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The teaching and research spaces of the Health department are mostly concentrated in the TCM6 building, although they are also located in the TCM3 building.
The TCM6 building consists of gymnasiums, a Physical Activity, Performance and Health Laboratory (LARS) and a Health Simulation and Innovation Center (CSIS), as well as classrooms of different capacities. It also has a multipurpose room located in TCM3.
In these spaces, the teaching of the degrees in Nursing, Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, Physiotherapy, the double qualification in Physiotherapy and Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, in addition to the university masters in Personal Training and Sports Physical Rehabilitation, and in Integrated Care in Chronicity and Aging, in addition to several post-graduate degrees and research activities in the field of health.
Physical Activity, Performance and Health Laboratory
The Laboratory of Physical Activity, Performance and Health (LARS) is a multidisciplinary facility directed by different professionals and researchers, mainly from the area of sports sciences who have approached the study of human movement from different perspectives, biological, behavioral and social.
Centre for Simulation and Innovation in Health (CSIS)
The CSIS was created with the aim of facilitating and promoting the development and comprehensive training of students and health professionals, using the most innovative of learning A new learning model that follows teaching quality standards where innovation and research are the fundamental pillars.
The facilities that the ESCST uses in the TCM6 include several gyms that add more than 370m2, three of them with capacity for 20 students and 10 treatment tables each and gym 3, the largest, can accommodate 30 students.
Multipurpose room
The multipurpose room for the degree studies in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences and the double degree in Physiotherapy and Physical Activity and Sport Sciences is located in the TCM3 tower of the TecnoCampus, with an open space of 220m2. The capacity of the room is 35 students. It is equipped with multimedia projection and high-fidelity sound, which allows the theoretical and practical teaching activity to be developed with the support of the best technological tools and specific material.
It responds to the teaching and academic needs of degrees, postgraduates and masters and to the permanent training of both health professionals and anyone interested in this field, through the courses it offers.
Clinical simulation provides a new method of learning and training in which knowledge, skills and human values are intertwined. Simulation, as defined by the Center for Medical Simulation, is a situation or scenario created to allow people to experience the representation of a real situation for the purpose of practicing, learning, evaluating, testing, or acquiring knowledge.
Currently, simulation is an indispensable tool in the development of activities aimed at acquiring skills.
This methodology makes it possible to extend and replace real experiences with directed experiences that reproduce the substantial aspects of a situation with the utmost realism. For this reason, simulation is basic for quality learning and skills acquisition.
Through the Objective and Structured Competence Assessment (ACOE), the student is assessed to ensure the acquisition of the established skills and to work on those that need to be improved in the following courses.
Research projects are developed with the aim of designing and identifying new, more advanced and effective educational methods focused on simulation with patients.
The CSIS has eight Simulation spaces with state-of-the-art equipment, mannequins, specialized software, filming-projection systems and differentiated spaces where you will develop your skills and put your knowledge into practice.
Equipped with two beds and two state-of-the-art mannequins. This unit is equipped with all the equipment of an ICU: multiparameter monitors, mechanical ventilation system, infusion pumps, etc.
This unit consists of six multifunctional beds where you can learn from the most basic to the most complex procedures performed in the hospital care area. Equipped with basic and advanced mannequins, modules for breast examinations, wound kits, arms and thorax for punctures, vacuum cleaners, care carts, etc.
Consisting of a bed with a paediatric mannequin prepared for childcare, two cots with two baby mannequins and a birth simulator. As well as mannequins and specific material to perform common procedures from primary care to life support procedures in children and newborns.
A & E
It is a space prepared both at the hospital level and at the outpatient level. It is equipped with two specific adult emergency mannequins, two baby mannequins for neonatal resuscitation, beds, monitor, defibrillator, electrocardiograph, cardiac emergency car, etc.
This medical office is equipped with the specific equipment that you would expect in a Primary Health Care Centre (examination couch, scale, stethoscopes, sphingomanometers, etc.).
