What are you looking for?
Approval of the regulations and conditions for the installation of telecommunications infrastructures in the TCM2 building of Parc Tecnocampus. Exp. núm. 14/2014
Date of publication: 13/02/2015
Deadline for submitting applications: 30/03/2015
Announcement at the BOPB. Date of publication: 09/03/2015
Telecommunications infrastructure regulations
Installation request form
Tender for the supply of electrical energy (File no. 16/2017)
Agreement of the Board of Directors of EPEL Parc TCM approving the adhesion to the joint contracting of the Consortium of University Services of Catalonia (CSUC)
Agreement for accession to joint energy contracting with the CSUC, lots 1 and 2
Sheet of administrative clauses
Specification of particular technical clauses
Resolution of award of Lot 1
Resolution of award of Lot 2
Tender for the award, through an open procedure and various criteria for the award of the mixed contract for the supply and services of installation and maintenance of a perimeter security system Firewall for the Parc Tecnocampus Mataró (File no. 10/2017)
Announcement. Date of publication 08/01/2018
Deadline for submission of proposals: 29/01/2018, at 18:00 p.m.
Administrative Terms and Conditionss Individuals
Technical Specifications
Optional visit in the facilities: 17/01/2018 at 11:00, upon request to licitacions@tecnocampus.cat before 15/01/18
Clarifications. New deadline for submission of proposals: 09/02/2018, at 14:00 h.
Public ceremony of opening of envelopes 2: day 21/02/18, 10: 00h., Boardroom of the university building of the Tecnocampus Park
Public event reading of the assessments given to the criteria that depend on value judgments and opening of envelopes 3: day 02/03/18, 10: 00h., Boardroom of the university building of the Parc Tecnocampus. Updated
Minutes of the Contracting Committee for the opening of envelopes 1 dated 16/02/2018
Minutes of the Contracting Committee for the opening of envelopes 2 dated 21/02/2018
Annex rectification resolution. Annex model. Presentation, inside closed and identified envelope, until 09/03/18, at 14:00.
Public event reading of the assessments given to the criteria that depend on value judgments and opening of envelopes 3: day 13/03/18, 09: 30h., Boardroom of the university building of the Parc Tecnocampus.
Technical Report on the assessment of the contents of the envelopes 2
Minutes of the contracting table for the opening of envelope 3 dated 13/03/2018
Act of proposal of adjudication of date 16/05/2018
Raward resolution dated June 15, 2018
Tender for the award, through an open procedure and various award criteria, of the contract for preventive, legal and corrective maintenance services for TecnoCampus lifts (File no. 5/2017)
Announcement. Date of publication: 17/11/2017
Deadline for submission of proposals: 18/12/2017 at 18:00 h.
Directory of administrative clauses
Technical Specifications
Optional visit in the facilities: 29/11/17 at 12:00, upon request to licitacions@tecnocampus.cat
Diligence to modify the specifications. New deadline for submission of proposals: 22/12/2017 at 14 p.m.
Diligence to open envelopes 1 and 2 dated January 17, 2018
Public event reading assessments given to the criteria that depend on value judgments and openness envelopes 3: Wednesday 31/01/18 at 10:00 am, boardroom (ground floor) university building of the Parc Tecnocampus (TCM1).
In envelope Technical assessment of the contents of the envelopes 2
Opening act of the envelopes number 3 dated 31/01/18
Resolution of adjudication of date 20/03/2018
Tender for the award, through an open procedure and various award criteria, of the lease of the business accommodation spaces of the TCM2 and TCM3 buildings of the Tecnocampus Park (File no. 10/2016)
Announcement. Date of publication: 26/07/2017
Regulations for the award of business accommodation spaces for TCM2 and TCM3 buildings
Call for business accommodation spaces for the TCM2 and TCM3 buildings
Deadline for submission of proposals: 15/09/2017 at 15 p.m.
Minutes of the contracting table for the opening of envelopes 1 and 2 dated 03/11/2017
Technical Report on the assessment of the contents of the envelopes 2
Award Proposal Report dated 08/11/2017
Resolution of adjudication of date 16/12/2017
Tender by open procedure for a lease for the second and third floors of the building on Carrer Balmes, 37-39 in Mataró (File no. 08/2017)
Announcement. Date of publication: 06/06/2017
Directory of administrative clauses
Technical Specifications
Diligence to modify the specifications
Deadline for submission of proposals: 26/06/2017 at 18:00 h.
