General information

Subject type: Mandatory

Coordinator: Maddalena Fedele

Trimester: At quarters

Credits: 20

Teaching staff: 

Jorge Oter Gonzalez


Specific skills
  • E1_Design and program the graphical interfaces of static or dynamic web portals, interactive applications and video games, following usability and accessibility criteria

  • E2_Idear, design, plan and make 2D animation short films and video games

  • E4_Design, plan, edit, program and market interactive multimedia applications

  • E3_Edit and animate 3D characters and scenes, applying the techniques and processes that lead to the production of linear animated short films and interactive video games

  • E5_Design and make an audiovisual product (consisting of still or moving images), taking into account both its technical and artistic aspects, in all its components

  • E6_Design, plan and perform with multicamera, live and on set, according to all facets of the product (both in the artistic design and content and in the technique)

  • E7_Postproduce video using the basic tools of audiovisual editing programs (titling, color and exposure retouching, speeds, masks ...) and how to insert them into the editing process by adding digital effects

  • E8_Design the lighting needs of a space according to its characteristics and the final purpose of the product to be recorded, photography or video

  • E9_Apply the mechanical, electronic and digital principles of sound capture, amplification and recording for application to different platforms: shows, radio, television, audiovisual and multimedia. Postproduce the audio and add the sound effects of an audiovisual production

  • E10_Apply processes, methods and techniques to develop creativity and innovation in audiovisual production, multimedia development and video game programming

  • E11_Apply musical rules and languages ​​for music creation and sound recording in music production and the creation of electronic music for use as soundtracks in audiovisual productions

  • E12_Planning business strategies related to the economic and social phenomena typical of the welfare society and the digital entertainment industry. Turn ideas into actions in a creative and innovative way

  • E13_Apply the principles of visual and sound design for the creation of presentation elements used in sound, audiovisual, television and show products

  • E14_Acquire knowledge of the history, aesthetics, evolution and dynamics of cinema, television, radio, press, Internet and video games, how to recognize aesthetics through viewing and analysis

  • E15_Size and manage human, technical and economic resources necessary for the development of an audiovisual or multimedia project optimizing time, costs and quality

  • E16_Idear, design, plan and make an advertising audiovisual piece from the conceptualization of its message, the elaboration of the script, the communication strategy and its diffusion

  • E17_Write journalistic pieces of different genres with their headline systems and express themselves correctly both in writing and orally

  • E18_Analyze the structures, contents and styles of television and radio programming according to the technical characteristics of their realization. Design, produce and make programs for television and radio in the technical part: production room or radio control, respectively

  • E19_Creation, administration and management of audiovisual companies in their industrial structure of production, distribution and exhibition

Transversal competences
  • T1_That students know a third language, which will be preferably English, with an adequate level of oral and written form, in accordance with the needs of the graduates of each degree

  • T2_That students have the ability to work as members of an interdisciplinary team either as one more member, or performing management tasks in order to contribute to developing projects with pragmatism and a sense of responsibility, making commitments taking into account the available resources


The Final Degree Project (TFG) is an in-depth personal work on a topic or problem, of synthesis and often transversal within the scope of the Degree studies completed by the student, with the aim that the the student demonstrates his/her ability to apply the training acquired throughout the Bachelor's studies, accrediting the obtaining of the Bachelor's degree.

The student's personal work linked to the completion of the TFG corresponds to 25 hours per ECTS (500 hours with a TFG of 20 ECTS).

The TFG is an individual work without detriment that it can be an independent part of a work developed jointly between students of the same or different degrees. In any case, the defense and evaluation of the TFG is individual.

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student must be able to:

  • Analyze the problem, background study, analysis, design and implementation of an audiovisual project according to specifications
  • Evaluate the different possibilities of project resolution, analyzing the interest and feasibility and knowing how to apply the most appropriate one
  • Understand and apply the techniques of planning, execution and documentation of the different phases of a project with a realistic budget
  • Prepare a project report that includes: problems to be solved, background, objectives, project phases, project development, economic and environmental impact study, conclusions, bibliographic references and future lines of work
  • Carry out a control and follow-up in installments, economic assessment, environmental and quality impact.
  • Present and publicly defend the work done

Working methodology

The student will carry out the TFG, in general, under the direction of a teacher from the School. If appropriate, the TFG may be co-directed by professors or graduates from outside the School. The director will guide and support the student with a regime of personal interviews.

The student will have to write a document about the TFG completed and defend it before a court, which will evaluate it and propose a grade.

The Final Thesis is regulated by its own regulations, available on the School's website, which must be followed in detail. Failure to comply with these regulations may result in the final thesis being suspended.

However, at the beginning of the work period, the person in charge of the Degree Final Thesis will conveniently inform of other documents, rubrics or regulations that may affect the Final Degree Thesis.


Completion of a theoretical or practical project (Final Project) in the field of audiovisual and/or multimedia creation, production and realization.

Learning activities


Completion of the final degree thesis and writing of its appropriate documentation.

The documentation of the TFG will be carried out according to the regulations relating to the TFG. The documentation must reflect in detail the work done and will be one of the elements that the court will take into consideration to evaluate the work.

During the preparation of the documentation, three follow-up deliveries will be made, which will be assessable:

  • Preliminary project delivery
  • Release buffer
  • Delivery of final documentation

These deliveries will be made according to the calendar of the TFG call in question.



Oral test of presentation and defense of the Final Degree Project before the court.

Evaluation system

The evaluation of the Final Degree Thesis, as established by the Final Degree Thesis regulations, will consist of:

  • 30% of the final grade will be given by the tutor with the evaluation of the deliveries made during the follow-up
  • 70% of the final grade will be set by the court, after the defense of the TFG

The final thesis will be evaluated by the court after its presentation and defense. The evaluation will consider the work done, the quality of the documentation and the defense of the work. According to the Final Degree Thesis regulations, in order to access the qualification described above, it is essential to pass (obtain a qualification of 5 or more) in court.

The court will evaluate the TFG based on the defense, technical and artistic difficulty, achievement of the objectives, usefulness, rigor and quality of the work, among others. The TFG Committee of the Degree will publish, if applicable, the objective criteria with which the TFG will be assessed, at the beginning of the process.

Previously, the Final Degree Project Committee of the degree will review the documentation submitted to detect defects in form. In the event of a serious defect, the documentation may be returned to the student, who must rectify it within a very short period of time, as stipulated in the TFG regulations.



APA style citation guide.

Guides and resources published in the TFG virtual classroom.

TFG regulations.