Specific space to work for pre-operative, intra-operative and post-operative nursing care.
Space intended for the control of the simulations that are carried out in any of the spaces of the simulation center.
Dr. Carolina Chabrera (cchabrera@tecnocampus.cat)
Head of the Health Simulation and Innovation Center
Mrs. Laura Curell (lcurell@tecnocampus.cat)
In charge of technical simulation spaces
The Physical Activity, Performance and Health Laboratory (LARS) is a multidisciplinary facility led by different professionals and researchers, mainly from the area of sports sciences, who have approached the study of human movement since different perspectives, biological, behavioral and social.
The TecnoCampus is committed to the creation of a state-of-the-art reference laboratory in sports sciences equipped with the latest technologies for the study of human movement and physical performance that will allow access to these facilities not only to the university community of the TecnoCampus, but also to the business, social and sporting fabric of the territory.
The LARS was born with the aim of promoting the development of sports sciences and, therefore, it is a laboratory that integrates teaching and research activity together with the transfer of this knowledge to the territorial fabric through the provision of services to sports clubs and companies in the city of Mataró and the rest of the territory.
Therefore, the LARS works in three areas simultaneously:
This teaching and training part aims, on the one hand, to provide a service to students, increasing the quality of teaching with innovative laboratory practices and the latest technology available on the market. On the other hand, respond to the teaching and academic training needs of both sports science professionals and researchers and anyone interested who wants to improve their specialized training in this area through the courses offered .
In this area, the LARS develops innovative and quality research in the field of physical activity, sports performance and health. It is about contributing to the scientific development of this area of study by promoting the scientific communication of research results in scientific media, stimulating interdisciplinary cooperation with other national and international research centers.
Finally, through the transfer of knowledge, the LARS promotes all the knowledge generated and accumulated in teaching and research by professionals and researchers so that it has an effective and significant impact on the territory and professional activity.
In this sense, and given the importance of the transfer of knowledge in the TecnoCampus, the LARS offers all its knowledge and its technological equipment through a provision of services to all the sports clubs and companies in the city of Mataró and the rest of the territory.
The LARS has an open space of 130m2 with state-of-the-art equipment structured around two operating areas:
The purpose of the functional assessment area is to study the responses and adaptations that occur in a subject when their body is subjected to the demands arising from physical exertion.
The data obtained is used either to study possible anomalies related to exercise (acute fatigue, overtraining, exercise-induced asthma, etc.) or to obtain useful information about the state of fitness of the individual, functional abilities, efficiency in the use of energy or any other data that may be useful for health, control of training and the improvement of sports performance.
The subject does physical exercise on a treadmill, rowing machine or a static bicycle while different variables are registered and measured. Physical variables (speed, inclination, work, power, ...) or functional variables ( heart rate, ventilation, blood pressure, oxygen consumption, carbon production, blood lactate, ...).
Accordingly, the following tests will be performed:
The function of the bio-mechanical assessment area is to study the movement, balance, physics, endurance and injury mechanisms that can occur in the human body as a result of various physical movements.
Accordingly, the following tests will be performed:
Therefore, based on the above and to sum up, among many other functions the LARS can develop the following:
Complete MuscleLab 6000 integrated system for biomechanical analysis (electromyographic, dynamometric, electrogoniometric and photogrammetric analysis):
Dr. Bruno Fernández-Valdés Villa (bfernandez-valdes@tecnocampus.cat)
El Laboratory of technological innovation, strength and functional assessment (LabIT) is a multidisciplinary facility led by different professionals and researchers, mainly in the area of sports sciences, who have tackled the study of human movement With current and innovative machinery and material, which allows a rigorous analysis and quality adjusted to the needs of the current market immersed in the technological industrial revolution 4.0.
The TecnoCampus is committed to the creation of a new state-of-the-art reference laboratory in sports sciences, which is complemented by the one that already existed (LARS) equipped with the latest technologies for the study of human movement and of the physical performance that will allow access to these facilities not only in the university community of the TecnoCampus, but also in the business, social and sports fabric of the territory.
