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There may be subject material (scientific articles) that is in the English language.
Have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data to make judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific, or ethical issues
E5 Schedule the motor skills training process at its different levels and practice environments
E6 Apply the physiological, biomechanical, behavioral and social principles to the different fields of physical activity and sport
G1 Identify the object of study of the Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport
G4 Describe the physiological and biomechanical factors that condition the practice of physical activity and sport
G8 Understand the basics, structures and functions of human motor skills and patterns
T3 Use the sources of certified scientific knowledge in the field of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences
T4 Apply knowledge to their work in a professional way with the elaboration and defense of arguments and problem solving within the area of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences
The Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport have their focus of study on human movement. Human beings can manifest this movement through an incredible range of skills. However, there is a set of these skills that are common to all humans and that are developed in a similar way. The subject "Basic manifestations of motor skills" analyzes the basic skills (posture, gait, jumps, throws, etc.) from the study of motor development. At the same time, this subject gives tools for assessment and construction of tasks for the correct development of basic skills. It is important to note that the basic skills and their development throughout life are observed (childhood - adults - the elderly).
The subject can be divided into two parts. The first establishes the conceptual bases for the later study of motor skills and their development. Special emphasis is placed on the factors of the body, the task and the environment that condition the emergence of the task and the use that the teacher / coach can make to help the student to have a correct motor development. . It also emphasizes the importance of making a good assessment of the basic skills to establish the stage of development of the student and schedule the training correctly. The second part is characterized by the concrete study and practical application of what have been considered basic motor skills. In each of the basic motor skills, after their fundamental description and study of changes throughout life, assessment and task construction tools are presented that facilitate the proper scheduling of training and physical education classes. In addition, given the importance they have in the development of all skills, the study of body scheme and laterality has been included in this second part.
The semi-attendance of the subject implies autonomous work outside the classroom. Face-to-face classes are marked on the schedule.
This subject has methodological and digital resources to make possible its continuity in non-contact mode in the case of being necessary for reasons related to the Covid-19. In this way, the achievement of the same knowledge and skills that are specified in this teaching plan will be ensured.
The social and environmental relevance of the gender perspective will be emphasized, through the subject's syllabus, as well as through information-seeking activities and critical debates.
This is a part-time subject. This means that there is a% part of the subject that is done in person, in the classroom, with different activities individually or in groups of students and a% of the subject that is worked autonomously, outside of the classroom.
The methodology in part-time subjects requires the responsibility of the student, and their good time management.
The methodology of the subject will be carried out combining face-to-face classroom time, with autonomous work time, with the support of the virtual learning environment. The percentage of time the student spends is distributed as follows:
Activities |
Face-to-face sessions in the classroom (theory presentation, seminars, personalized tutorials) |
Theoretical presentations with audiovisual support, simulations, role-playing games, group work, application of practice to theory, problem-based learning (PBL), presentations by students, simulations |
1.2 |
Personal study, problem solving, information search (bibliography, webography), guided work (questionnaires, wikis, debates, forums ...), model reproduction, video capsules, problem solving |
4.8 |
Both in the face-to-face sessions and in the autonomous work, the student will work individually and in work groups.
Each ECTS is equivalent to 25 hours of student dedication, considering the time invested in the total of the activities related to the face-to-face time and the time of autonomous work, that the professor of the subject guides, as well as the reading times, information search, connection to the Virtual Classroom, elaboration of works.
1.1 Concept and classification of motor skills.
1.2 Historical evolution of motor skills.
1.3 Conditioners of motor skills.
1.4 Assessment of motor skills.
2. Analysis of the basic motor skills.
2.1 The posture.
2.2 The march.
2.3 The race.
2.4 The jumps.
2.5 The manipulation of objects.
2.6 The launches.
3. The scheme Body
3.1 Description.
3.2 Development.
3.2 Valuation
3.4 Construction of tasks
4. The laterality
4.1 Description.
4.2 Development.
4.3 Valuation.
4.4 Construction of tasks
The activities of the subject follow the system of continuous evaluation, that is to say, that throughout the term the professor raises several activities, that the students must solve and deliver. The work of each one of the activities allows to value to the student, the follow-up that does to the asignatura and the elements of improvement, from the comments and notes that the professor will do of the activities.
The proposed activities can be individual or in work groups. The teacher gives the instructions so that the students can elaborate and deliver them. All the activities proposed are designed so that students have a practical perspective on the topics that are developed throughout the ten weeks of the term.
