Academic director of the master's degree
Dr. Jordi Falgueras POI Professor Doctor of TecnoCampus, university center attached to the UPF. Director of the University Master's Degree in ESO Teacher Training, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching, specializing in Physical Education. Doctor by the Research program in Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport (UB). Master's in Sport and Physical Activity Psychology (UB/UAB/INEFC). Master's in Motor Activity and Education (UB). Master's in Artificial Intelligence applied to business (EUNCET). Degree in Physical Education from the National Institute of Physical Education of Catalonia (INEFC de Barcelona) (UB). Professor of the Degree in Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport (CAFYD).
Teaching staff
Dr. Lluís Albesa POI Doctoral professor at the Higher School of Health Sciences of the TecnoCampus (ESCST), a center attached to the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF). Coordinator of the Degree in Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport (CAFYD). Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude by the Institute of Education Sciences (ICE). Doctor from the Biomedicine program of the Faculty of Biology of the University of Barcelona (UB). Official Master's Degree in Technical and High Level Sports Performance (REPTEN) by the University of Barcelona. Degree in Physical Education from the National Institute of Physical Education of Catalonia (INEFC de Barcelona) (UB). Professor of the Degree in Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport (CAFYD) and the Double Degree in CAFYD and physiotherapy of the ESCST (UPF). Member of the research group in Technology Applied to High Performance and Health (TAARS) of the TecnoCampus. UEFA-PRO National Football Coach for the Real Spanish Football Federation (RFEF).
Lluís Admiral Degree in Physical Education from the University of Barcelona. Secondary and high school physical education teacher with 18 years of teaching experience in private charter schools. Pedagogical coordinator and head of studies at the Pérez Iborra School since 2018. Initial trainer in culture of thought. He has been coordinator of the group of experts in Education of the COPLEFC. He is currently coordinator of the COPLEFC competition course. Trainer in courses for Physical Education teachers from different institutions such as the INEFC of Barcelona or the IBE. Member of the working group for Physical Education EFTEAM. He has been part of the working group in emotional physical education Project E. Author of different publications, the most notable of which is Healthy physical education, practical resources.
Maria Aparisi Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (UCV). Teacher in the specialty of Physical Education (UCV). Master's in teacher training (UCV). Teacher of Physical Education at different chartered and private centers. Teaching technician at the Center for Pedagogical Resources. "New Curriculum" trainer. Currently teacher and pedagogical coordinator of ESO, Baccalaureate and Training Cycles.
Marc Carmona POI Associate professor at the TecnoCampus Higher School of Health Sciences (ESCST), a center attached to the Pompeu Fabra University. Degree in Physical Education at INEFC from the University of Barcelona. Level 3 Uefa Pro Indoor Soccer Coach and Level 2 Soccer Coach. Teacher of Pedagogy of physical activity and sport at Tecnocampus. Collaborating professor at Blanquerna University (URL) in the 2013/2020 Master's in Sports Communication, Futsal and Team Management. Teacher Secondary Education Higher Grade of physical-sporting activities in the subject of Team Sports.
Anna Castells. Diploma as a Physical Education teacher (MEF), Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences and with the "Master's in Games, Gamification and Technology applied to education" (ENTI-UB). Currently associate professor at the TecnoCampus in the Department of Health and linked to the research field of teaching doing the doctoral thesis on active learning methodologies (learning based on real challenges). Professor of Master's degrees at the UB in the specialties of Physical Education and Early Childhood Education.
Dr. Marcela Herrera. Psychologist of performance and human well-being. PhD in Psychology of Human Learning (UAB). Master's in Psychology of sport and physical activity (UAB). Postgraduate in Strategic Brief Psychotherapy (UdG). Postgraduate in Management of Educational Centers (Central University-Chile). COPC certified coach psychologist. Facilitator in Mindfulness through the PPRC-*AD. PDI and coordinator of the subjects Psychology of groups and Psychology of sport (UVIC). Member of the Physical Activity and Health Research Group (GREAF-UVIC). Teacher of several international diplomas (Chile, Mexico, Argentina, Spain). Trainer of trainers for more than 25 years. Currently psychologist of Osona Sports Talent (TEO) attached to the Center for Sports and Physical Activity Studies (CEEAF). Managerial skills and emotional health trainer at BHConsulting. Consultant and Director of Director of training and development in Netball Spain. Co-author of the book Training coaches (Punt Vermell Publishing, 2016).
