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E5_Design and make an audiovisual product (consisting of still or moving images), taking into account both its technical and artistic aspects, in all its components
T2_That students have the ability to work as members of an interdisciplinary team either as one more member, or performing management tasks in order to contribute to developing projects with pragmatism and a sense of responsibility, making commitments taking into account the available resources
The subject belongs to the field of image, technique and content creation.
The various topics covered in the course are designed to train students to learn and deepen the audiovisual narrative with a fixed camera or with movement either in dialogues with various characters or with follow-up.
The subject enables them to work in groups, solve problems with initiative, create their own content according to an audiovisual narrative and know how to work with a professional video camera.
At the end of the course the student must be able to:
- Work professionally on video techniques based on the characteristics of the recording.
- To acquire theoretical-practical knowledge of the different technological and narrative tools when recording an audiovisual product.
- Know how to work in a team and fulfill a specific role within the production company that allows the audiovisual product to be developed to be managed with maximum efficiency.
- Develop their work efficiently when carrying out an audiovisual project.
The theoretical concepts will be presented in class by the teacher. In the same way, practical exercises will be solved that illustrate the theory to generate a debate in the classroom with the participation of the students.
In the practical activities the manipulation of the audiovisual material will be carried out. Practices are a fundamental part of the classes, as they serve to show in a tangible and direct way the theoretical concepts taught in class. The internships will increase their level of complexity and consequently, the requirement in their quality and in their delivery time will be affected. Therefore, the commitment on the part of the students when delivering the audiovisual materials on time is basic.
Content title 1: Introduction to staging
Description: This content works:
Related activities: Activity 4, Activity 5, Activity 6
Title content 2: Dialogue between two characters.
Description: This content works:
Related activities: Activity 1, Activity 4, Activity 5, Activity 6
Title content 3: Conversation between three or more characters.
Description: This content works:
Related activities: Activity 2, Activity 4, Activity 5 ,, Activity 6
Title content 4: Camera positions and continuity with moving characters.
Description: This content works:
Related activities: Activity 3, Activity 4, Activity 5, Activity 6
Activities will take place on both sets. The TCM as well as the M1TV. You will be informed of the rules to follow and the terms to carry them out. It is necessary to be punctual during the Practices in set. Lack of punctuality will not be allowed. Audiovisual projects will be delivered via e-mail with a Vimeo link on the day of delivery marked by the teacher. The emails will always have the title of the internship in addition to the components that make up the working group sorted alphabetically by their last name and the project report. Any Activity that does not comply with these rules or that is delivered outside the marked date will obtain a 0 regardless of the reason for not presenting it.
The activities written individually will take into account the spelling. A serious misconduct or several minor ones will mean not being able to get more than a 5 of maximum mark in the exercise or even to suspend it. In the works a fault will discount 0,5 points, whereas in the examination will discount 0,25. Under no circumstances will an exercise outside the delivery date set by the teacher be accepted, regardless of the student's justification. The individual activities will be delivered in paper format, or through the Moodle platform. Activities without a name or without following the established presentation delivery format will not be evaluated, and the numerical grade will be 0.
Activity title: Record a dialogue between two characters. (Contents 2)
General description |
In groups, a dialogue will be recorded between two characters choosing a fiction or television interview format and selecting the camera work accordingly.
Support material |
Camcorder, tripod, traveling, batteries, microphones, monitor, lighting equipment, etc ...
Deliverable and links to the evaluation |
- It must be delivered after 15 days already edited.
Specific objectives |
At the end of the activity the student must be able to:
- To test the knowledge acquired in the theory in class and in the previous activity. - Demonstrate a technical knowledge of the camera as well as the placement of the characters according to a previous recording scheme (triangle principle and its variations).
Activity title: Record a dialogue between three or more characters. (Contents 3)
General description |
In groups, a dialogue of about three minutes will be recorded between three characters where some visual action takes place.
Support material |
Camcorder, tripod, traveling, batteries, microphones, monitor, lighting equipment, etc ...
Deliverable and links to the evaluation |
- It must be delivered after fifteen days already edited.
Specific objectives |
At the end of the activity the student must be able to:
- To test the knowledge acquired in the theory in class and in the previous activity.
Activity title: Record a chase. (Contents 4)
General description |
As a group, an idea will be decided to carry out a chase of about three minutes in length outside where the disposition and movements of the camera will have to be worked, the continuity between planes, the edition from the same camera and consecutively to the narration and the moving links between the characters in such a way that they manage to convey the action. In addition, students should plan the sequence by doing the technical script and work plan.
