From January 1, 2024, all students that they perform internships must be registered with Social Security, as indicated in Royal Decree Law 2/2023, of March 16 and Royal Decree Law 5/2023, of June 28. 

If you do not have the NUSS (Social Security Number), you must request it from the Social Security, following the instructions you will find here 

No agreement can be applied for until you have the NUSS. 

Sign up for the Talent Exchange for internships

Doing internships can serve as a gateway into the world of work. It will allow you to put theoretical knowledge into practice, gain experience and improve the skills and abilities that you have worked on throughout the degree.

Frequently asked questions about access to internships

  • Curricular internships: These are internships that recognise ECTS. You must be enrolled in the internship subject.
  • Extracurricular internships: These are internships that do not recognise ECTS but offer experience.

When can I start an internship?

BUSINESS, CULTURAL INDUSTRIES and TECHNOLOGY STUDENTS: Students can start the internship when they have passed 60 ECTS of the degree. In order for the internship to be curricular (have academic recognition), the student must be enrolled in the internship subject.

HEALTH STUDENTS: Internships are managed directly by the Higher School of Health Sciences. 

The dedication of the students participating in the agreement must be compatible with their studies. During the teaching period, it is usually not possible to exceed 20 hours per week.

The time commitment by department is: 

TECHNOLOGY and CULTURAL INDUSTRIES: A maximum of 800 hours of practice can be completed per academic year. 

COMPANY: A maximum of 800 hours of practice can be completed per academic year. 

The time commitment in case of curricular practices is: 

  • Business Administration and Innovation Management: 350 hours (14 ECTS)
  • Marketing and Digital Communities: 350 hours (14 ECTS) or 300 hours (12 ECTS) (students who started the degree before the 20-21 academic year)
  • Double Degree in ADE and Innovation Management and Marketing and Digital Communities: 350 hours (14 ECTS)
  • Tourism and Leisure Management or Double Degree in ADE and Innovation Management and Tourism and Leisure Management: 500 hours (20 ECTS)
  • Logistics and Maritime Business: 400 hours (16 ECTS) or 550 hours (22 ECTS) (students who started the degree before the 20-21 academic year) 

Internships at Tecnocampus are not compulsorily remunerated, although a minimum financial aid of € 5 per hour is recommended. In the case of studies at the Escola Superior Politècnica, the minimum guide price is 6 euros per hour.

In the event that the internship is remunerated (in any degree), the company establishes directly with the student the remuneration that they will receive as study aid and makes the payment directly to the student.

The grant has a minimum retention of2% personal income tax and the obligation for the company to include students in the General Social Security Scheme.

Reminder for internships in engineering studies: Remuneration cannot be less than € 6 / hour.

Register in the application of Talent Exchange and upload CV. You can have more than one CV uploaded. Remember! If you do not register, you will not receive notifications about new offers that correspond to your profile !!

Sign up for offers: Attach your CV to the offers of the companies that interest you and that match your profile.

If you have been selected: When an agreement has been reached with a company, you must fill in the application form to process the Educational Cooperation Agreement. This document sets out the conditions of the internship.

Approval and signature: Within a maximum period of 5 working days, in the event that the academic coordinator approves the proposal, both the company and the student will receive the PDF of the agreement to sign electronically or digitally and return it signed to . Once signed by TecnoCampus, the agreement signed can be downloaded through the Talent Exchange.

Companies can apply for internship agreements throughout the academic year, but in holiday periods the deadlines are: 

CHRISTMAS: Deadline for applications December 15 (Agreements with start date between on December 23 and January 20)

Closing of the service: From December 23rd to January 7th (both included)

EASTER: Deadline for applications April 6 (Agreements with start date between on April 14 and 28)

Service closure: From April 14 to 21 (both inclusive)

SUMMER: Deadline for applications July 19 (Agreements with start date between on July 26 and September 16)

Closure of the service: August

NOTE: Remember that no student can start an internship without having the educational cooperation agreement approved by the university. In no case will the university be responsible for applications received outside the established deadlines. 

Consult the academic regulations of the Departments of Business, Technology and Cultural Industries here

Frequently asked questions