Participants in the competition must be students of any of the degrees taught at the TecnoCampus Mataró-Maresme, enrolled during the 2010-2011 academic year. Each participant can contribute a maximum of due proposals.


Christmas - New Year - TecnoCampus - inauguration


The format of the greeting card can be: a still image (.jpg, .png, .gif) or an animated image (animated gif, flash, .wmv, .mpg). In the case of animations or videos, the maximum duration is 20s.


December 1, 2010. Congratulations should be emailed to


Evaluation criteria

The evaluation criteria will be as follows:

-          Adequacy to values of the institution 

-          Originality *

-          Technical quality


* The assessment of originality, by subjective, will be at the discretion of the members of the jury.


Jury members

Board of directors of the TecnoCampus. In the event of a tie, the vote of the president of the TecnoCampus decides.



The prize will consist of a hotel night for two people to anyone Ibis of Catalonia.

In addition, the greeting card will be used institutionally this Christmas to send to all contacts of companies, organizations, etc., stating the authorship of the winner.


The Creatic Awards are open, an opportunity for the best entrepreneurial initiatives


The 4th edition of the specialization course in Financing for Social and Solidarity Economy Organizations begins