Diligence to clarify the specifications dated 13/06/2017
Minutes of the contracting table for the opening of envelopes 1 and 2 dated 11/07/17
Public event reading assessments given to the criteria that depend on value judgments and openness envelopes 3: Thursday 20/07/17 at 11:00 am, boardroom (ground floor) university building of the Parc Tecnocampus (TCM1).
Minutes of the contracting table for the opening of envelope 3 dated 20/07/17
Resolution of adjudication of date 21/07/17
Tender by harmonized procedure for a contract for unarmed surveillance services and auxiliary services (File no. 11/2016)
Announcement. Date of publication: 21/10/2016
Specification of Particular Administrative Clauses
Technical specifications
Diligence of Modifications
Deadline for submission of proposals: 30/11/2016 at 18:00 h.
Public ceremony of opening of envelopes 2: day 21/12/16, 09: 00h., Room together university building of the Parc Tecnocampus
Public event reading of the assessments given to the criteria that depend on value judgments and opening of envelopes 3: day 09/01/17, 09: 00h., Boardroom university building of the Parc Tecnocampus.
Minutes of the Procurement Board dated 13/12/16
Minutes of the Contracting Board dated 21/12/16
Technical Report
Minutes of the Contracting Board dated 9/01/17 (Opening on 3)
Minutes of the Contracting Committee for the award proposal dated 10/01/17
Resolution of adjudication of date 13/02/17
Extension of the auxiliary service
Extension of the unarmed surveillance service
Rtermination of the contract of the unarmed surveillance service. Date of publication: 31/07/2019
Tender for the contracting of Tecnocampus civil liability, damage, accident and life insurance (Files no. 5/2015 (EPEL Parc Tecnocampus Mataró) and no. 48/2015 (Tecnocampus Mataró-Maresme Foundation)
Announcement. Date of publication: 17/6/16
Directory of administrative clauses
Technical Specifications LOT 1. Property damage
Technical Specifications LOT 2. Civil and patrimonial responsibility
Technical Specifications LOT 3. Collective accidents and life
Deadline for submission of envelopes: July 4, 2016 until 18:00.
Public ceremony of opening of envelopes 2: day 22/7/16, 12: 00h., Room together university building of the Parc Tecnocampus
Public event reading of the assessments granted to the criteria that depend on value judgments and opening of envelopes 3: day 12/9/16, 12: 00h., Boardroom university building of the Parc Tecnocampus
Minutes of the Procurement Board dated 22/07/16
Minutes of the Procurement Board dated 12/09/16
Technical report
Minutes of the Contracting Committee for the award proposal dated 12/9/16
Conditional award agreement. Date of publication: 27/9/16
Tender for the award of the contract for the operation of the services of the data processing center in the TCM2 building of the Parc Tecnocampus Mataró. (Exp. No. 12/2015)
Announcement. Date of publication: 9/12/15
Deadline for submission of proposals: 8/1/16, at 14:00.
Directory of administrative clauses
Technical Specifications. Annex I. Annex II.
Public ceremony of opening of envelopes 2: day 22/1/16, 11: 00h., Room together university building of the Parc Tecnocampus
Public act of report of valuation relative to the technical criteria submitted to judgment of value and opening of envelopes 3: day 29/1/16, to the 13: 00h., Room of Boards of the university building of the Park Tecnocampus
Minutes of the Procurement Board dated 18/1/16
Minutes of the Procurement Board dated 22/1/16
Minutes of the Contracting Board dated 29/1/16
Technical Report
Award of the contract. Date of publication: 22/2/16
Tender for the maintenance and support of the infrastructure of the data processing center and economic operation of ten cabinets through the provision of cloud services. Exp. núm 2/2015
Announcement. Date of publication: 25/02/15
Administrative Terms and Conditions Individuals
Technical Specifications. Annex I, Annex II, Annex III.
