General information

Subject type: Optional

Coordinator: Julián Horrillo Tello

Trimester: Second term

Credits: 6

Teaching staff: 

Vincent Luna Quintana


Specific skills
  • EC16: Basic knowledge of environmental technologies and sustainability.

  • CE19: Manage the logistics of the production process: stock management, production planning and production scheduling and control systems.

  • CE22: Design and apply models aimed at solving industrial organization problems.

  • CE26: Design management strategies.

  • CE28: Integrate current energy technologies in organizations' energy policies.


Information systems are an essential element to support the processes of an industrial company: from product sales, production, supply chain, storage, quality control to logistics.

Currently, these most common management systems are being integrated with new technologies such as IIoT, Digital Twin, Virtual / Augmented Reality that enable companies to transform digital industries and intelligent manufacturing in real time.

In this subject, the main technologies and methodologies that support the management of this set of processes involved in the industrial company are studied.

To understand these support tools and how they help address the challenges of industrial companies, we will work on a set of use cases that can later be implemented in marketable solutions through a demonstration performed directly by the software manufacturer.

A consulting vision will be provided to be able to lead the implementation of information systems in an industrial company.

Learning outcomes

LO2. Integrate the different applications of business management, quality, energy efficiency and environmental management in a company (CB2, CE16, CE28).

LO8. Identify and apply advanced production management concepts (CB3, CE19, CE22).

LO12. Design products with value generation criteria for the customer (CP4, CE26).

LO13. Manage a company's product portfolio (CE22, CE19).

LO14. Design and digitize the business processes of an industrial company (CE22, CE26).

LO1. Apply the techniques of business management, quality, energy efficiency and environmental management in a company (CE16).

Working methodology



Content title 1: Business architecture and management system


- Business management models. Process Map

- Information systems for the management of industrial companies

- Types of Solutions

- Software Solutions Architecture

- References of the Software sector

- Use cases. Definition

Related activities

Activity 1

Activity 5


Content title 2: Product-based management


- Product life cycle - PLM

- Product Design and Innovation

- Collaborative environment

- Technological surveillance and competitive intelligence. Smart Product

- Corporate Entrepreneurship Strategies

Related activities

Activity 2

Activity 5


Title content 3: Management of the manufacturing plant


- Order Management. ERP. Fundamentals and Tools

- MES / MRP Manufacturing Orders. Fundamentals and Tools

- Supplies - SCM. Fundamentals and Tools

- Production. Production planning, execution and control MES / MRP Manufacturing Orders. Fundamentals and Tools

IIoT. Market platforms

SCADA systems.

- Quality Control - QMS. Fundamentals and Tools

- Storage - SGA. Fundamentals and Tools

Related activities

Activity 3

Activity 5


Content title 4: Process-based management


- Design of business flow processes

- BPM. Fundamentals and Tools.

- Integration with ERP, SCM.

Related activities

Activity 4

Activity 5


Title 5: Energy and environmental management


- Environmental Management Systems: ISO 14001 / EMAS

- Implementation of an Environmental Management System

- Sustainable development objectives and Industry 4.0

- Intelligent energy management: renewable energies, technological platforms, efficient maintenance

Related activities

Activity 5


Title content 6: Digital Transformation


- Assessment of the Digital Maturity of a company. Tools.

- Maturity levels. 

- Roadmap of the digital transformation of a company

- Organizational Challenges.

- Integration of information systems. Information exchange formats and protocols

Related activities

Activity 5

Activity 6

Learning activities

Activity title 1: Product-based management

General description

From a use case and the demonstration of a market product to be performed by a manufacturer, the activity consists of         

  • Define the product cycle processes of a product.

- Identify the main data entities, business rules, usability of the management system that supports

- Assess the organizational and training implications required

- Compare this with the demo PLM product presented.


CB2, CE 16, CE 28, CB3, CE19, CE22, CP4, CE26

Support material

- Case

- Explanatory dossier provided by the teacher

- Academic articles

- Bibliography of the subject.

Evidence of learning outcomes

LO2, LO8, LO12, LO13, LO14

Deliverable and links to the evaluation

Group report with the result of the activity.

This activity represents 15% of the total grade of the subject.

Specific objectives

Know how to analyze the set of information systems that a company can implement

Apply criteria to diagnose the suitability of current systems and justify the improvement it can provide to the company.

Laboratory sessions



Title of activity 2: Management of the manufacturing plant.

General description

Based on a use case and the different demonstrations of market products that will be made by the manufacturer, the activity consists of   


- Define the supply processes, manufacture of a product.

- Identify the main data entities, business rules, usability of the management system that supports

- Assess the organizational and training implications required

- Compare it with the demonstration product presented.



Support material

- Explanatory dossier provided by the teacher

- Academic articles

- Bibliography of the subject.

Evidence of learning outcomes

LO2, LO8, LO12, LO13, LO14

Deliverable and links to the evaluation

Group report with the result of the activity.

This activity represents 15% of the total grade of the subject.

Specific objectives

Know how to analyze the set of information systems that a company can implement

Apply criteria to diagnose the suitability of current systems and justify the improvement it can provide to the company.

Understand the relationship between functions and the relationship between the systems that support the product, supply and production cycle

Laboratory sessions



Title of Activity 3: Process-based management

General description

From a case of a flow of approval of a purchase order, the exercise is to configure it in a market software type 'No Code'


It will be necessary to implement the business rules and the usability defined in the case of use.


It will evaluate the organizational and training implications in a company



Support material

- Explanatory dossier provided by the teacher

- Bibliography of the subject.

- Software manufacturer documentation

- Training in the use of a BPM tool

Evidence of learning outcomes

RA2, RA8, RA14

Deliverable and links to the evaluation

Group report with the result of the activity.

This activity represents 15% of the total grade of the subject.

Specific objectives

Implement a use case in a 'no code' information system

Evaluate the suitability criteria for such solutions.

Laboratory sessions



Title of activity 4: Digital Transformation.

General description

Students will conduct interviews with the different people in charge of a 'fictitious company', and the activity consists of:

- Identify the key questions to evaluate the company

- Provide the degree of maturity of the company using an evaluation tool, according to a script that will be provided

- Prepare a digital transformation diagnostic report for the company, 

- Propose potential digital transformation projects to improve their level of maturity. Proposals must be based on the topic previously seen.


CB 2, CB 3, CP 3, CP 4

Support material

- Explanatory dossier provided by the teacher

- Digital transformation evaluation tool

- Digital transformation diagnostic script

- Bibliography of the subject.

Evidence of learning outcomes

LO2, LO8, LO12

Deliverable and links to the evaluation

Group report with the result of the activity.

This activity represents 15% of the total grade of the subject.

Specific objectives


Laboratory sessions


Evaluation system

The evaluation of the subject will be done by the results obtained throughout the term,

The weight of each of the activities in the final evaluation of the subject is indicated below.

- ACTIVITY 1: 15%: Definition of the process

- ACTIVITY 2: 15%: MRP Information Extraction

- ACTIVITY 3: 15%: Report and Configuration of catalog products and variants, Operations, Routes, Workplace

- ACTIVITY 4: 15%: Configuration of a flow in BPM.

- ACTIVITY 5: 15%. Digital transformation diagnosis report.

- ACTIVITY 6: 25%: Final Exam

Attendance at class sessions and the delivery of the corresponding reports of the activities developed is a necessary condition for the evaluation of the subject.