General information

Subject type: Mandatory

Coordinator: Marc Terradellas Fernández

Trimester: Third term

Credits: 4

Teaching staff: 

Maria Josep Rico Hernandez
Jordi Ventura Medina 
Marta Casbas Mourelle 
I looked at Pardas Peraferrer 
Susana Trallero Rodríguez 

Teaching languages

  • Catalan
  • Spanish
  • English

L'assignatura serà impartida en català i castellà indistintament. Some contents of the subject will be in English such as: audiovisual content, support material and scientific articles.

The student must be able to use this material to achieve the objectives of the subject. 



Basic skills
  • B1_F That students have demonstrated that they have and understand knowledge in an area of ​​study that is based on general secondary education, and that it is at a level that, if supported by advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that involve knowledge from the forefront of your field of study


  • B2_F That students know how to apply their knowledge to their job or vocation in a professional way and have the skills that are usually demonstrated by developing and defending arguments and solving problems within their area of ​​study


  • B3_F That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of ​​study), to make judgments that incorporate a reflection on relevant social, scientific and ethical issues


  • B5_F That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy


Specific skills
  • E1_F Know and understand the morphology, physiology, pathology and behavior of people, both healthy and sick, in the natural and social environment


  • E4_F Acquire the appropriate clinical experience that provides intellectual abilities and technical and manual skills, that facilitates the incorporation of ethical and professional values, and that develops the ability to integrate the knowledge acquired, so that, at the end of the studies, students know how to apply both to specific clinical cases in the hospital and outpatient setting, as well as actions in primary and community care


  • E10_F Prepare the discharge report for physiotherapy care once the proposed objectives have been met


  • E11_F Provide effective physiotherapy care, providing comprehensive patient care


  • E15_F Participate in the development of physiotherapy care protocols based on scientific evidence, encouraging professional activities that stimulate research in physiotherapy


  • E18_F Acquire clinical management skills that include the efficient use of health resources and develop activities of planning, management and control of care units where care is given in physiotherapy and its relationship with other health services


  • E20_F Identify the structural, physiological and biomechanical factors that condition the practice of physical activity and sport

  • E23_F Identify the effects of physical exercise on the psychological and social aspects of human beings


Transversal competences
  • T1_F Acquire the ability to communicate in a foreign language and work in an international context



This course offers the possibility for the student to obtain basic knowledge about the development of the healthy child and the different conditions that we can treat as health professionals. The future professional of Physiotherapy needs to have this knowledge to better understand the complexity of the care relationship and to be able to use strategies and skills that allow him to carry out effective and human interventions.                                  

The main objective of the subject is to help the student to acquire the basic knowledge of childhood, so that he is able to recognize the functions and structures, level of activity and participation. As well as achieving a greater understanding of the variants in the development of the child as a whole. 

This subject aims to introduce the gender perspective in its content and development


There are no prerequisites for taking this subject. 

Learning outcomes

  • RA28. Identify the main treatments used in physiotherapy interventions in paediatrics. Classify them according to their effect and importance and establish order of priorities in their therapeutic application.
  • RA29. Analyze the effects produced by the interventions. Assess benefits and risks and establish an intervention criterion based on priorities and desired effects.
  • RA30. Analyze the patient's expectations for the clinical specialty of pediatrics with regard to their evolution, demands and needs.
  • RA22. Establish the intervention protocol based on the joint negotiation between therapist and patient.
  • RA31. Assess the patient's physical and mental status. Determine the level of severity, deficits, limitations in activity and restrictions in participation, both at an individual and social level.
  • RA32. Apply technologies for the evolution of the patient. Incorporate new measurement instruments that facilitate the objectification of interventions. Participate in the validation of assessment tools for their incorporation into clinical practice.
  • RA33. Carry out the specific physiotherapeutic diagnosis for the pediatric clinical specialty with the aim of determining the dysfunctions, limitations and restrictions that will require a specific physiotherapy intervention.
  • RA52. Interact with other health and physical activity professionals to establish an intervention plan based on the specific clinical diagnoses of each of the professions.
  • RA34. Learn the basics of physiotherapy in the pediatric clinical specialty. Specific evaluation of musculoskeletal, neurological and respiratory dysfunctions in childhood. Main intervention techniques. Classification according to its physical principles and effects on the body.
  • RA35. Apply advanced manual and instrumental techniques for the treatment of musculoskeletal, neurological and respiratory dysfunctions in childhood. Evaluation of results and adverse effects.
  • RA36. Identify the main respiratory, cardiac and neurological pathologies. Contribution of physiotherapy in the treatment and improvement of medical or surgical interventions.
  • RA27. Interact with medical professionals to gain therapeutic effectiveness. Establish joint goals.

Working methodology

AF1. Theoretical classes 


AF6. Study and group work


AF3. Practical classes 


AF5. Tutorials


AF7. Independent, individual study and work    





Theoretical block 

  1. Adaptations to the child's functional development.
  2. Stages of growth and functional development.
  3. Essential elements of the physiotherapeutic intervention.
  4. Physical therapeutic principles, application, benefits and adverse effects.
  5. Duration and frequency of specific physiotherapy interventions.
  6. Manual and instrumental interventions.
  7. Application based on the psychomotor development and autonomy of the child.

Practical block

  1. Fundamentals of the specific physiotherapeutic exploration of the child in different stages of development.
  2. General and specific evaluation of physiotherapy.
  3. Interpretation of results, evolution of the disease and control of adverse effects.
  4. Physiotherapeutic diagnosis. 
  5. Knowledge of the main pathologies of children and young people.
  6. Interaction between physiotherapy, medicine and family.