Dr. Ingrid Hinojosa. Professor at the Barcelona center of the INEFC in the field of teaching, research and transfer. Along these lines, through methodologies such as service-learning, it teaches various subjects linked to the educational and social aspects of physical activity and sport, as well as aspects of innovation and educational research. PhD from the University of Barcelona. Doctoral program "Physical Activity, Physical Education and Sport". Official Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teacher Training (Physical Education specialty). Ramón Llull University. Graduated in Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport at the INEFC Barcelona center.
Núria Llop. Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences from the National Institute of Physical Education of Catalonia (INEFC Barcelona). Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude from the Institute of Educational Sciences of the University of Barcelona. Twenty-five years of experience in the field of sports management. Technical director of the municipal sports facilities sector. Coordinator of physical activity and health programs aimed at children, young people, adults and the elderly.
Eva Maresma Chica. Deputy Chief Inspector of the Department of Education and Vocational Training at the Maresme-Vallès Oriental Territorial Inspection. Head of the Area for coordination and school planning at the Maresme-Vallès Oriental Territorial Service (2011-2016). Degree in Catalan philology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). Catalan language and literature teacher in different public institutes.
Josep Mª Piulachs. Degree in Physical Education from the University of Barcelona. Physical Education teacher in public schools since 2006 and civil servant with a permanent position since 2006. He has been head of department, coordinator of teaching teams and currently a member of the management team. He is also currently the coordinator of the driving team of the "Skills Network" center since 2020. Trainer in several courses as a permanent trainer for different entities such as the "Sports Councils of Catalonia", and in several courses of the Department of Education of Catalonia. EFTeam member and co-author of several publications on educational resources with his team members.
Joan Mª Subirats. Secondary school teacher specializing in Physical Education and Neuro-educator. Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, the Master's in Advanced Neuroeducation, as well as the Certificate in Fundamentals of Neuroscience from Harvard University, and I have the CAP. Studying the Degree in Psychology at the UOC. I am currently doing peer review and articles for the UB, The Journal of Neuroeducation (JONED) is an online and biannual publication (February and July), linked to the Chair of Neuroeducation UB-EDU1ST and the UB.
Dr. David Martin Professor Doctor of TecnoCampus, a center attached to the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF). Professor of the University Degree in Applied Sciences and Technologies in Sport and Fitness (CTEF, Euncet). Professor of the Master's in Sports Performance: Technology and High Level (REPTEN) at the University of Barcelona (UB). Member of the research group in Motor Action (GIAM) of the University of Lleida (UdL). Physical trainer of RCD Espanyol in Barcelona and Coordinator of Performance Areas. Doctor from the Physical Activity and Sport program at the University of Lleida (UdL). Master's Degree in Teacher Training from the International University of Valencia (VIU). Graduated in Physical Education from the National Institute of Physical Education of Catalonia (INEFC de Barcelona) (UB). Teacher of Sports Family Training Cycles (2015 - present).
Núria Martinez Teacher of primary education, secondary education and high school in the specialty of physical education. Education technician at the Department of Education, at the curriculum service developing curriculum development tasks, concretization of educational orientations, design of teacher training. Coordinator of the Skills Network, educational innovation program of the Department of Education. Responsible for advice, training and conferences for teachers related to formative assessment and LOMLOE curriculum. Teacher at the University of Vic-Universitat Central de Catalunya doing different subjects at the MEP, LCAFE degree and currently teaching the Physical Education Curriculum subject in the Teacher Training Master. Member of the "Evaluate to learn" group of the Rosa Sensat Association.
