. Cetisa-Boixareu Editores SA Legal deposit: B.24928-71
1. A. Domínguez Palicio, M. Faúndez "Treatment of graphic formats in binary map" .Revista INPUT nº 6. October 1994, pp. 5-14.ISSN 1134-3281. Legal deposit: B.5.923-1993
2. JM Cuscó and M. Faúndez "Reading of topographic maps by computer part I". INPUT Magazine nº 9. October 1995, pp. 11-19.ISSN 1134-3281. Legal deposit: B.5.923-1993
3. JM Cuscó and M. Faúndez "Reading of topographic maps by computer part II". INPUT Magazine nº 10. February 1996, pp.5-13.ISSN 1134-3281. Legal deposit: B.5.923-1993
112. Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Josep Roure-Alcobé, Aina Fernandez-Aragonès “Xnergic: a Tecnocampus initiative to promote engineering vocations” submitted to COST workshop on social robotics. Brussels June 2013
113. Zdenek Smekal, Jiri Mekyska, Irena Rektorova, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy “Analysis of Neurological Disorders Based on Digital Processing of Speech and Handwritten Text” 11th International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems, Iasi, Romania, July 11–12 , 2013
114. Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Enric Sesa-Nogueras "preliminary experiments on automatic gender recognition based on online capital letters". in Recent Advances of Neural Networks Models and Applications. Proceedings of the 23rd Workshop of the Italian Neural Networks Society (SIREN), May 23-25, Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy Bassis, Simone; Esposito, Anna; Morabito, Francesco Carlo (Eds.) 2014, XII, 443 Springer ISBN 978-3-319-04128-5.466-3
106. Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Enric Sesa-Nogueras, Josep Roure-Alcobé, Josep Garre-Olmo, Jiri Mekyska, Karmele Lopez-de-Ipiña, Anna Esposito “A preliminary study of online drawings and dementia diagnosis”. Neural nets and surroundings, 22nd Italian Workshop on Neural Nets, WIRN 2012, May 17-19, Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy. Series: Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Vol. 19, Apolloni, B .; Bassis, S .; Esposito, A .; Morabito, FC (Eds.) 2013, 2013, XII, 464 p. ISBN 978-3-642-35466-3
107. Xavier Font-Aragonès, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy “Hand-based Gender Recognition Using Biometric Dispersion Matcher” 22nd Italian Workshop on Neural Nets, WIRN 2012, May 17-19, Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy. Series: Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Vol. 19, Apolloni, B .; Bassis, S .; Esposito, A .; Morabito, FC (Eds.) 2013, 2013, XII, 464 p. ISBN 978-3-642-351.
108. Karmele López-de-Ipiña, JB Alonso, J. Solé-Casals, N. Barroso, M. Faundez-Zanuy, M. Ecay, C. Travieso, A. Ezeiza, A. Estanga, “Alzheimer disease diagnosis based on automatic spontaneous speech analysis ”NCTA 2012 International conference on neural computation theory and applications, Barcelona 5-7 October 2012 pp.698-705 ISBN: 978-989-8565-33-4, Legal Deposit: 348256/12
109. Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Enric Sesa-Nogueras, Josep Roure-Alcobé “On the relevance of aging in handwritten biometric recognition” ICCST'2012, pp.105-109 Boston, USA IEEE Catalog Number: CFP12ICR-USB ISBN: 978- 1-4673-2449-6
110. Virginia Espinosa-Duró, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Jiri Mekyska “Contribution of the Temperature of the Objects to the Problem of Thermal Imaging Focusing” 46 ICCST'2012, pp.363-366. Boston, USA IEEE Catalog Number: CFP12ICR-USB ISBN: 978-1-4673-2449-6
111. Karmele López-de-Ipiña, Nora Barroso, Aitzol, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy “New approaches for Alzheimer Disease Diagnosis based on Automatic Spontaneous Speech Analysis and Emotional Temperature” 6th International Conference Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence & 4th International Workshop on Ambient Assisted Living (UCAmI & IWAAL 2012), Vitoria-Gasteiz, 2012. IWAAL 2012, LNCS 7657, pp. 407–414, 2012
96. Jiri Mekyska, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Zdenek Smekal, and Joan Fabregas “Text-dependent Speaker Recognition in Low-cost Systems” Dolni Morava, Czech Republic: 6th International Conference on Teleinformatics, 2011. pp. 154-158. ISBN: 978-80-214-4231-3.
