General information

Subject type: Mandatory

Coordinator: Judith Turrión Prats

Trimester: At quarters

Credits: 20

Teaching staff: 

Maria Dolors Celma Benaiges
Enric Camón Luis 
Judith Turrión Prats 
Patricia Crespo Sogas 

Teaching languages

  • Catalan
  • Spanish
  • English


Basic skills
  • B1_Students have demonstrated and understood knowledge in a field of study that is based on general secondary education, and is usually found at a level that, while supported by advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects involving knowledge from the forefront of their field of study


  • B2_That students know how to apply their knowledge to their job or vocation in a professional way and have the skills that need to be demonstrated through the elaboration and defense of arguments and the resolution of problems within their area of ​​study


  • B3_Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of ​​study), to make judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues


  • B4_That students can convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized and non-specialized audiences


  • B5_That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy


Specific skills
  • E1_Interpret the principles of tourism in its spatial, social, cultural, political, labor and economic dimensions and identify types and tourist destinations

  • E2_Analyze the impacts generated by tourism in its economic, social and environmental aspects and provide innovative solutions

  • E3_Analyze the main tourist political-administrative structures and interpret the legal framework that regulates tourist activities

  • E4_Convert an "empirical" problem into a research project and draw conclusions

  • E5_Apply a strong customer service orientation and use communication techniques

  • E6_Evaluate tourism potential and the prospective analysis of its exploitation through innovative management models

  • E7_Analyze, synthesize and critically summarize the economic and patrimonial information of tourist organizations

  • E8_Managing different types of tourism entities by defining objectives, strategies, commercial policies and managing financial resources

  • E9_Work in different cultural media, providing solutions to the different problems that arise

  • E10_Make judgments that include a reflection on relevant topics in the business field and prepare a document to transmit information or an innovative business proposal in tourism

  • E11_Manage territorial tourist spaces in accordance with sustainability principles

  • E12_Dominate the operating procedures of accommodation, catering and tourism intermediation companies

  • E13_Interpret the strategy, objectives and public instruments of tourism planning

  • E14_Recognize and apply information and communications technologies (ICT) in the different areas of the tourism sector

  • E15_Interpret a public plan in tourism and the opportunities that arise for the private sector

  • E16_Plan and manage the human resources of tourist organizations

  • E17_Recognize details of the operation of destinations, tourist structures and their business sectors worldwide

  • E18_Understand the characteristics of cultural heritage management and be able to develop innovative initiatives to enhance it as a tourist attraction

  • E19_Detect the needs for the technical planning of infrastructures and tourist facilities

  • E20_Communicate with ownership orally and in writing in at least one foreign language

General competencies
  • G1_ Be able to work in a team, actively participating in tasks and negotiating dissenting opinions to reach consensus positions, thus acquiring the ability to learn together with other team members and create new knowledge

  • G3_Be able to innovate by developing an open attitude to change and be willing to re-evaluate old mental models that limit thinking

  • G4_Integrate the values ​​of social justice, equality between men and women, equal opportunities for all and especially for people with disabilities, so that the studies of Business Administration and Innovation Management contribute to to train citizens for a just, democratic society based on a culture of dialogue and peace


  • G2_Be able to generate ideas and solve problems, both individually and collectively

Transversal competences
  • T1_Communicate properly orally and in writing in the two official languages ​​of Catalonia

  • T2_Show willingness to learn about new cultures, experiment with new methodologies and encourage international exchange


  • T4_Show entrepreneurial leadership and leadership skills that build personal confidence and reduce fear of risk


  • T5_Domain the computer tools and their main applications for the ordinary academic and professional activity

  • T3. Formulate critical and well-argued reasoning, using precise terminology, specialized resources and documentation that supports these arguments.

  • T6.Develop tasks autonomously with a correct organization and timing of academic work

  • T7_ Develop the ability to assess inequalities due to sex and gender to design solutions.


The TFG involves the completion, by the student, of a project, a study, a report or a work in which the knowledge, skills, competences and skills acquired are applied, integrated and developed. in the degree.

The classroom (physical or virtual) is a safe space, free of sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and discriminatory attitudes, either towards students or teachers. We trust that together we can create a safe space where we can make mistakes and learn without having to suffer the prejudices of others.

Learning outcomes

  • Turn an empirical problem into a research object and draw conclusions.
  • Solve problems through scientific methods
  • Evaluate different resources for analysis. 
  • Present and defend business projects.
  • Incorporate tutorial guidelines in a critical and responsible way, as an integral part of learning.

Working methodology

Theoretical sessions MD3: Presentations on contents and methodological tools for the realization of the TFG

Guided learning

 Synchronous tutorials with the TFG tutor to guide the student and monitor the project.

Autonomous learning

MD10. Research and critical reading of articles. Students start from a working hypothesis that they will develop, following the phases of the research methodology, including the critical reading of articles.

MD11. Use of telematic resources such as e-mail and the resources of the TFG virtual classroom.











The entire detailed procedure on the operation of the TFG is set out in the document of the “TFG regulations ” which is posted in the TFG virtual classroom and on the TecnoCampus website.



  • Elaboration of a written work in any of the following modalities:
    • a scientific research project in the field of knowledge of the Degree
    • an entrepreneurial project of creating a company or an intrapreneurial project within an existing company or
    • an intervention project in a company / territory, etc. o
    • a marketing plan of a real company or a company you want to create
  • Presentation and defense of the work before a court
    • mid-course follow-up court
    • final court

Learning activities

AF7 Tutorials
AF8 Presentation of the TFG before the Monitoring Court
AF9 Presentation and defense of the TFG before the Final Evaluation Court
AF10 Search, reading and elaboration of reviews / text comments on bibliography / information through ICT / virtual platform
AF11 Autonomous work of the student to elaborate the Work of end of Degree

Evaluation system

The final grade of the TFG will be obtained from different assessments:

  • TFG tutor reports: 20% of the final grade
  • Follow-up court: 20% of the final grade
  • Final Court of the TFG: 50% of the final grade
  • Training sessions: 10% of the final grade

The entire detailed procedure on the evaluation of the TFG is set out in the document of the “TFG regulations”Which is posted on the TFG virtual classroom and on the TecnoCampus website.



Amat Oriol and Rocafort Alfredo (2017). How to do research. Barcelona: Profit Editorial

King, L, Keohane RO, and Verba, S. (2007). The design of social research: Alliance

Ferrer, V, Carmona, M. and Soria, V. (2013). The final degree project. Guide for students, teachers and collaborating agents: McGraw-Hill.


IRÍZAR I. (2012) The business plan in practice. Netbiblo