Announcement of extension of the deadline for submission of bids until 11/05/2015 at 18h. Date of publication 16/04/2015
Tender for the cleaning service of the facilities of the Parc Tecnocampus. Exp. No. 1/2014 (EPE Parc Tecnocampus) and 78/2014 (Fundació Tecnocampus Mataró-Maresme).
Date of publication: 17/11/14
Directory of administrative clauses
Technical Specifications
Diligence of amendments to the published clauses.
Deadline for submission of proposals: 9/2/15, at 14 p.m.
Public ceremony of opening of envelopes 2: day 23/2/15, 12: 30h., Room next to university building of the Tecnocampus Park.
Public event reading of the assessments given to the criteria that depend on value judgments and opening of envelopes 3: day 11/3/15, 12:30 pm, boardroom university building of the Tecnocampus Park.
Conditional award agreement
Conditional award agreement
Award of the contract
Tender for the conservation, preventive, regulatory and corrective maintenance service of the Tecnocampus Park through an open procedure, ordinary processing and subject to harmonized regulation. Exp. No. 8/2014 (EPE Parc Tecnocampus) and 40/2014 (Fundació Tecnocampus Mataró-Maresme).
Date of publication: 13/11/14
Directory of administrative clauses
Technical Specifications
Diligence of amendments to the published clauses
Deadline for submission of proposals: 9/2/15, at 14 p.m.
Public ceremony of opening of envelopes 2: day 23/2/15, 12: 00h., Room next to university building of the Tecnocampus Park.
Public event reading of the assessments given to the criteria that depend on value judgments and opening of envelopes 3: day 20/3/15, 13:30 pm, boardroom university building of the Tecnocampus Park.
Conditional award agreement
Award of the contract
Tender for the operation of the bar-restaurant services located in the TCM1 Knowledge building and for sale in the TCM1, TCM2 and TCM3 buildings of the TecnoCampus Mataró Park, through an open procedure and under various award criteria. Exp. núm. 20/2013.
Download | Date of publication: 9/7/13
Tender for the supply, installation and commissioning of the new facilities of the Tecnocampus Mataró Park Data Processing Center, through an open procedure, subject to harmonized regulation and under various award criteria. Exp. núm. 46/2010.
Download | Date of publication: 16/09/13
Tender for the operation of the bar-restaurant services located in the TCM1 Knowledge building and for sale in the TCM1, TCM2 and TCM3 buildings of the TecnoCampus Mataró Park, through an open procedure and under various award criteria. Exp. núm. 2/2013.
Announcement | Date of publication: 2/5/13
PCAP: RV Particular Administrative Clauses
PPT: RV Technical Prescription Sheets.
Date of publication: 2/5/2013
Envelope opening announcement no. 1 and 2 of the tender for the contracting for the operation of the restoration service located in the TCM1 knowledge building of the Parc Tecnocampus Mataró. Bidding deserted.
Date of publication: 29/5/2013
Tender for the lease of the 2nd and 3rd floors of the building at 37-39 Balmes Street in Mataró, through an open procedure and under various award criteria. File No. 10/2012.
Date of publication: 31/10/12
Tender for the monitoring service and service assistant of the TecnoCampus Mataró Park, through an open procedure and subject to harmonized regulation and under various award criteria. Exp. núm. 24/2011
Date of publication: 28/11/12
Contract for the conditioning of premises 1 and 3 on the second floor of the TCM3
Date of publication: 09/06/2011
Tender for the lease of the building of c. Balmes, 37-39 in Mataró, basement, ground floor, first floor and car park. Exp. núm. 19/2011
Date of publication: 12/07/2011
Contract for works of conditioning of the premises 8 of the TCM1
Date of publication: March 18, 2011.
Maintenance contract for the electrical and mechanical installations of Parc TCM. Exp. Num. 50/2010
Date of publication: 14 February 2011.
Agreement for the award of works to adapt the premises for Restaurant - Cafeteria del TCM (basic civil project)
Date of publication: 21 January 2011
Award agreement for the lease of the commercial spaces of the TCM
Date of publication: 6 September 2010
Agreement for the award of TCM cleaning services
Date of publication: 21 January 2011.
Agreement to award the financial insurance service.
Date of publication: 23 September 2010
Agreement for the award of ancillary services and security.
Date of publication: 7 September 2010