Julio Martinez Degree in Biology from the University of Barcelona. My professional career in the field of education began in the 1993-94 school year at Escoles Freta de Mataró, a center where I developed my teaching work over the course of twelve years. After passing the examinations, I worked for two years at the INS Baix Montseny de Sant Celoni, the 1st (2005-2006) as a teacher and the 2nd (2006-2007) as the center's secretary. The following four years I worked at the INS Josep Puig i Cadafalch de Mataró performing tutor and head of department duties. In the 2011-12 academic year I joined the team of the INS Damià Campeny de Mataró, a center where I developed responsibilities as secretary (2012-13 academic year) and as Director from the 2013-14 academic year until actuality
Joan Monguillot Degree in Physical Education from the National Institute of Physical Education of Catalonia (INEFC de Barcelona). Teacher of Physical Education, specialized in FP. Head of the sports department at the Nautical Institute of Barcelona (public VET centre). Quality Coordinator of the Nautical Institute of Barcelona. President of the board of the EF competition (year 2020, Board 1). Secretary of the court of the EF competition (year 2017, Court 2). Secretary of the Physical Activities commission of the "Procés Acredita't" (Year 2020 - 2024). Trainer of the COPLEFC for aspiring Physical Education Teachers.
Xavier Ordonez Diploma in Physical Education from the University of Barcelona (UB). Degree in psychopedagogy from the Ramon Llull University (URLL). Master's in coaching and sports psychology by the International University of La Rioja (UNIR). Teacher of physical education in Secondary, Baccalaureate and Vocational Training with more than 25 years of teaching experience. He has worked as a secondary school tutor, pedagogic coordinator at the FP and Head of the PE department at the Pia Mataró School. He is currently a tutor for the Higher Degree of Education and Socio-Sports Animation and co-director of the Basic Life Support project at the school. Accredited and Certified Coach by the Spanish Coaching Association (ASESCO), specialized in team coaching by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and psycho-pedagogical facilitator in the sports and educational field.
Dr. Alba Pardo Doctoral professor accredited by the AQU. Teacher at TecnoCampus. Degree in Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport (CAFYD); Double qualification in Physiotherapy and CAFYD; Degree in Nursing. PhD in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, Health specialty by INEFC Barcelona (UB). European Master in Physical activity and Health, University of Rome; University of Cologne, University of Odense. Responsible for the transversal project Healthy and Sustainable Campus Tecnocampus, center attached to Pompeu Fabra University. Member of the research group in Technology Applied to High Performance and Health (TAARS) of the TecnoCampus.
Dr. Luana Prato. PhD in Health and Sports Psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Degree in Psychology (UNAL - Bogota) and Master's in Psychology of Physical Activity and Sport (UAB). She has been coordinator of the Dual Career Service at Club Natació Sabadell and psychologist for the high-performance artistic swimming teams (2017-2022). At an international level, he has been responsible for the Athlete Support Services of the Ministry of Sports of Colombia (2015-2016) and of the Sports Institute of Bogota (2012-2015 and 2022-2024). Currently, she is a professor in the Masters in Sports Psychology at UNIR and a collaborator in the Bachelor of Psychology at the European University of Andorra. He has 12 years of experience in counseling and psychological support for athletes, coaches, families, managers and multidisciplinary teams.
Abi Sisquella Degree in Psychology. Master's in Child and Adolescent Neuropsychology (University Pablo de Olavide). Postgraduate in Psycho-oncology (UB). Training Specialty in Brief Strategic Therapy (Cetebreu). Specialized in Diagnosis and Treatment of Learning and Behavioral Disorders. Director and Coordinator of the LUDUM Psychology Center.
Miriam Tomás Itchart. Chief Inspector of the Department of Education and Vocational Training at the Maresme-Vallès Oriental Territorial Inspection. Degree in Chemistry from the University of Girona (UdG). Degree in Psychology from the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). Master in Education and ICT (e-learning) by the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). Teacher of physics and chemistry in different public institutes since 1996. Director of the Pineda de Mar institute (2006-2016).
Carlos Zurita Degree in Physical Education from INEFC Barcelona. For more than 20 years he has been Professor and Head of Physical Education at the Virology School in Barcelona, which was the driving force behind the "Escola Nova XXI" project. As a member of the #EFTeam he has given classes in the Master's in Teacher Training in Physical Education (URL) and in the Master's in Games, Ludification and Technologies applied to education (UB). Together with other members of the #EFTeam we have written three books on practical resources applied to the teaching of Physical Education. He has collaborated with different entities (ICE-UB, COPLEFC, CRP's, INEFC, Ajuntament de Barcelona, etc.) as a teacher trainer for Physical Education, generating materials and practical resources to be used in programming and sessions P.E.