Learning activities

MD1 Expository method or master lesson: transmit knowledge and activate the student's cognitive processes through one-way learning
MD2 Case study: acquire learning through the analysis of real or simulated cases
MD3 Solving exercises and problems: exercise, rehearse and put into practice the previous knowledge
MD5 Project-oriented learning: carrying out a project to solve a problem, applying acquired skills and knowledge
MD6 Cooperative learning: Foster active and meaningful knowledge cooperatively

Evaluation system

The system for assessing the acquisition of skills will be as follows: 



Assessment activity Weighting    

Assessed skills 

SE4 Self-assessment 10%


SE2 Oral presentation. 20%

E5, T3, E8, E6, E9, E7, T2

SE3 Exam 30% 

B2, E16,

SE1 Portfolio 40%

B4, T1, T2, E7,E13,E16, E5, T3, E8, E6,E9












The student must pass all assessment activities with a 5 in order to make an average and obtain the final grade.

The practical classes are of compulsory attendance (at least 80%), it is a requirement to pass the subject. In case of not fulfilling this 80%, the subject will be suspended for the following year.

Failure to attend or submit the work within the established period may be valued at 0 and will not be recoverable.

The proposed evaluation activities are mandatory. 




Within the same course, there is the possibility to recover only the portfolio. According to current regulations, you can only opt for recovery if the subject has been suspended. 

If the grade is Not Presented, you will not be eligible for Recovery. 

If the student does not attend 80% of the practical classes, you do not have the right to recover the portfolio. 



Shumway-Cook, A., & Woollacott, M. Motor control: Translating Research into Clinical Practice (4th ed.) Baltimore: Ed. LWW. 2010. 

J. Palisano, R., Orlin, M., & Schreiber, J.. Campbell's Physical Therapy for Children (5th ed.). Missouri: Elservier. 2017

Macias L, Fagoaga J.Physiotherapy in pediatrics.Madrid: McGraw-Hill Interamericana; 2018

J. Sarwark, C. LaBella. Pediatric Orthopedics and Sport Injuries: A Quick Reference Guide 2nd Edition 2014.

M. Hadders-Algra He neurological examination of th child with minor neurological dysfunction. Mac Keith Press, 2010 

Guide to Physical Therapist Practice 3.0 American Physical Therapy Association ISBN: 978-1-931369-85-5, DOI: 10.2522/ptguide3.0_978-1-931369-85-5 


Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM-66 & GMFM-88) User's Manual 3rd Edition Diane J Russell, Marilyn Wright, Peter L Rosenbaum, Lisa M Avery. Subject: Child Neurology, Fetal, Preterm and Neonatal, Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Neurodisability. 1st Ed. Mac Keith Press Practical Guides, 2022 ISBN: 9781911612612 


Duncan A; Matthews M (2018). Neurodevelopmental outcomes in early childhood. Clin. Perinatol 45 (2018) 377-392.

Early care practices focused on the family and natural environments. Claudia Tatiana, Lídia Rodríguez. UNED 2019 

Gallego Izquierdo, E. Bueno Gracia. Physiotherapy Issues: Volume 45-3. ISSN: 1153-8599 Current Physiotherapy 2016.

M. Hadders-Algra, E. Brogren Carlberg. Postural Control: A key issue in developmental disorders. Clinics in Developmental Medicine. Paperback 1718. 2008

Thelen and colleagues. The developmental origins of locomotion. In Woollacoo MH, Shumway-Cook A, editors: Development of posture and gait acroos the life spam, Columbia, SC, 1989, Unversitiy of South Carolina Press, pp 23-47.

Cano de la-Cuerda R, Molero-Sánchez A, Carratalá-Tejada M, Alguacil-Diego IM, Molina-Rueda F, Miangolarra-Page JC, Torricelli D. Theories and control models and motor learning: clinical applications in neuro-rehabilitation. Neurology. 2015 

Cano de la Cuerda R., Collado Vázquez S .. Neurorehabilitation. Specific methods of assessment and treatment. Ed. Panamericana. 2012

Sappok T, Budczies J, Bölte S, Dziobek I, Dosen A, Diefenbacher A. Emotional development in adults with autism and intellectual disabilities: a retrospective, clinical analysis. PLoS One. 2013


S. Levitt. Treatment of cerebral palsy and motor retardation (5th edition). Pan American: 2013 

Espinosa Jorge J., Arroyo Riaño MO., Martín Maroto P., Ruiz Molina D., Moreno Palacios JA. Essential Guide to Child Rehabilitation. Madrid: Panamericana; 2010 

Forestier, Michèle. From birth to the first spas. Accompanying the child in his motor discoveries: Toulouse: Ed. Heresy. 2nd Edition 2018

FJ Fernández Regó, G. Torró Ferrero. Physiotherapy in Neonatology. The importance of the early approach in the at-risk newborn. Ed. Panamericana 2021

World Health Organization. International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health: version for children and adolescents: CIF-IA. Geneve, Switzerland 2011. ISBN 978-84-7670-711-1 (Spanish edition)

M. Yamile Pinzón Bernal, LMSalamanca Duque. Functional Neuropediatric Evaluation. Fundamentals and methods of application. Ed. Panamerica 2021

M. Yamile Pinzón Bernal, LMSalamanca Duque. Functional Neuropediatric Evaluation. Fundamentals and methods of application. Ed. Panamerica 2021

PICCOLO. Parental interactions with children. List of observation items linked to development. Vilaseca Momplet R., Rivero Garcia M. Ed. Valencia 2021 ISBN : 978-84-9134-809-2