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Classes will be taught in Catalan.
Have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually in their area of study) to make judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific, or ethical issues.
Promote the formation of lasting and independent habits of physical activity and sport
Identify the object of study of the Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport
Recognize the epistemological, historical and educational foundations of activity and sport
Describe the behavioral and social factors that condition the practice of physical activity and sport
Apply fundamental rights and equal opportunities for men and women, the principles of equal opportunities and universal accessibility for people with disabilities, solidarity, environmental protection and the values of a culture of peace and democratic values
Use the sources of certified scientific knowledge in the field of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences
Incorporate habits of excellence and quality for professional practice
Act within the ethical principles necessary for the correct professional exercise, according to the regulatory framework
This subject will be used to analyze physical exercise, physical activity and sport as one of the most important social phenomena in contemporary society. Either as a manifestation of human movement throughout history or as a mass spectacle, these phenomena have become an essential part of modern life and culture.
Citing Cagigal, sport is a global cultural phenomenon, a ubiquitous phenomenon. Indeed, sport encompasses many areas of social reality, such as physical education, society's lifestyles, health and quality of life, enjoying the natural environment through physical and sporting activities; show sport, largely thanks to the mass media; together with this, competition and high performance, etc. The aim of this subject is to analyze the different forms of expression of the sporting phenomenon to better understand the nature of physical activity and sport.
We will also reflect on the meaning of the historical study of physical activity and sport in the context of the civilization process.
We will also understand the contradictory and ambivalent nature of sport. Physical activity and sport can be a source of education, health, social well-being, social integration, respect and solidarity; but they can also be ignorance, disease, alienation, conflicts, violence, intolerance and exclusion.
The technologies of information, communication and social networks will be presented as the guiding thread of physical activity and sport in the current "network society" at the same time that they will act as didactic resources in the subject.
This subject aims to promote students' ability to think critically about physical activity and sport in today's society.
This subject has methodological and digital resources to make possible its continuity in non-contact mode in the case of being necessary for reasons related to the Covid-19. In this way, the achievement of the same knowledge and skills that are specified in this teaching plan will be ensured.
Sociology of AF and Sport
History of AF and Sport
The student's individual final grade is the result of a continuous assessment through different activities.
Passing the subject is obtained with a grade equal to or higher than 5 points (out of a total of 10 points) according to the following table:
0 - 4,9: Suspended
5,0 - 6,9: Approved
7,0 - 8,9: Notable
9,0 - 10: Excellent
The acquisition of skills by the student will be assessed through the system of continuous assessment.
The following describes the assessment activities, the competencies involved, and the weighting in the assessment.
Activity d'evaluationó |
Weighting |
Assessed skills |
Timeline (groups of 4) |
15% |
B1, G1, G3, T1, T2, T3 |
Sports project (groups of 4) |
30% |
B1, E1, E2, G1, G2, G3, G4, T1, T2, T3 |
Asynchronous forum (individual) |
15% |
B1, E1, E2, G1, G2, G3, G4, T1, T2, T3 |
Final Work d'Subject: Congress of Sociology and History TCM (groups of 4) |
40% |
B1, G1, G2, G3, G4, T1, T2, T3 |
All activities must be delivered within the deadline in their corresponding slot on the Virtual Campus and must have a grade equal to or higher than 5 points to make an average and for the continued evaluation to be considered Passable.
The activities suspended in the first correction opt for re-evaluation. The maximum mark for an activity submitted for re-evaluation will be 5 points (out of 10). If an evaluation activity is not delivered within the established deadline and/or in its corresponding well on the Virtual Campus, it is not possible to opt for re-evaluation of that activity.
The total mark for the subject will be the sum of the weighted mark for each assessment activity.
In case of suspending the continuous evaluation due to the non-completion or non-delivery of the assignments, the student does not have the right to recovery and will suspend the subject.
Total or partial copying in any of the learning activities will mean a "Not Presented" in the subject, without the option to submit for re-evaluation and without prejudice to the opening of a file for this reason.
According to UPF regulations, students who have the option to retake the subject are those who have obtained a "failed" grade, which are the only ones subject to modification in the retake process.
During the sessions, evaluative follow-up activities can be considered which will be added to the weighting of some of the evaluation activities.
MILLER, T., LAWRENCE, G., McKAY, J. and ROWE, D. (2001). “Globalization and Sport”, London: Sage Publications
GARCIA FERRANDO, M., PUIG, N., LAGARDERA, F., LLOPIS, R., VILANOVA, A. (comps.) (2017) "Sociology of sport", Madrid, Alianza editorial, (the university book). 4th edition.
Magazines: Journal of Sport and Social Issues, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Sociology of Sport Journal, European Journal of Sport and Society, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas., Revista Española de Sociología, Revista Internacional de Sociología.
http://www.aeisad.org Spanish Association for Social Research Applied to Sport (AEISAD)
http://www.eass-sportsociology.eu European Association for the Sociology of Sport
http://www.nasss.org North American Society for the Sociology of Sport
http://cis.es Center for Sociological Research
CROTEAU & HOYNES, (2000). "Media Society. Industries, Images, and Audiences." Second Edition. Thousand Oaks, California: Pine Forge Press.
ELIAS, N. & DUNNING, E. (1992). "Sport and leisure in the process of civilization." Mexico: Economic Culture Fund.
GARCÍA FERRANDO, M. (2006). "Postmodernity and sport: between individualization and overcrowding. Survey on sports habits of Spaniards, 2005", Madrid, Consejo Superior de Deportes, Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas.
MOSQUERA, MJ; GAMBAU, V .; SÁNCHEZ MARTÍN, R .; PUJADAS, X. (2003). "Sport and postmodernity", Madrid, Esteban Sanz Librerias Deportivas, SL (Social Research and Sport, 6).
European Union (2005). "Sports habits of the European population" http://europa.eu.int/comm/public_opinion/archives/eb_special_en.htm
VIÑAS, J. & PÉREZ, M. (2014). "The labor market in the context of sport in Catalonia". Barcelona: INDIA
CASTELLS, M. (2011). "The information age", Madrid, Alianza editorial, vol.I "La sociedad red", updated edition.
MANDELL, R. (1986). "Cultural history of sport". Barcelona: Ed. Bellaterra.
MAZA, G. (2002). "Sport and its role in the mechanisms of social reproduction of the foreign immigrant population." Notes. Physical Education and Sport (68), 58-66.
http://www.issa.otago.ac.nz International Sociology of Sport Association
PUIG, Núria, ed. (2002). "Sport and immigration", monograph Notes. Physical education and sports, (68).
PUJADAS, X. & SANTACANA, C. (1995). "Illustrated history of sport in Catalonia (Vol. I and II)". Barcelona: Columna.
VILANOVA, A .; CASILLO, J .; FRAILE, A. et al. (Eds) (2009) "Sport, health and the environment for a sustainable society". Madrid: Esteban Sanz (Social Research and Sport, 9).
HEINEMANN, K. (1999). "Sociology of voluntary organizations. The example of the sports club", Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch, Spanish Association for Social Research Applied to Sport.
PUIG, N .; VIÑAS, J. (2003). "Guide to determine the sports habits of the population of the municipalities of the province of Barcelona", Barcelona, Diputació de Barcelona. You can find it on the Internet: www.diba.es (sports / management / research and training)
DUNNING, E. (2003). "The sports phenomenon. Sociological studies around sport, violence and civilization", Paidotribo, Barcelona.