What are you looking for?
TecnoCampus Park Mataró-Maresme
Av. Ernest Lluch, 32 | 08302 Mataró
GPS coordinates: 41 ° 31'40.1''N 2 ° 26'04.3''E
HUB4T - Masters, Postgraduate and Continuing Education
phone: +34 93 702 19 59
Opening hours
Hours are Monday to Friday, 9am to 20pm.
Business and entrepreneurship
phone: +34 93 169 65 02
Business Support Service and Business Accommodation for the Park
Entrepreneur support service
Opening hours
Student Information Point
The PIE (Student Information Point) is the service aimed at students that offers information, advice and guidance on the operation and activities carried out at the TecnoCampus. You will also find information on the academic and university extension procedures that you may require at any given time.
phone: 93 702 32 32 or by mail pie@tecnocampus.cat.
Fax: 93 169 65 04
Opening hours
Center Secretary
Center Secretary's functions include support for entering teaching and exam schedules into the management IT application; introduce the groups of the different subjects and the assignment of the teaching staff in the IT management application, both in terms of enrollment and in terms of teaching; manage the allocation of spaces for teaching; and generally provide administrative support to the management team of the center and its departments.
Fe Aranda
Elementary proficiency
Elisabeth Montia
John Oliver
Monica Romeu
Peter Weaver
Rosa Lozano, Director of University Services
De monday to thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 14.00:15 p.m. and from 00:18 p.m. to 30:XNUMX p.m., and Friday from 8: 00 to 14: 00h
intensive schedule, from June 19 to September 13: from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 14.00 p.m.
Christmas holidays: from 27 December 2023 to 5 January 2024, both inclusive.
Easter holiday period: from 25 March to 1 April 2024, both inclusive.
Summer holidays: throughout the month of August
Holidays: December 7, 2023, May 20, 2024
Contact us
Online service:
To request specific reservations of classrooms and meeting rooms: https://helpdesk.tecnocampus.cat
Face-to-face care: 2nd Floor TCM1
+34 93 169 65 01 Extension 10570
Academic Management Service
The mission of the Academic Management Service is to centralize, coordinate and manage the matters, procedures and formalities of the academic life of the university student in regulated courses, as well as permanent training studies.
Who are we?
Cap del Servei de Gestió Acadèmica: Rosa Serra
Academic technique Department ofEmpresa: Cristina Carrasco
Academic technique Department of Tecnologia and Department ofIndústries Culturals: Martha Cano
Academic technique Department of Salut: Joana Fernández
Academic technique of Màsters Universitaris i Formació Permanent: Joana Fernandez
Formació Permanent: Mireia Safont
Gestió econòmica: Ludmila Romero
Gestió de beques, ajuts i projectes: Esther Rovira
Notice: It is essential to request a prior appointment for face-to-face care through the e-Secretariat.
We are the territorial headquarters of the University Access Office, which depends on the Academic Management Service to advise and inform about the university pre-registration and PAU process.
phone: +34 93 702 32 02
Opening hours: 9.30am to 13.30pm, Monday to Friday
Correu Electronic: preinscripcio@tecnocampus.cat
phone: +34 93 702 19 59
The HUB4T is the center for postgraduate studies and permanent training of the TecnoCampus.
Masters and Postgraduates
Specialization courses, Senior TecnoCampus, Customized Training or Study Abroad
General information
Commuter Train (Renfe) From BCN Frequency; 7 minutes. Approx. (Integrated rate)
TCM station:
Línia 1
TCM - Station:
Línia 2
Company Houses
C-1 Direct from BCN.
Frequency 30 M.
Stop at TCM
C-10 Stops in the villages from BCN to Mataró
Also from Llavaneres
Bus from Vallès (e-13)
Mataró - Barcelona: 25 min.
Mataró-Granollers: 17 min.
Mataró-Sabadell: 31 min.
You can easily park in the car park of the Park, located in the university building. It has a double access from Avinguda Ernest Lluch and Carrer Tordera.
Main rates:
180h university community card: € 36,07
(VAT included)