97. Ondrej Smirg, Zdenek Smekal, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy “Detection of ankle position in human silhouette in a video sequence” Dolni Morava, Czech Republic: 6th International Conference on Teleinformatics, 2011. pp. 188-192ISBN: 978-80-214-4231-3.
98. Antonín Hudec, Petr Sysel and Marcos Faundez-Zanuy “Filtering in spectral domain” Dolni Morava, Czech Republic: 6th International Conference on Teleinformatics, 2011. pp. 227-229 ISBN: 978-80-214-4231-3.
99. Ondrej Smirg, Jan Mikulka, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Marco Grassi, Jiri Mekyska “Gender recognition using PCA and DCT of face images”, J. Cabestany, I. Rojas, and G. Joya (Eds.): IWANN 2011, Part II, LNCS 6692, p. 220–227, 2011, Málaga.
100. Jiri Mekyska, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Zdenek Smekal, and Joan Fabregas “Score Fusion in Text-dependent Speaker Recognition Systems” .Analysis of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication and Enactment: The Processing Issues, LNCS 6800, Budapest. Pp. 120-133, 2011
101. Anna Esposito, Vincenzo Capuano, Jiri Mekyska, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy “A naturalistic database of thermal emotional facial expressions and effects of induced emotions on memory” Pages: 158-173Proceedings of the 2011 international conference on Cognitive Behavioral Systems. LNCS Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg © 2012 ISBN: 978-3-642-34583-8 Dresden, February 2011, Germany.
102. JiříMekyska, Xavier Font, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Rubén Hernández-Mingorance, Aythami Morales, Miguel Ángel Ferrer-Ballester, “Thermal hand image segmentation for biometric recognition” · pp.26-30, 45th IEEE Carnahan Conference on Security Technology ICCST '2011, 18-21 October 2011, Mataró.
103. Marco Grassi, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Ondrej Smirg, Jan Mikulka “Gender Recognition using neural networks and DCT of Face Images”. WIRN'2011, B. Apolloni et al. (Eds.) IOS Press, 2011 doi: 10.3233 / 978-1-60750-972-1-247, pp-255-261. June 2011, Vietri Sul Mare, Italy
104. Enric Sesa-Nogueras, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy “writer recognition by means of stroke categorization based on self-organizing maps”. WIRN'2011, B. Apolloni et al. (Eds.) IOS Press, 2011 doi: 10.3233 / 978-1-60750-972-1-247, pp-247-254. June 2011, Vietri Sul Mare, Italy
105. N. Houmani, S. Garcia-Salicetti, B. Dorizzi, J. Montalvão, MVAndrade, J. C Canuto, Y. Qiao, X.Wang, T. Scheidat, A. Makrushin, D. Muramatsu, J. Putz -Leszczynska, M. Kudelski, M. Faundez-Zanuy, JM Pascual-Gaspar, V. Cardeñoso-Payo, C. Vivaracho-Pascual, E. Argones Rúa, JL Alba-Castro, A. Kholmatov, B. Yanikoglu “BioSecure Signature Evaluation Campaign (ESRA'2011): Evaluating Systems on Quality-based categories of Skilled Forgeries ”Accepted for publication at IJCB'2011 International Joint Conference on Biometrics, Washington DC October 11-13, 2011.