The learning activities are:
1) The seminars they will be developed in groups (of 4 people maximum) during the practical sessions, workshops or seminars. Each of the seminars will focus on one of the basic skills studied. Thus, there will be different worksheets related to:
2) Work in group (maximum of 5 people) It consists of passing the test battery "Gross Motor Function Measure" to a child and performing a written work based on the test results. Performing an analysis of the state of motor development of the subject and proposals for intervention to improve it. This work will be delivered in digital format and without presenting it orally. Therefore, only written work would be evaluated.
3) Individual work Make an oral presentation in class (5 minutes long + answer 1 question) based on a scientific article assigned at random by the teacher. Only the presentation of the article in class and the ability to solve questions will be assessed.
4) Questionnaires A series of questionnaires will be carried out throughout the subject to see what the degree of achievement of virtual learning is.
5) Viewing videos and tutorials Using these tools, new concepts will be introduced to later consolidate them into practice.
Qualification system (Royal Decree 1125/2003, of 5 September) that establishes the European system of credits and the system of qualifications to the university degrees of official character and validity in all the state territory:
0 - 4,9: Suspended
5,0 - 6,9: Approved
7,0 - 8,9: Notable
9,0 - 10: Excellent
The final grade of the student is the result of continuous assessment through the different assessment activities. The pass of the subject is obtained with a grade equal to or higher than 5 points (out of 10) according to the following weighting table:
Evaluation activity |
Weighting | Skills evaluateds |
Theoretical exam |
50% | G1, G4, G8, E5, E6 |
Seminars |
30% | B3, G4, T4, E5, E6 |
Work in group |
10% | B3, G4, T4 |
Individual work |
10% | B3, T3, T4, E6 |
Necessary criteria for averaging between the evaluation activities:
Evaluation activity | Criteria for averaging |
Theoretical exam | ≥ 5 / 10 |
Seminars | Only a maximum of three punctuated seminars with a grade below 3,5 is allowed. More than three grades lower than 3,5 involves failing the subject |
Work in group | Weight the note |
Individual work | Weight the note |
Requirements to pass the continuous assessment.
Compulsory minimum completion of at least 6 seminars with a grade above 3,5 points. If the practice cannot be performed due to illness or injury, a medical certificate must be brought.
IMPORTANT: If the continuous assessment is not passed due to non-compliance with any of the necessary requirements described above, the student will fail the subject.
- The total or partial copy in any of the learning activities will mean a "Not Presented" in the subject, without option to present in the proof of recovery and without prejudice of the opening of a file for this reason . ”
Within the same course, there is the possibility of recovering the skills not achieved during the course.
In accordance with current regulations, in the evaluation activity of the exam, it will only be possible to opt for the recovery of the subject, if it has been suspended. In case of Not Presented, you will not be eligible for recovery.
Evaluation activity in recovery period | Weighting | Assessed skills |
Theoretical exam | 50% |
G1, G4, G8, E5, E6 |
Haywood, KM and Getchell, N. (2008). Life span motor development (5th ed.). Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics.
Piek, J. (2005). Infant motor development. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics.
Shumway-Cook, A. and Woollacott, MH (2007). Motor Control: Translating Research into Clinical Practice (3rd ed.). Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Ruiz, LM, Gutiérrez, M., Graupera, JL, Linaza, JL, and Navarro, F. (2001) Development, motor behavior and sport. Madrid, Spain: Editorial Síntesis.
Johnson, J. (2011). Postural assessment. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics.
Trew, M. and Everett, T. (2006) Fundamentals of human movement (5th ed.). Barcelona, Spain: Masson-Elsevier.
Malina, RM, and Bouchard, C. (1991). Growth, maturation, and physical activity. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics.
Oña, A., Martínez, M., Moreno, F., and Ruiz, LM (1999). Motor control and learning. Madrid, Spain: Editorial Síntesis.
Contreras, OR, Torre, E. de la, and Velázquez, R. (2001). Sports initiation. Madrid, Spain: Editorial Sintesis.
Famous, JP. (1992). Motor learning and difficulty of the task. Barcelona, Spain: Editorial Paidotribo.
Schinca, M. (2008). Technique and expression of movement. Comprehensive reform of basic secondary education. Madrid, Spain: Cisspraxis.
Haywood, KM, Roberton, M. and Getchell, N. (2011). Advanced analysis of motor development. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics.