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This subject it is taught in Catalan although in many cases it will be consulted bibliography and online material which may be in Spanish and/or English.
B2_That students know how to apply their knowledge to their job or vocation in a professional way and have the skills they demonstrate by developing and defending arguments and solving problems within their area of study
B3_Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of study), to make judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues
B4_That students can convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized and non-specialized audiences
B5_That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy
EFB6_Adequate knowledge of the concept of company, institutional and legal framework of the company. Organization and management of companies
EIS1_Ability to develop, maintain and evaluate software services and systems that meet all user requirements and that behave reliably and efficiently, are affordable to develop and maintain and comply with quality standards, applying theories, principles, methods and software engineering practices
EIS2_Ability to assess customer needs and specify software requirements to meet those needs, reconciling conflicting goals, by seeking acceptable compromises, within the limitations of cost, time, the existence of already developed systems and of the organizations themselves
EIS3_Ability to solve integration problems based on available strategies, standards and technology
EIS4_Ability to identify and analyze problems and design, develop, implement, verify and document software solutions based on adequate knowledge of current theories, models and techniques
EIS5_Ability to identify, assess and manage potential associated risks that may arise
EIS6_Ability to design appropriate solutions in one or more application domains, using software engineering methods that integrate ethical, social, legal and economic aspects
ESI1_Ability to integrate Information and Communications Technology solutions and business processes to meet the information needs of organizations, enabling them to achieve their goals effectively and efficiently, thus achieving competitive advantage
ESI2_Ability to determine the requirements of the information and communication systems of an organization, taking into account security aspects and compliance with current regulations and legislation
ESI3_Ability to actively participate in the specification, design, implementation and maintenance of information and communication systems
ESI4_Ability to understand and apply the principles and practices of organizations, so that they can act as a link between the technical and management communities of an organization and actively participate in user training
ESI5_Ability to understand and apply the principles of risk assessment and apply them correctly in the elaboration and execution of action plans
ESI6_Ability to understand and apply the principles and techniques of quality management and technological innovation in organizations
T1_That students know a third language, which will be preferably English, with an adequate level of oral and written form, according to the needs of the graduates in each degree
T2_That students have the ability to work as members of an interdisciplinary team either as one more member, or performing management tasks in order to contribute to developing projects with pragmatism and a sense of responsibility, making commitments taking into account the available resources
The IT Project Management subject deals with the specific problems of IT projects.
In its development, 3 ECTS are dedicated to the theoretical part and 1 ECTS to the practical part.
The concepts of time estimation, costs, risk management, documentation management, management of the development team and planning of the project's own activities will be introduced.
During the course, collaborative tools will be used to control certain stages of a project.
1. Introduction to computer projects, definitions and elements
1.1 The context of computer projects (service, systems and technology or platform)
1.2 Basic definition of computer project
· Types of projects
· Technology projects
· Projects with technology
1.3 Elements of a project
1.4 Keys to a successful project
1.5 Processes
2. The management of computer projects
2.1 Introduction to project management
2.2 Life cycle of a project
2.3 Critical success factors
2.4 Management of development projects
2.5 Management of implementation projects
2.6 Management of installation projects
2.7 Management of maintenance projects
3. Definition of projects
3.1 Definition of the project
3.2 Definition of objectives
· Project objectives
· Product objectives
· Objectives of the participants
· Purpose of the service
3.3 Definition of requirements
3.4 Limits of the project
3.5 Cost study
3.6 Risk analysis
4. Project planning
4.1 Project plan
Parts of the project plan
4.2 Software process and methodology
· Current software processes.
· Methodologies applicable to projects.
4.3 Phases of a project
4.4 Tasks and activities of each phase
· Tasks of each phase.
· Activities of each task
4.5 Gantt Charts and Pert Networks
4.6 Critical path, margin of delay and early-time
4.7 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Method
4.8 Determination of resources
4.9 Creation of a calendar and time frames for the project
5. Estimation of project costs and metrics
5.1 Estimation of effort
5.2 Cost estimation
· Human resources
· Material resources
· Other: licenses, supplies and services
5.3 Software metrics for estimating effort
5.4 Cost-benefit analysis
6. Project organization
6.1. The human part of project management.
6.2 The Project Manager.
6.3 Roles and responsibilities within the team.
6.4. Communication within the project.
6.5. Communication outside the project (actors involved or stakeholders).
6.6 Roles-Skills-Tasks Matrices.
7. Project control elements
7.1 Change management
7.2 Management of the documentation corresponding to each phase.
7.3 Problem management
7.4 Conflict management
7.5 Risk management
7.6 Quality management
7.7 Human resource management
8. Tools for project management
8.1 Microsoft Project
8.2 Git
8.3 Subversion
8.4 Trello
8.5 Lucid chart
8.6 Source safe
8.6 Other tools
9. