General information

Subject type: Mandatory

Coordinator: Marc Terradellas Fernández

Trimester: Second term

Credits: 4

Teaching staff: 

Virginia Casado Ruiz
Maria Pilar Sanz Cartagena 

Teaching languages

  • Catalan
  • Spanish


Basic skills
  • B2_F That students know how to apply their knowledge to their job or vocation in a professional way and have the skills that are usually demonstrated by developing and defending arguments and solving problems within their area of ​​study


  • B4_F That students can convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized and non-specialized audiences


Specific skills
  • E5_F Assess the functional status of the patient, considering the physical, psychological and social aspects


  • E6_F Assess the diagnosis of physiotherapy care according to internationally recognized standards and validation instruments


  • E16_F Ability to carry out physiotherapeutic interventions based on comprehensive health care that involves multiprofessional cooperation, integration of processes and continuity of care


Transversal competences
  • T2_F Demonstrate ability to organize and plan


  • T3_F The student must be able to develop skills in interpersonal relationships and be able to work within an intra and interdisciplinary team



The subject of neurological pathology is located within the Physiotherapy module in clinical specialties and compulsory training within the degree of physiotherapy. It aims to provide the future physiotherapist with the basic knowledge of Neurology to be able to participate in the global treatment of patients affected by diseases of the nervous system, in a multidisciplinary framework in order to improve their functionality and quality of life.

This subject has methodological and digital resources to make possible its continuity in non-contact mode in the case of being necessary for reasons related to the Covid-19. In this way, the achievement of the same knowledge and skills that are specified in this teaching plan will be ensured.

The TecnoCampus will make available to teachers and students the digital tools needed to carry out the course, as well as guides and recommendations that facilitate adaptation to the non-contact mode.

Learning outcomes

LO30. It analyzes the patient's expectations for each of the clinical specialties with respect to their evolution, demands and needs.

RA31. Assesses the physical and mental state of the patient. It determines the level of severity, dysfunctions, handicaps and limitations both on an individual and social level.

RA33. It carries out the specific physiotherapy diagnosis for each of the clinical specialties in order to determine the dysfunctions and handicaps that will require a specific physiotherapy intervention.

LO52. Interact with other health and physical activity professionals to base an intervention plan based on the specific clinical diagnoses of each of the professions.

RA36. Identifies the main respiratory, cardiac and neurological pathologies. Learn medical and surgical interventions, effects and results. Contribution of physiotherapy in the treatment and improvement of medical and/or surgical interventions.

Working methodology



AF1. Theoretical classes

AF5. tutorials 5
AF3. Practical classes  -
AF6. Study and group work   10
AF7. Study and autonomous, individual work  50
Total  100






- Review of the central and peripheral nervous system.

- Clinical history, neurological examination and complementary tests in neurology



Motor neuron syndrome.

- Sensitive syndromes.

- Cerebellar syndromes.

- Basal ganglia syndromes.

- Headaches.

- Spinal cord syndromes.

- Peripheral syndromes.

- Pathology of cranial parts.

- Myopathic syndromes.



- Ischemic stroke. Cerebral hemorrhage.

- Multiple sclerosis.

- Cranioencephalic traumas. Spinal cord injuries. Critical patient.

- Brain tumors.

- Cognitive impairment. Alzheimer type dementia. Vascular dementia.

- Parkinson's disease. parkinsonism Trembling

- Tension headache. Migraine.

- Epilepsy.

- Meningitis. Infectious encephalitis. 

- Neuropathies. myopathies 

- Light headed. Vertigo 

- Dissociative disorder. Anxiety and depression.


Learning activities

MD 1. Expository method or master lesson: transmit knowledge and activate the student's cognitive processes through one-way learning

MD 2. Case study: acquire learning through the analysis of real or simulated cases

MD 3: Solving exercises and problems: exercising, rehearsing and putting into practice previous knowledge

MD 4. Problem-based learning (PBL): developing active knowledge through problem-solving

MD 5. Project-oriented learning: carrying out a project to solve a problem, applying acquired skills and knowledge

MD 6: Cooperative learning: Foster active and meaningful knowledge cooperatively

Evaluation system

· SE3: Final exam: 60% of the note type test. It is mandatory to pass the exam in order to average the individual and group work grades.

· SE2: Presentation of individual work: 20% of the note

· SE2: Presentation of group work: 20% of the note

It is compulsory to pass the individual and group work to have passed the subject

It is compulsory to carry out all the activities they evaluate by grade

The make-up exam will be a test (it will not be necessary to make up individual or group work)

The total or partial copy in any of the learning activities will mean a "Not Presented" in the subject, without option to present in the proof of recovery and without prejudice of the opening of a file for this reason.



J.Cambier, M.Masson. Handbook of Neurology. Editorial Elsevier-Masson, ed 7, 2000.

Rohkamm: Neurology. Text and Atlas. Editorial Panamericama, ed 1, 2010

Kukowski B. Differential diagnosis of neurological symptoms. Editorial Masson, ed 1, 2001

Catalan Society of Neurology,

Rohkamm: Neurology. Text and Atlas. Editorial Panamericana, ed1, 2010

JJ Zarranz. Neurology. editorial Elsevier, ed, 2018


Carrillo P. Basic neurological examination by the general practitioner. UNAM Magazine 2016; 5, 42-56