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As a result of the covid-19 pandemic, the harmful effect that isolation and loneliness can have on people became evident. Although this extreme situation has passed, a large part of the population still suffers from this isolation and loneliness indefinitely and that, either due to a lack of resources, due to some affectation that provides a physical disability or due to other psychological or social factors , they do not have sufficient tools to reverse this situation.
The sector we are referring to is the elderly population, where a high percentage live alone and have little contact with society, to the point of not leaving the house for long periods of time.
In recent years, important demographic changes have been experienced in the population that have increased the survival of people over 65, this change is due in part to an improvement in life expectancy and also an improvement in the quality of life Although it is an advance, this entails a threat in our environment, loneliness, as we have explained in previous lines loneliness in this period of life is motivated by age-specific factors such as physical conditions but also psychological and social .
The group's mission together is to combat situations of loneliness, for this reason they work according to three main objectives:
1- Identify volunteers over 65 within the Federation of Associations of Senior Citizens of Catalonia (FATEC) and who live in the Maresme region who want to act as community agents/mentors.
2- Design and implement a service-learning community intervention based on providing digital, emotional and social support to the elderly.
3- Create a peer-to-peer network in the Maresme region. Older people supporting older people at risk of unwanted loneliness.
The project ""Programme d'Ajuda inter Iguals de Gent Gran" has a budget of €21.556,20, of which €20.410,00 is financed by the "La Caixa" Foundation and €1.146,20 by the Provincial Government of Barcelona.
Granted amount
Amount of the project
The Federation of Associations of Senior Citizens of Catalonia (FATEC)
Chair of Aging and Quality of Life
"La Caixa" Foundation
Diputació de Barcelona