What are you looking for?
During the teaching-learning process by the student, different documents (textbooks, scientific articles, magazines, etc.) written in different languages will be used.
To be able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized and non-specialized audiences
Identify the risks that arise for health, from the practice of inappropriate physical activities and sports and propose alternatives
Assess the fitness, prescribe and develop health-oriented and safe physical exercises for these practitioners
Perform physical activity and sports programs
Select the appropriate sports material and equipment for each type of activity and population and in safe conditions
Develop cognitive and technical resources for entrepreneurship in maritime activities, wellness and health
Describe the physiological and biomechanical factors that condition the practice of physical activity and sport
Apply information and communication technologies (ICT) in the field of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences
Use the sources of certified scientific knowledge in the field of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences
Incorporate habits of excellence and quality for professional practice
The subject of "New Technologies in the Evaluation of Health and Sports Performance" is optional and part-time. The aim of this course is to know the technologies used to assess fitness, fitness and sports performance. In addition to the knowledge and operation of the devices and means currently used to assess health and performance, it is intended that students learn to develop assessment protocols related to the analysis of physical abilities, mainly related to the manifestations of endurance (aerobic, anaerobic) and strength (maximum dynamic force, force-speed, endurance by force, etc.) in the field of both health and athletic performance.
This subject has methodological and digital resources to make possible its continuity in non-contact mode in the case of being necessary for reasons related to the Covid-19. In this way, the achievement of the same knowledge and skills that are specified in this teaching plan will be ensured.
Topic 1. Introduction to sports technology
Topic 2. Monitoring Internal load vs External load
Item 3. Quantitative vs. qualitative analysis
Item 4. Evaluation of aerobic endurance
Item 5. Critical review and scientific analysis of sports technology
Item 6. Evaluation of speed and power
Item 7. Evaluation of strength
Topic 8. Electronic Performance and Tracking Systems (GPS) & Imus
Item 9. Assessment of balance
Topic 10. Wereables
Topic 11. Feedback through live monitoring (how, when and why)
Item 12. Technology in the prevention / rehabilitation of injuries
• Quantitative vs. qualitative analysis
• Evaluation of resistance
• Evaluation of power and speed
• Strength assessment
• Assessment of balance
• Use of GPS and Imus in sport and physical activity
• Live feedback through monitoring tools
• Validation of a technological device
The acquisition of skills by the student will be assessed through the system of continuous assessment and, in particular, weighing and assessing the results obtained from the application of the following assessment procedures:
a) Participation and realization of the formative activities.
b) Active participation in classes, debates, etc.
c) Preparation and resolution of practical cases.
d) Design and participation of practical sessions.
e) Field practical test of physical activity
The evaluation will conclude with a recognition on the level of learning achieved by the student, materialized in the numerical qualification, in accordance with the established in the valid legislation.
Qualification system (Royal Decree 1125/2003, of 5 September, which establishes the European credit system and the system of qualifications in university degrees of an official nature and valid throughout the state):
0 - 4,9: Suspension (SS)
5,0 - 6,9: Approved (AP)
7,0 - 8,9: Notable (NT)
9,0 - 10: Excellent (SB)
- System of evaluation of each part of the asignatura:
The following table specifies the different evaluation activities, the evaluation systems and their weight in the final grade.
Evaluation activity |
Weighting |
Individual / couple work |
25% |
Group work |
25% |
Practical Exam |
50% |
To pass the course it is mandatory:
- Do 70% of the practical sessions.
- Minimum weighting 5/10 in the practical exam to be able to average with the rest of the activity of the continuous evaluation.
Each part of the subject may have a different number of continuous assessment activities, maintaining the proportion in the volume of dedication and the weights (percentages) that appear in this Teaching Plan of the subject.
Evaluation activity in recovery period |
Weighting |
Practical Exam |
50% |
Students not presented in the exam conducted during the continuous assessment will not be entitled to recovery.
The total or partial copy in any of the learning activities will mean a "Not Presented" in the subject, without option to present in the proof of recovery and without prejudice of the opening of a file for this reason
Turner, A., Brazier, J., Bishop, C., Chavda, S., Cree, J., & Read, P. (2015). Data analysis for strength and conditioning coaches: Using excel to analyze reliability, differences, and relationships. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 37(1), 76-83.
James, DA, & Petrone, N. (2016). Sensors and Wearable Technologies in Sport: Technologies, Trends and Approaches for Implementation (pp. 1-49). Berlin, Germany:: Springer.
Weakley, J., Wilson, K., Till, K., Banyard, H., Dyson, J., Phibbs, P., ... & Jones, B. (2020). Show me, tell me, encourage me: The effect of different forms of feedback on resistance training performance. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 34(11), 3157-3163.
Esteve, IB (2019). Muñoz López, A. et al. (2017). New technologies applied to physical activity and sport. Madrid: Thomson Reuters. Aranzadi. Edetania: studies and socio-educational proposals, (56), 211-213.
Wilmore, JH, & Costill, DL (2007). Introduction to the physiology of effort and sport. Physiology of effort and sport, 6ª ed. Barcelona: Editorial Paidotribo, 3-33
Chicharro, JL, & Vaquero, AF (2006). Physiology of Exercise. Ed. Pan American Medical
Mora, R. (2010). Physiology of sport and exercise
Naranjo, J., Santalla, A., & Manonelles, P. (2013). Assessment of the Athlete's Performance in the Laboratory.
Wenger, HA, & Green, HJ (2005). Physiological evaluation of the athlete. Editorial Paidotribo
Pérez-Chirinos Buxadé, C., Fernández-Valdés, B., Morral-Yepes, M., Tuyà Viñas, S., Padullés Riu, JM, & Moras Feliu, G. (2021). Validity of a Magnet-Based Timing System Using the Magnetometer Built into an IMU. Sensors, 21(17), 5773.
Liebermann, DG, Katz, L., Hughes, MD, Bartlett, RM, McClements, J., & Franks, IM (2002). Advances in the application of information technology to sport performance. Journal of sports sciences, 20(10), 755-769.
Aroganam, G., Manivannan, N., & Harrison, D. (2019). Review on wearable technology sensors used in consumer sports applications. Sensors, 19(9), 1983.
Fuss, FK, Subic, A., & Mehta, R. (2008). The impact of technology on sport—new frontiers. Sports Technology, 1(1), 1-2.
Fernández-Valdés, B., Sampaio, J., Exel, J., González, J., Tous-Fajardo, J., Jones, B., & Moras, G. (2020). The influence of functional flywheel resistance training on movement variability and movement velocity in elite rugby players. Frontiers in Psychology, 1205.
Font, R., Karcher, C., Reche, X., Carmona, G., Tremps, V., & Irurtia, A. (2021). Monitoring external load in elite male handball players depending on playing positions. Biology of Sport, 38(3), 475-481.