The LabIT was born with the aim of complementing the current laboratory (LARS), which due to the growth of TecnoCampus' teaching research and innovation projects was no longer sufficient to supply them. For this reason, the objectives are similar and shared, seeking to maximize and enhance the objectives with which the LARS was created. How to promote the development of sports sciences and, therefore, it is a laboratory that integrates teaching and research activity together with the transfer of this knowledge to the territorial fabric through the provision of services to sports clubs and the companies of the city of Mataró and the rest of the territory.
Therefore, the LabIT works in three areas simultaneously:
This teaching and training part aims, on the one hand, to provide a service to students, increasing the quality of teaching with innovative laboratory practices and the latest technology available on the market. On the other hand, respond to the teaching and academic training needs of both sports science professionals and researchers and anyone interested who wants to improve their specialized training in this area through the courses offered .
In this area, the LabIT develops innovative and quality research in the field of physical activity, sports performance and health. It is about contributing to the scientific development of this area of study by promoting the scientific communication of research results in scientific media, stimulating interdisciplinary cooperation with other national and international research centers.
Finally, through the transfer of knowledge, the LabIT promotes all the knowledge generated and accumulated in teaching and research by professionals and researchers so that it has an effective and significant impact on the territory and professional activity.
In this sense, and given the importance of the transfer of knowledge in the TecnoCampus, the LabIT offers all its knowledge and its technological equipment by providing services to all the sports clubs and companies in the city of Mataró and the rest of the territory.
The LabIT has an open-plan space of 200 m2 with state-of-the-art equipment structured around three areas of operation:
The technological innovation area has as its function the study of human movement, using the most recent technology on the market together with an advanced analysis of the signals obtained. Understanding, thus, which technology and which type of analysis are the most suitable for the study of human movement depending on the person and the objective for which it is intended. In addition, it seeks the transfer of technology to the daily use of sports science professionals, studying the validity and reliability of the various technologies used in this sector, providing not only applicability but also rigor and scientific evidence.
Equipped with the following technology (some of it shared with the adjacent LARS laboratory):
• Gas and ventilation analyzer (spirometer) K5.
• Perception Neuron 3D analysis suit.
• 12-lead stress electrocardiograph.
• Electromyography (EMG).
• Tensiomyography (TMG).
• MuscleLab 6000 integrated system (See in the LARS section).
• Linear encoders (various brands).
• Rotary encoders (various brands).
• Pressure dynamometers (various brands).
• Extensiometric gauges (various brands).
• Blood occlusion systems.
• IMUs (various brands).
• GPS.
• Magnets (Magnet-Based Timing System).
• Triaxial force platform.
• Contact platform.
• Photoelectric cells.
• Infrared systems.
• Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS).
• Heart rate systems (various brands).
• Blood lactate analyzer.
• Bioelectric impedance.
Strength is one of the main physical qualities for human movement. Hence the importance of being able to investigate your assessment and training. The LabIT has the latest technologies in strength training systems, which together with the technological innovation systems described above, form a perfect combination to deepen research and offer top quality teaching around the assessment and 'strength training.
Equipped with the following technology or training systems:
• Iso-inertial machines with variable cone flight (Conical Moths)
• Fixed radius iso-inertial machines
• Portable iso-inertial machines
• Pneumatic machine (Keiser)
• Unstable vibrating platform (Vi4)
• Vibrating bar
• Suspension training belts with and without pulleys
• Various packages of elastic bands with various elasticity indices
• Free weight bars
• Manual weights
• Kettlebells
• Hexagonal bar
• Gravitational plate moth
• Functional training structure
• Medicine balls
• Pulling muscle
• Functional training boxes
• Smith Multipower Rack
This area combines all the materials described above to be able to carry out a personalized assessment for each subject, client or athlete based on their movement needs. Assessing holistically, quantitatively and qualitatively the quantity and quality of movement and different physical capacities.