91. Marcos Faundez-Zanuy “Digital Watermarking: New Speech and Image Applications”. Proceedings of NOLISP 2009, LNAI 5933, pp. 84–89, 2010 Springer Verlag. ISBN 978-3-642-11508-0
92. Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Joan Fàbregas, Miguel Ángel Ferrer-Ballester, Aythami Morales, Javier Ortega-Garcia, Guillermo Gonzalez de Rivera, Javier Garrido “Biometric database acquisition close to“ real world ”conditions”. A. Esposito et al. (Eds.): COST 2102 Int. Training School 2009, LNCS 5967, pp. 197–206, 2010. ISBN 978-3-642-12396-2
93. Virginia Espinosa Duró, Marcos Faúndez Zanuy and Jiri Mekyska “Different sensor face images study from an information theory point of view”. Accepted for publication in 3rd COST 2102-EUCOGII International school on Toward autonomous, adaptive and context-aware multimodal interfaces: theoretical and practical issues, March 15-19, Caserta, Italy
94. Jiri Mekyska, Virginia Espinosa-Duró and Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, “Face segmentation: a comparison between visible and thermal images” Accepted for publication at ICCST 2010, San José, USA.
95. Marco Grassi and Marcos Faundez-Zanuy “Template protection for security enhancement of a biometric face authentication system”. WIRN'2010, 20th Italian Workshop on Neural Networks. May 27-29, Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy edited by Bruno Apolloni, Simone Bassis, Anna Esposito, Carlo Francesco Morabito IOS Press. Pp. 293-300, 2011 ISBN: 978-1-60750-691-1
85. Marco Grassi and Marcos Faúndez “Protecting DCT templates for a face verification system by means of pseudo-random permutations”. J. Cabestany et al. (Eds.): IWANN 2009, Part I, LNCS 5517, pp. 1216–1223, June 2009 Salamanca.
86. Marcos Faúndez Zanuy “Protecting biometric templates by means of pseudo-random permutations”. LNAI 5641, pp.306-314, ISBN: 978-3-642-03319-3 October 2008. Book published in 2009.
87. Marco Grassi and Marcos Faúndez “Face verification based on DCT templates with pseudo-random permutations”. Neural Nets WIRN09 - Proceedings of the 19th Italian Workshop on Neural Nets, Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, May 28–30 2009, Edited by Bruno Apolloni, Simone Bassis, Carlo F. Morabito ISBN 978-1-60750-072-8 , pp.62-69.
88. Miguel Angel Ferrer-Ballester, Joan Fàbregas, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Carlos M. Travieso-González, Jesús B. Alonso and Amparo Sacristán “On the relevance of Image Acquisition Resolution for Hand Geometry Identification based on MLP” Neural Nets WIRN09 - Proceedings of the 19th Italian Workshop on Neural Nets, Vietri sul Mare, Salerno, Italy, May 28–30 2009, Edited by Bruno Apolloni, Simone Bassis, Carlo F. Morabito ISBN 978-1-60750-072-8, pp.314 -322.
89. Aythami Morales, Miguel Ángel Ferrer-Ballester, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Joan Fàbregas, Javier Ortega-Garcia, Guillermo Gonzalez de Rivera, Javier Garrido “Biometric system verification close to“ real world ”conditions”. LNCS 5707 Pp.236-243. Multi-BIO-ID, Madrid Sept. 2009 ISBN: 978-3-642-04390-1
90. Miguel Angel Ferrer-Ballester, Joan Fàbregas, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Carlos M. Travieso-González, and Jesús B. Alonso “Hand geometry identification system performance versus image acquisition resolution” ICCST'2009 43rd Annual International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology . Zurich 5-8 October 2009. pp.167-171. ISBN: 978-1-4244-4169-3
80. Marcos Faundez-Zanuy “Data fusion at different levels”. Multimodal signals: cognitive and algorithmic issues. COST2102 and euCognition International School. Vietri Sul Mare Italy, April 2008 LNAI 5398 pp.94-103 Springer. (the book was published in 2009)
81. Marco Grassi, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy and Francesco Piazza “Face localization in 2D frontal face images using luminosity profiles analysis”. Multimodal signals: cognitive and algorithmic issues. COST2102 and euCognition International School. Vietri Sul Mare Italy, April 2008. LNAI 5398. Pp. 340-346. ISSN 0302-9743 Springer. (the book was published in 2009)
82. J. Galbally, J. Fierrez, J. Ortega-Garcia, MR Freire, F. Alonso-Fernandez, JA Siguenza, J. Garrido-Salas, E. Anguiano-Rey, G. Gonzalez-de-Rivera, R. Ribalda, M. Faundez-Zanuy, JA Ortega, V. Cardeñoso-Payo, A. Viloria, CE Vivaracho, QI Moro, JJ Igarza, J. Sanchez, I. Hernaez and C. Orrite-Uruñuela, "BiosecurID: a Multimodal Biometric Database ", in Proc. Workshop on User-Centric Technologies and Applications, pp. 68-76, November 2007. ISBN-13: 978-84-611-8852-9
83. Joan Fabregas y Marcos Faundez-Zanuy “Biometric systems simulations performing close to real world conditions” 42th International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology IEEE ICCST'2008 Prague pp.180-186
84. Virginia Espinosa-Duró, Enric Monte Moreno, “Face Recognition Approach Based on Wavelet Transform”. 42nd International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, IEEE ICCST'2008 pp 187-190. ISBN 978-1-4244-1816-9. Prague. Czech Republic.
72. Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Virginia Espinosa-Duró and Juan Antonio Ortega “low-complexity algorithms for biometric recognition” international COST2102 workshop on verbal and nonverbal communication behaviors. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vietri Sul Mare, March 2007 A. Esposito et al. (Eds.): LNAI 4775, pp. 275–285.
73. Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy "On the usefulness of Linear and Nonlinear prediction residual signals for speaker recognition" Nolisp 2007. Springer Verlag LNAI 4885, pp. 95–104 Paris.
74. Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Joan Fabregas, Miguel A. Ferrer, Carlos M. Travieso, Jesus B. Alonso “Evaluation of supervised vs. Non supervised databases for hand geometry verification ”. Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS-4507, pp.1122-1129, IWANN 2007. San Sebastián
75. Marco Grassi and Marcos Faundez-Zanuy “Face recognition with facial mask application and neural networks”. Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS-4507, pp.709-716, IWANN 2007. San Sebastián
76. Enric Monte-Moreno, Marcos Faundez-Zanuy “robust biometric identification combining face and speech” 41th International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology ICCST 2007 Ottawa (Canada) October 2007 pp.99-102. ISBN 1-4244-1129-7
77. Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Virginia Espinosa-Duró and Juan Antonio Ortega “An efficient face identification method in a transformed domain” ICCST 2007 Ottawa (Canada) October 2007 pp.281-284. ISBN 1-4244-1129-7
78. Marcos Faundez-Zanuy and Joan Fàbregas “On the relevance of facial expressions for biometric recognition”. International COST 2102 Conference on Verbal and Nonverbal Features of Human-Human and Human-Machine Interaction. LNAI 5042, pp34-45. Patras, October 2007 (the book was published in 2008).
79. Joan Fàbregas and Marcos Faundez-Zanuy “Biometric face recognition with different training and testing databases”. International COST 2102 Conference on Verbal and Nonverbal Features of Human-Human and Human-Machine Interaction. LNAI 5042 pp. 46-58. Patras, October 2008 (the book was published in 2008).
65. Marcos Faundez-Zanuy, Miguel Angel Ferrer-Ballester, Carlos M. Travieso-González and Virginia Espinosa-Duró “Hand geometry based recognition with an MLP classifier”. International Conference on Biometric Authentication ICB 2006. Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 3832, ISSN 0302-9743, ISBN 3-540-31111-4 pp-721-727. 2005. ISBN 3-540-31111-4 Springer. January 2006.
66. Marco Grassi and Marcos Faundez-Zanuy “Face recognition experiments on the AR database”. International NATO summer school on “neural nets ER Caianiello” XI course on the fundamental of verbal and non-verbal communication and the biometrical issue. September 2006. Pp. 275-286, IOS Press 2007. ISBN 978-1-58603-733-8. Edited by Anna Esposito, Maja Bratanic, Eric Keller and Maria Marinaro
67. Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy “Face verification with an MLP and BCH output codes”. Fri.5.3.1 Also on CDROM. EUSIPCO'2006. Florence. September 2006
68. M. Faúndez-Zanuy and Antonio Satué-Villar “Speaker recognition experiments on a bilingual database”. Thu Poster Session Also on CDROM. EUSIPCO'2006. Florence. September 2006.
69. M. Faúndez-Zanuy and E. Monte-Moreno “Face recognition using a Radial Basis Function classifier”. 40th International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology ICCST'2006. Lexington (Kentucky) USA. ISBN: 1-4244-0174-7, pp. 98-102. October 2006.
70. Miguel Angel Ferrer-Ballester, Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Carlos M. Travieso-González, Joan Fabregas and Jesús B. Alonso “Evaluation of supervised vs. Nonsupervised databases for hand geometry identification ”. 40th International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology ICCST'2006. Lexington (Kentucky) USA. ISBN: 1-4244-0174-7, pp. 180-185. October 2006.
71. J. Roure and AW Moore, “Sequential update of ADtrees”. International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML-2006. (20% of accepted papers)
51. M. Faúndez-Zanuy, M. Hagmüller, G. Kubin, BW Kleijn “The COST-277 speech database”. NOLISP'2005, pp. 122-129. ISBN 84-256-1365-5. Barcelona. Editorial Marcombo.
52. Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy and Guillermo Mar Navarro Mérida “Biometric identification by means of hand geometry and a neural net classifier”. Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 3512 pp. 1172-1179, ISBN 3-540-40211-X ISSN 0302-9743 Ed. Springer Verlag, June 2005 IWANN 2005, Vilanova i la Geltrú.
53. Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy “Study of a committee of neural networks for biometric hand-geometry recognition”. Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 3512 pp. 1180-1187, ISBN 3-540-40211-X Ed. ISSN 0302-9743 Springer Verlag, June 2005 IWANN 2005, Vilanova i la Geltrú.
54. Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy “Predictive speech coding improvements based on speaker recognition strategies”. Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 3697 ISSN 0302-9743, ISBN: 3-540-28755-8 pp.785-791. September 2005 ICANN'2005. Warsaw. Poland.
55. M. Chetouani, A. Hussain, M. Faúndez-Zanuy and B. Gas “Non-linear predictive models for speech processing”. Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 3697 ISSN 0302-9743, ISBN: 3-540-28755-8 pp.779-784. September 2005
56. M. Faúndez-Zanuy and J. Solé Casals “Speaker verification improvement using blind inversion of distortions”. Eurospeech'2005. pp. 2049-2052 September 2005. ISSN 1018-4074. Lisbon
57. M. Faúndez-Zanuy and Mohamed Chetouani “Nonlinear predictive models: Overview and possibilities in speaker recognition” Workshop on Nonlinear speech processing WNSP'05 Heraklion, Crete, Greece. September 2005. Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 3445 ISSN 0302-9743, pp.16-45, 2007 (the book was published in 2007)
58. M. Faúndez-Zanuy “Biometric verification of humans by means of hand geometry”. 39th International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology ICCST'2005 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. ISBN: 0-7803-9245-0, pp.61-67. October 2005.
59. Josep Roure and M. Faúndez-Zanuy “Face recognition with small and large size databases”. 39th International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology ICCST'2005 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. ISBN: 0-7803-9245-0, pp.153-156. October 2005.
60. Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy "On the usefulness of almost-redundant information for pattern recognition". Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 3445 ISSN 0302-9743, pp.395-402, 2005
61. Mohamed Chetouani, Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy, B. Gas and JL Zarader “Non-linear speech feature extraction for phoneme classification and classification and speaker recognition”. Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 3445 ISSN 0302-9743, pp.378-384, 2005
62. Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy “Speech coding improvements based on speaker recognition strategies”. Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 3697 ISSN 0302-9743, pp.785-791. September 2005
63. M. Faundez-Zanuy, M. Hagmüller, G. Kubin, BW Kleijn “The COST-277 speech database”. Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 3817, pp.1-9. 2005
64. M. Faundez-Zanuy, Unto Laine, Gernot Kubin, Stephen McLaughlin, Bastiaan Kleijn, Gerard Chollet, Bojan Petek, Amir Hussain “The COST-277 European Action: An overview”. Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 3817, pp.100-107. 2005
44. M. Chetouani, M. Faundez-Zanuy, B. Gas and JL Zarader “A new nonlinear speaker parameterization algorithm for speaker identification”. Pp.309- 314. Odyssey 2004, The speaker and Language recognition Workshop. ISCA tutorial and research Workshop. ISBN 84-7490-722-5, Toledo, 31 May- 3 June 2004.