Support material |
Camcorder, tripod, figrig, batteries, microphones, lighting equipment, etc ...
Deliverable and links to the evaluation |
- The product must be delivered after fifteen days already edited.
Specific objectives
At the end of the activity the student must be able to:
Test the knowledge acquired in theory in class and in the previous activity.
Activity title: Final exam. (Contents 1,2,3,4) |
General description |
This exercise aims to test the knowledge acquired in content teaching. The exam will have two parts, one of careful definition of contents and another based on the demonstration of the interpretive abilities of an audiovisual example in reference to the content of the subject.
Support material |
Statement of the test.
Deliverable and links to the evaluation |
- Solved exam.
Specific objectives |
The aim of this activity is evaluative, to know if the student is acquiring correctly the knowledge of the subject.
The subject will also have one Activity 0 which will take place on the first day of class as an introduction to the subject and where students will learn to use the stage and artistic direction as methods to enhance the staging. This activity will be carried out in the practical classes and will have a value of 5% of the final mark.
There will also be group work (Activity 4) of a theoretical and practical nature. The work will be related to issues of staging and narrative language and will take place during one of the theoretical sessions. It will have a value of 10% of the final grade.
The evaluation of the subject is separated between theoretical content, taught in class, and practice in the laboratory (set).
The theoretical content will be evaluated in a test (Final Exam) that will suppose 40% of the final note of the asignatura. There will also be a group work of a theoretical and practical nature. The work will be related to issues of staging and narrative language and will take place during one of the theoretical sessions. The sum of the grade for this work will be 10% of the final grade.
The practices will be scored as follows: Activity 0 will be worth 5% of the final grade; activity 1 will be worth 10% of the final grade; Activity 2 will be worth another 10% of the final grade of the subject; and finally the 3 25%. An undelivered Activity will be equivalent to a 0 of numerical mark. In the latter case, 15% will be assessed by the internship teacher and 10% by the theory teacher.
Apart from the activities mentioned, there will be a voluntary option that will consist of presenting a project at the Calella Film Festival. Those who participate in the contest will receive an extra 5% on their grade.
To be able to average, the mark of the theoretical exam must be at least a 5. In case of failing the subject, the recovery will consist of a theoretical exam of all the content of the subject that will average with the average grade of the practices. The minimum grade to average with the practice must be a 5. Only those students who have taken the final exam can qualify for the recovery.
In case of going to recovery, the minimum mark of the exam to average with the practices will have to be of a 5, otherwise the subject will be suspended. The internship grade will not be saved from one course to another.
Summing up:
Activity 0 (Scenario): 5% of the grade.
Activity 1 (Dialogue 2 characters): 10% of the grade.
Activity 2 (Dialogue 3 characters): 10% of the grade.
Activity 3 (Pursuit): 25% of the grade.
Activity 4 (Group work in the theoretical class): 10% of the mark.
Activity 5 (Calella): + 5% extra.
Activity 6 (Final Exam): 40% of the mark.
Total: 10%+10%+25%+10%+40%+5%=100% (+5%)
CATALA, Josep María. The putting in images. Barcelona: Paidós Comunicación, 2001
ARIJON, Daniel. Grammar of audiovisual language. Andoain: Film and Video School, 2003.
FERNANDEZ DIEZ, Federico; MARTINEZ ABADIA, José. Basic manual of language and audiovisual narrative. Barcelona: Paidos, 2005.
AUMONT, Jacques; BERGALA, Alain; MARIE, Michel & VERNET, Marc. Aesthetics of cinema: film space, editing, narration, language. Paidós, 1985.
MARTIN, Marcel. The language of cinema. Gedisa, 2009
STRAUSS, Frédéric & HUET, Anne. Make a movie. Paidós, 2007
THOMPSON, Roy. Assembly manual. Plot editions, 2001
REA, Peter; IRVING, David. Production and direction of short films in film and video. Andoain: Film and Video School, 2001.
ROSS, Edward. Filmish. A graphic journey through cinema. Reservoir books, 2015.
CASTILLO, José María. Television and audiovisual language. Madrid: IORTV, 2005
ALONSO GARCIA, Luis. Language of cinema, praxis of film: an introduction to cinema. Madrid: Plaza y Valdés, 2010.
KATTZ, Steven. Plane to plane: From idea to screen. Madrid: Plot ediciones, 2000.