"Endreçar l'ànima" is a reflection on Women, health and politics in XNUMXst century Catalonia

The book presentation will take place next Thursday 30 September at 19.30 pm in the TecnoCampus Park "Tidy up the soul", by Marina Geli i Fàbrega, Minister of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Marina Geli, in this work, analyzes and reflects on the Catalonia of this first decade of the XNUMXst century, which is forging the foundations of the future of our country in the coming decades. The future of politics and the role that the female element must play in the regeneration of current attitudes and ways of doing and acting in politics; the health system, public and private, as an element of social cohesion and scientific, technological and economic dynamism, together with an interpretation of the past, present and future of Catalonia in Spain, Europe and the world, form the axes basics of their reflection.

The presentation will take place in the Aula de Graus. 2nd floor, classroom 213 of the university building.


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Professor Eloi Serrano is defending a doctoral thesis on social economics