45. M. Faúndez-Zanuy and J. Solé Casals “Speaker recognition improvement using blind inversion of distortions”. Pp.2051-2054. EUSIPCO'2004. September 2004, Vienna (Austria). ISBN: 3-200-00148-8. Also on CDROM.
46. Jordi Solé-Casals and Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy “Application of the mutual information minimization to speaker recognition / identification improvement”. Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation. ICA 2004, Reading Notes on Computer Science LNCS 3195, pp. 865-872, 2004. ISSN 0302-9743
47. M. Chetouani, M. Faundez-Zanuy, B. Gas and JL Zarader “A new nonlinear speaker parameterization algorithm for speaker verification”. 8th International conference on Spoken Language Processing Interspeech ICSLP'2004. October 4-8, 2004. ISSN: 1225-441X. Also on CDROM
48. Virginia Espinosa, Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy and Juan Antonio Ortega “Face Detection from a Video Camera Sequence” 38º IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, ICCST'2004 pp. 318-320 October 2004, Albuquerque (USA). ISBN 0-7803-8506-3.
49. Virginia Espinosa, “Face Recognition using VIS and Near-IR Images: A Comparison”. 8st MultiConference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, SCI'2004. . pp. 294-297. ISBN 980-6560-13-2. Orlando. USA. July 2004.
50. J.Roure "Incremental augmented Naive Bayes classifiers". 16th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 04). (23% of accepted papers)
39. M. Faundez “Wide band sub-band speech coding using non-linear prediction”. IEEE ICASSP 2003, Vol.II181-184. Hong Kong, China ISBN 0-7803-7664-1. Also on CDROM
40. Guido D'Alessandro, Marcos Faúndez Zanuy, Francesco Piazza, “The new nadpcmbmlt coding scheme: from non linear fullband toward non linear subband prediction coding of speech signal”. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2003, Vol. II-576 -II-579. May 2003. Bangkok, Thailand
41. M. Faúndez-Zanuy “Non-Linear Speech coding with MLP, RBF and Elman based prediction”. Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 2687, Vol. II, pp.671-678 IWANN'2003 Menorca ISBN 3-540-40211-X ISSN 0302-9743 Ed. Springer Verlag. June 2003
42. M. Faúndez-Zanuy “What can predictive speech coders learn from speaker recognizers?”. pp.35-42 NOLISP'2003, May 2003, Le Croisic, France
43. M. Faúndez Zanuy “Face recognition in a transformed domain”. 37º IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology. Pp.290-297. Taipei (Taiwan), October 2003. ISBN 0-7803-7882-2.
29. Guido D'Alessandro, Marcos Faúndez Zanuy, Francesco Piazza “A new subband non linear prediction coding algorithm for narrowband speech signal: the nADPCMBMLT coding scheme. IEEE ICASSP'2002, Orlando, USA Vol I, pp.1025-1028, ISBN 0-7803-7403-7
30. M. Faúndez, “N-dimensional nonlinear prediction with MLP”. Flight. III pp. 537-540, EUSIPCO'2002. Toulouse. Also on CDROM.