In the facilities used by the Department of Health at TCM6 there are gymnasiums totaling more than 367m2, three of them with capacity for 20 students.
All the gymnasiums are used for the delivery of specific teaching in Physiotherapy, both in the degree of the same name and in the specific subjects on this subject in the double degree in Physiotherapy and Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport (COFFEE). Transversally, these facilities can also be used in the other degrees in the area (degrees in Nursing and in Human Nutrition and Dietetics and Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport).
Teaching methodologies in all gyms:
Gym 1, 2 and 4 facilities:
Gym 3 facilities:
Dr. Bruno Fernández-Valdés Villa (bfernandez-valdes@tecnocampus.cat)
TecnoCampus has a network of state-of-the-art facilities to carry out teaching and research activities, with the aim of facilitating student learning and practice, innovation in teaching and learning methods, and the evaluation of the necessary skills.
The Multipurpose room is located in the TCM3 tower of the TecnoCampus, with an open space of 220m2. The ideal capacity of the room is 35 students.
It is equipped with multimedia projection and high-fidelity sound, which allows the development of theoretical and practical teaching activity with the support of the best technological tools and materials. Internet access and other resources are available thanks to the high-speed connectivity available and WIFI coverage, which allows students access to teaching information. To develop the practical part, the room is equipped with benches, chairs, backrests, mirrors and a whole series of specific and state-of-the-art materials for each subject of the Degrees. There are changing rooms and lockers nearby.
The multi-purpose room is designed for the teaching of degrees in the health department, in particular the Science of Physical Activity and Sport and the double degree in Physiotherapy and Science of Physical Activity and Sport.
It has a large cannon, computer, benches, chairs, shoulder pads, mirrors, etc. In addition to a wide range of specific materials, such as:
Dr. Jorge Castizo (jcastizo@tecnocampus.cat)
The gastronomic laboratory is the space where the teaching and practical activities of the Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics will take place, as well as specific seminars for the Degree in Nursing, Degree in Physiotherapy, Degree in CAFE and double degree in Physiotherapy and CAFE. This space is currently in the design and construction phase, and is expected to be operational in the 2024-2025 school year.
This gastronomic laboratory dedicated to teaching and research will be located in a 350m2 space with direct access to the TCM6, versatile and agile in its restructuring. It will have access for people with functional diversity (wheelchairs), as well as a table designed for this group. Within the facility itself there will be two toilets (one adapted), a changing room and an office for the person in charge of the gastronomic laboratory. Due to its design with a filtering roof (extraction hood) at 2 meters high, it can be used as a show cooking space, tables with stoves for teaching can be placed there or it can be a mixed space , with a part of show cooking for small groups and another part for practical teaching on the preparation of culinary preparations.
It is designed for the teaching of the Degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics but also transversally for teaching in all health degrees, master's degrees, postgraduates and specific training. Its design imitates an industrial kitchen that we can find in a hospital, a clinic, a high performance sports center or a center with its own kitchen.
At the same time, it is capable of carrying out research in the fields of clinical and sports nutrition.
It will have a mixed convection oven, 13 2-burner induction plates, tables for show cooking, temperature blaster, vacuum packer, tabletop roner, tabletop blixer, emulsifier, knife sterilizer, digital viscometer, iVarioPro2XS , cold tables, sausage cutter, 1 refrigerated cabinet 1 door, 1 refrigerated cabinet 2 doors, 1 freezer cabinet 4 doors, platform scale, precision scale, service carts, hooded dishwasher and garbage cart.
The Library is a service of the TecnoCampus in its educational community that has spaces for work and study in silence, as well as a bibliographic collection suitable for the studies that are taught.
Access is free for students and ex-students, teaching staff and administration and service staff. It is part of the Consortium of University Services of Catalonia.
In addition, in the library you can reserve spaces and access all kinds of information resources (also from other universities).