General information

Subject type: Mandatory

Coordinator: Judith Turrión Prats

Trimester: First term

Credits: 6

Teaching staff: 

Jordi Oller Nogués

Teaching languages

  • English


Basic skills
  • CB1. That students have demonstrated knowledge and understanding in a field of study that is based on general secondary education, and is usually found at a level that, while supported by advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects. involving knowledge from the forefront of their field of study.

  • CB5. That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.

Specific skills
  • CE9. Work in different cultural media, providing solutions to the different problems that arise.

General competencies
  • CG1. Be able to work in a team, actively participate in tasks and negotiate in the face of dissenting opinions until reaching consensus positions, thus acquiring the ability to learn together with other team members and create new knowledge.

  • CG2. Be able to generate ideas and solve problems, both individually and collectively.

  • CG3. Be able to innovate by developing an open attitude to change and be willing to reevaluate old mental models that limit thinking.

  • CG4. Be able to integrate the values ​​of social justice, equality between men and women, equal opportunities for all and especially for people with disabilities, so that the studies of Tourism and Leisure Management contribute to train citizens for a just, democratic society based on a culture of dialogue and peace.

Transversal competences
  • CT1. Communicate properly orally and in writing in the two official languages ​​of Catalonia.

  • CT2. Show willingness to learn about new cultures, experiment with new methodologies and encourage international exchange.

  • CT3. Formulate critical and well-argued reasoning, using precise terminology, specialized resources and documentation to support these arguments.

  • CT4. Demonstrate entrepreneurial leadership and leadership skills that build personal confidence and reduce risk aversion.

  • CT5. Master the main applications of computer tools and new technologies for ordinary academic activity.

  • CT6. Carry out tasks autonomously with the correct organization and timing of academic work.

  • CT7. Develop the ability to assess inequalities due to sex and gender to design solutions.


Study of the business strategy to learn to consider the possible actions of the tourist company and to be able to determine the competitive advantages of the tourist destinations.


Note: The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards students or teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer the prejudices of others.

Learning outcomes

  • Analyze and predict the elements that make up the general and specific environment and the importance of their influence on organizations.
  • Determine the competitive advantages of the destinations and propose possible strategic actions for the tourism company
  • Analyze and evaluate business competition and identify markets and customers

Working methodology

The methodology of the subject is based not only on the master presentations of the teacher of the subject, but, in parallel, on various activities (text comments, extension work, oral interventions, analysis of simple daily decisions, debates online ...). with the concern of involving students and provoking concerns to improve the competitive strategies of tourism companies and organizations through various types of activities.

For the realization and evaluation of these activities will work in groups and will realize tutorials by part of the educational with the groups.

The specific methodology of the practical work will be:

First activity: Strategic analysis of the company or tourist destination, and determination of the strategic proposals for action. They will have to work in groups, look for information, evaluate the information, discuss ideas, defend opinions and write a final document that will be presented in class.

It will be valued: Degree of knowledge of the subject, comprehension of subject, depth of the work, opinions expressed, quality of the information, collective reflections, interpretation of the information, written development, presentation of the work.

The work will be done in groups and will be presented in front of the other students. Each of the students will be able to contribute amendments and comments to the works presented by the other groups. The grade will be based on the quality of the exhibition and the ability to collect and integrate the contributions of classmates and the teacher. Individual contributions to the work of other groups will also be valued. With this methodology we can assess each and every one of the skills described in this program.



Topic 1. Business strategy

  1.1 Concept of strategy

         1.2 Concept of competitive market

Topic 2. The environment

   2-1 Concept of threat and opportunity

         2-2 Concept of strong point and weak point

      Topic 3. The microenvironment

           3-1 Strategy Triangle Concept

           3-2 Value Added Concept

           3-3 Concept of competitive advantage

           3-4 Value Chain Concept

      Topic 4. The macroenvironment

          4-1 PEST Analysis Concept 

          4-2 Relationship between macro and micro-environment

     Item 5. Segmentation and Positioning

          5-1 Segmentation concept 

           5-2 Positioning Concept

     Item 6. Strategic alliances and growth

           6-1 Concept of strategic alliance 

           6-2 Concept and classification of forms of growth

Learning activities

AF1. Theoretical sessions

AF3. Work in group

AF4. Individual work

AF5. Personal study

AF7. Face-to-face tutorials

AF10. Research, reading and elaboration of text comments on bibliography / information through ICT / virtual platform

Evaluation system

The evaluation of the subject will be based on:

An exam, at the end of the term, which will account for 50% of the grade. The final mark of the exam must be at least 5 points to pass.

The preparation of a practical work (broken down into several activities) where the student will demonstrate their ability and ability to design and implement strategies in companies, organizations and tourist destinations. 40% of the grade.

10% Attendance at conferences, lectures and / or other activities.

Recovery. In the event that a student has failed, he / she will be able to go to the recovery, but only for those parts that he / she has not passed (except for 10% of the attendance at days that cannot be recovered), keeping the percentages mentioned on the final note.



Conley, Chip (2017). PEAK: How Great Companies Get Their Mojo from Maslow. Revised and Updated. 2nd Edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons

Oller Nogués, Jordi (1997). "Creation and improvement of Tourist Companies". Bilbao. Ed. god

Oller Nogués, Jordi. (2022). Slide notes created by PhD. Jordi Oller and Nogués, available in the virtual campus.

Jonhson G., Scholes K. (2005). "Strategic Management. Analysis of the strategy of the organizations". Madrid. Ed. Prentice Hall.


The Basics of Tourism Market Segmentation

THR. (sd). Retrieved September 2 2021, from

The rise of the platform economy

Deloitte. (sd). Retrieved September 2 2021, from

Metaverse beyond the hype
International Journal of Information Management. (s.d.). Retrieved September 2 2022, from

Tourism, the SDGs (Sustainable Developments Goal) and partnerships
Journal of Sustainable Tourism.(sd). Retrieved September 2 2022, from