31. M. Faúndez, M. Nilsson and WB Kleijn, “On the relevance of bandwidth extension for speaker identification”. Flight. III pp.125-128, EUSIPCO'2002, Toulouse. Also on CDROM
32. Gérard Chollet, Marcos Faúndez-Zanuy, Bastiaan Kleijn, Gernot Kubin, Steve McLaughlin, and Bojan Petek “A description of the cost-277 nonlinear speech processing action working-plan”. Flight. III pp.525-528 EUSIPCO'2002, Toulouse. Also on CDROM
33. M. Faúndez, M. Nilsson and WB Kleijn, “On the relevance of bandwidth extension for speaker verification”. Pp. 2317-2320. ICSLP'2002. Denver, ISBN 1-876346-45-0 Also on CDROM
34. M. Faúndez and A. Esposito, “Nonlinear speech processing applied to speaker recognition”, workshop of COST-275, pp.93-98, November 2002. ISBN 92-894-4848-2. Also on CDROM
35. J. Ortega, D. Simon, M. Faúndez, V. Espinosa, A. Satué, I. Hernáez, JJ Igarza, C. Vivaracho, QI Moro, “MCYT: A multimodal biometric database“, COST-275 workshop , pp.123-126, November 2002. ISBN 92-894-4848-2. Also on CDROM.
36. J.Roure "An Incremental Algorithm for Tree-shaped Bayesian Network Learning." 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2002. Van Harmelen ed. IOS Press. This paper recieved the "Best Cientific Paper Award". (28% of accepted papers)
37. J.Roure "Incremental Learning of Tree Augmented Naive Bayes Classifiers". In the Iberoamerican Conference of Artificial Intelligence (IBERAMIA 2002). (30% of accepted papers)
38. Virginia Espinosa-Duró, “Mathematical Morphology Approaches for Fingerprints Thinning”. 36th International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology. pp. 43-45. ISBN 0-7803-7436-3. Atlantic City. USA. October 2002.
24. M. Faúndez “A combination between VQ and covariance matrices for speaker recognition”. IEEE ICASSP'2001, Salt Lake City, USA. ISBN 0-7803-7043-0. Also on CDROM
25. M. Faúndez-Zanuy “Vectorial nonlinear prediction with neural nets”. Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 2085 Vol. II, Pages 754-761. IWANN'2001, Granada ISSN 0302-9743, June 2001
26. M. Faúndez “On the model size selection for speaker identification”. Pages 189-193, 2001: Speaker odyssey, The speaker recognition workshop. Crete (Greece). Also on CDROM
27. M. Faúndez “Non-linear predictive vector quantization of speech”. Flight. 3 pp. 1977-1980, 7th European Conference on speech communication and technology, EUROSPEECH'2001 Eurospeech'2001. Aalborg, Denmark. ISBN 87-90834-10-0. Also on CDROM.
28. Virginia Espinosa, Minutiae Detection Algorithm for Fingerprint Recognition. 35th International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology. pp. 264-266. ISBN 0-7803-6636-0 / 01. London. UK. October 2001.
19. C. Alonso y M. Faúndez, “Speaker identification in mismatch training and testing conditions” .Vol. II, pp. 1181-1184, IEEE ICASSP'2000, Istanbul. ISBN 0-7803-6293-4. Also on CDROM
20. M. Faúndez “Nonlinear predictive models computation in adpcm schemes”. European signal processing conference, EUSIPCO'2000, September 2000, Tampere, Vol. II, pp. 813-816, ISBN 952-15-0445-5. Also on CDROM
21. M. Faúndez “Comparative study of different parameterizations over a new speaker identification database”. X European signal processing conference, EUSIPCO'2000, Tampere, Vol. I, pp.445-448, ISBN 952-15-0444-7. Also on CDROM
22. M. Faúndez and A. Slupinski “Speaker verification in mismatch training and testing conditions” .Vol. II, pp.322-325. ICSLP'2000, October 2000, Beijing, ISBN 7-80150-144-4 / G.18. Also on CDROM
23. Virginia Espinosa, “Biometric Identification using a Radial Basis Network” 34th International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, ICCST. pp. 47-51. ISBN 0-7803-5965-8. Ottawa. Canada. October 2000.
