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Classes will be taught mainly in Spanish.
Establish maritime and logistics business projects that allow the creation of new companies or the improvement of existing ones, adopting innovative and creative ideas
Demostrar capacitat per comunicar de manera fluida en llengua espanyola, catalana i anglesa de forma oral i escrita en l'entorn de la logística i els negocis marítims
Show knowledge and skills for the coordination of the departments of purchasing, supply, production and distribution of a product to any company, analyzing different types of techniques
Operationalize the storage of goods, through computer applications of logistics management
Show knowledge of the organization of maritime, land, air and multimodal transport, customs management and international trade in order to manage and / or contract transport
Select and use quantitative instruments for decision making and contrasting economic hypotheses
The subject "Quantitative Methods Applied to Logistics" aims to encourage and develop systemic and scientific thinking, allowing students to raise and develop models and solutions to problems of various kinds.
More specifically, it aims to provide students with a series of tools and methods that allow them to solve problems in real life, and in the field of logistics in particular.
The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards students or teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer the prejudices of others.
The teaching methodology of the subject is divided into two parts: face-to-face / online sessions, and independent work.
In the face-to-face sessions the teachers will teach the theory, interspersing practical examples that will facilitate the learning of the knowledge explained and will help the student in the resolution of exercises and practical activities.
In addition, the student will have to work autonomously both to delve into the theoretical and practical concepts seen in class and to do group work.
The activities to be carried out by the student during the course are of various natures in accordance with what is specified in the methodology described.
In this sense and with the aim of covering the proposed goals, face-to-face activities will be carried out as well as in the virtual classroom. In addition, individual and group activities will be carried out.
The overall grade of the subject takes into account the following aspects:
To pass the course it is necessary to obtain at least a 4 in the final test.
Recovery. In the event that the subject is suspended, only the final test can be retaken. To access the recovery you must have taken the final test. In case of presenting to recovery, the final note of the asignatura will be the obtained in the examination of recovery (the previous accumulated will not take into account)
Hillier FS, Lieberman GJ. Introduction to Operations Research. Editorial McGraw-Hill (9th ed), 2010. ISBN: 0073376299.
Sallán JM, Suñé A, Fernández V, Fonollosa JB. Quantitative methods of industrial organization I. Edicions UPC (2nd ed.), 2005. ISBN: 8483017954.
Taha HA. Operations research. Editorial Pearson Education (7th ed.), 2004. ISBN: 9702604982.
Vieites Rodíguez, Ana María et al. Graph theory. Exercises and problems solved. Editorial Paraninfo, 2014. ISBN: 9788428337076