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Check the schedules of the different groups to know the language of teaching classes. Although the material can be in any of the three languages.
CB1. That students have demonstrated knowledge and understanding in a field of study that is based on general secondary education, and is usually found at a level that, while supported by advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects. involving knowledge from the forefront of their field of study.
CB3. That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of study) to make judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific, or ethical issues.
CB5. That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.
CE9. Use mathematical tools and advanced statistical tools for decision making.
CG1. Be able to work in a team, actively participate in tasks and negotiate in the face of dissenting opinions until reaching consensus positions, thus acquiring the ability to learn together with other team members and create new knowledge.
CG2. Be able to innovate by developing an open attitude towards change and be willing to re-evaluate old mental models that limit thinking.
CT1. Communicate properly orally and in writing in the two official languages of Catalonia.
CT2. Show willingness to learn about new cultures, experiment with new methodologies and encourage international exchange.
CT3. Demonstrate entrepreneurial leadership and management skills that strengthen personal confidence and reduce risk aversion.
CT4. Master computer tools and their main applications for ordinary academic and professional activity.
CT5. Develop tasks applying the acquired knowledge with flexibility and creativity and adapting them to new contexts and situations.
The subject "Statistical Inference for Business Management" is a continuation of the subject "Fundamentals of Statistics and Data Analysis", which students have previously taken. The subject wants to establish in the student a solid theoretical knowledge on the matter, as well as affect the capacity of his practical application in the study of the real world, especially in the economic field.
In particular, in this subject the basic concepts of statistical inference will be addressed, starting with the sample distributions of mean and proportion, univariate data modeling, confidence intervals and hypothesis contrasts. In addition, the most elementary comparison contrasts lead to the study of single and multiple linear regression.
It is therefore an instrumental subject that provides statistical tools that are used in different contexts. In addition, the role of computers in facilitating the study of databases should be highlighted.
Theoretical sessions
MD1.Master class: Expository class sessions based on the teacher's explanation attended by all students enrolled in the subject
MD3. Presentations: Multimedia formats that support face-to-face classes.
Autonomous learning
MD4. Video capsules: Resource in video format, which includes contents or demonstrations of the thematic axes of the subjects. These capsules are integrated into the structure of the subject and serve students to review as many times as necessary the ideas or proposals that the teacher needs to highlight from their classes.
MD9. Solving exercises and problems: Non-contact activity dedicated to the resolution of practical exercises based on the data provided by the teacher
MD11. Non-contact tutorials: for which the student will have telematic resources such as e-mail and ESCSET intranet resources
In the face-to-face sessions, theory sessions and exercises will be combined with practice sessions aimed at applying the concepts worked on. In the practical sessions, data files will be used that will be treated with the appropriate software (mainly Stata, although Excel, R, etc. could be used), with the aim of the student being able to apply the statistical methodology suitable autonomously. Computer use is mandatory in all sessions.
The classroom (physics or virtual) it is a safe, free space of attitudes sexists, racists, homophobic, transphobic i discriminatory, ja be towards the students or towards the faculty. we trust that among all and all we can create a space sure on ens can to err i to learn sense having to suffer prejudice others.
1. Introduction to statistical inference
Concept of sample, population, statistic and parameter.
Population and sample distributions
Binomial, Normal and t-Student distributions.
2. Punctual estimation of population parameters. Confidence intervals of population parameters. The sample size
Distribution of the sample mean, the sample proportion and the sum or difference of sample means or proportions. The Central Limit Theorem.
Estimator concept: Robustness, bias and efficiency of an estimator.
Point estimate of the population mean, variance, standard deviation, and proportion. The standard error.
Estimation by interval. Confidence level. Estimation error.
Confidence intervals of population mean, population proportion, difference in population averages, and difference in population proportions
Relationship between sample size and estimation error and calculation of sample size to estimate the population mean or proportion.
3. Contrast of statistical hypotheses
Concepts of null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis. Significance level, Type I error (alpha), Type II error (beta). P-value. Critical value. Zero hypothesis rejection zone.
Contrast of the population average.
Contrast of the population proportion.
Contrast the difference in population means for independent samples.
Contrast the difference in population proportions for independent samples
4. Design of experiments: Analysis of variance to one factor and Contingency Tables
Comparison of more than two population means: Analysis of variance (ANOVA), Fisher-Snedecor F distribution.
Attribute independence test: The Ji-Square distribution.
5. Introduction to the analysis of Linear Regression Models (single and multiple)
The Simple Linear Regression Model: interpretation of the slope, goodness of fit.
The Ordinary Multiple Linear Regression Model: Previous hypotheses. Inference about the model: joint significance of the model, individual significance of the coefficients. Goodness of fit: the coefficient of determination. Transformations on variables.
In general the structure of the week is as follows:
Classroom activities |
Activities outside the classroom |
40% of the grade of the subject will correspond to the continuous evaluation during the course, from the participation and presentation of works.
60% of the grade of the subject will correspond to an exam at the end of the term, where the student will have to obtain a certain minimum grade out of 10 to be able to accumulate the grade of the continuous assessment.
To pass the subject it is necessary that the weighted average mark is greater than or equal to 5.
If the student does not pass the course, he may choose to retake the final exam (60% of the total grade) in the period indicated in the academic calendar, with the condition of obtaining a certain minimum grade out of 10 to be able to accumulate the qualification of the continuous assessment. There is no recovery of the activities carried out in the continuous assessment.
Note on online seminars and questionnaires |
10% |
Individual work + group work |
30% |
Final exam |
60% |
A student who has not applied for the first call CANNOT apply for recovery.
MOORE, DS, MCCABE, GP, CRAIG, B, A, (2012) Introduction to the practice of Statistics, 7th edition. Freeman.
MOORE, DS (2009) Basic Applied Statistics, 2nd. ed. Antoni Bosch Editor
KOHLER, U. and KREUTER, F. (2012). Data Analysis Using State, Third Edition. State Press.
ESCOBAR MERCADO, M. FERNÁNDEZ MACÍAS, E. and BERNARDI, F. (2012). Methodological Notebooks Data analysis with Stata, Second Edition. State Press.
MAYO, D. (2018). Statistical Inference as Severe Testing: How to Get Beyond the Statistics Wars. Cambridge University Press.
NEWBOLD, PAUL, Carlson, W., Thorne, W. (2007), Statistics for Business and the Economy, 6th edition, Madrid, Prentice Hall.
MOORE, D., (1995), The basic practice of Statistics. Freeman.
WONNACOTT, WONNACOTT (1990), Introductory Statistics for business and economics, Wiley and sons.
THOMAS, JJ (1980), Introduction to statistical analysis for economists. Marcombo.
PEÑA, D., ROMO, J., (1997), Introduction to statistics for the social sciences, Madrid, McGrau-Hill / Interamericana de España, SAU
JOHNSON, BHATTACHRYYA (1992), Statistics, principles and methods. Wiley and Sons.
FREEDMAN, D. (1993), Statistics. Models and methods. Barcelona, A. Bosch ed.
PEÑA, D. (1991), Statistics. Models and methods, Madrid. Text University Alliance.
TROSSET, MW (2009) An Introduction to Statistical Inference and Its Applications with R. 1st Edition. Chapman and Hall / CRC
ELOSUA OLIDEN, P., ETXEBERRÍA MURGIONDO, J. (2012) R Commander. Data management and analysis. Statistics Notebooks. Editorial La Muralla.
LIERO, H. ZWANZIG, S. (2011) Introduction to the theory of Statistical Inference. 1st edition. Chapman & Hall / CRC Texts in Statistical Science.