13. D. Rodríguez y M. Faúndez “Speaker recognition with a MLP classifier and LPCC codebook”. ICASSP'99 NNSP1.3 Phoenix, USA. ISBN 1-876346-19-1. Also on CDROM
14. M. Faúndez, "Adaptive Hybrid Speech coding with an MLP / LPC structure". IWANN'99, June 1999 Alicante, Ed. Springer-Verlag, Lecture notes in computer Science, LNCS 1607 ISBN 3-540-66068-2 Vol. II pp.814-823
15. M. Faúndez “Speaker recognition by means of a combination of linear and nonlinear predictive models“ EUROSPEECH'99, Budapest. Flight. 2 pp. 763-766. Also on CDROM
16. A. Satué, M. Faúndez "On the relevance of language in speaker recognition" EUROSPEECH'99 Budapest, Vol. 3 pp.1231-1234. Also on CDROM
17. O. Oliva, M. Faúndez "A comparative study of several ADPCM schemes with linear and nonlinear prediction" EUROSPEECH'99, Budapest, Vol. 3, pp.1467-1470. Also on CDROM
18. V. Espinosa and M. Faúndez “Face identification by means of a neural net classifier”. 33º IEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology. Pp.182-186. Madrid, 1999. ISBN 0-7803-5247-5.
7. M. Faúndez, Francesc Vallverdú, Enric Monte, "Nonlinear prediction with neural nets in adpcm" IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP 1998, Vol I, pp.345-348..Seattle. ISBN 0-7803-4428. Also on CDROM.
8. M. Faúndez, O. Oliva "ADPCM with nonlinear prediction". Signal Processing IX: Theories and applications EUSIPCO-98., Rhodes, Greece. Also on CDROM. ISBN 960-7620-05-4. pp. 1205-1208.
9. M. Faúndez, F. Vallverdú and E. Monte “Efficient nonlinear prediction in ADPCM”. 5th International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS´98. Vol.3 pp.543-546. September 1998 Lisbon. ISBN 0-7803-5008-1.
10. M. Faúndez and D. Rodriguez “Speaker recognition using residual signal of linear and nonlinear prediction models”. 5th International Conference on spoken language processing. Vol.2 pp.121-124. ICSLP'98. ISBN 1-876346-17-5, Also on CDROM .Australia
11. L. Talavera, J. Roure, "A buffering strategy to avoid ordering effects in clustering ''. In proceedings of the Tenth European Conference on Machine Learning, ECML98. Claire Nedellec and Celine Rouveirol eds. LNAI vol. 1398. pp. 316-321 Springer 1998. (48% of accepted papers)
12. J. Roure, L. Talavera, "Robust incremental clustering with bad instance orderings: a new strategy ''. Sixth Iberoamerican Conference of Artificial Intelligence, IBERAMIA98. 1998. (26% of accepted papers)
6. M. Faúndez, E. Monte and F. Vallverdú "A comparative study between linear and nonlinear speech prediction". Biological and artificial computation: from neuroscience to technology. IWANN'97. Ed. Springer Verlag Lecture notes in computer Science, LNCS vol. 1240 pp.1154-1163, ISBN 3-540-63047-3. June 1997. Lanzarote
3. M.Faúndez and X. Domingo "Interblock redundancy reduction using quadtrees" .pp.340-343. Signal Processing VIII: Theories and applications EUSIPCO-96, ISBN 88-86179-83-9.Elsevier Publishers, Trieste, Italy. Also on CD-ROM.
4. M. Faúndez and F. Vallverdú "Speech segmentation unsing multilevel hybrid filters" .pp.1003-1006. Signal Processing VIII: Theories and applications EUSIPCO-96, ISBN 88-86179-83-9.Elsevier Publishers.Trieste, Italy. Also on CD-ROM.
5. JMCuscó y M. Faúndez "Applying Multi-Angled Parallelism to Spanish tophographical maps". pp.1885-1888. Signal Processing VIII: Theories and applications EUSIPCO-96, Elsevier Publishers.ISBN 88-86179-83-9.Trieste, Italy. Also on CD-ROM.
2. M. Faúndez, F. Vallverdú and F. Tarrés "Contributions to interframe coding". Workshop on image analysis & synthesis in image coding.October 1994. Berlin. pp. C3.1 to C3.6
1. M.Faúndez y F. Tarrés "A modification of the conjugate direction method for motion estimation" Signal Processing VI: Theories and applications, EUSIPCO-92 Bruselas, vol III, pp.1311-1314 Elsevier Publishers. ISBN 0-444-89587-6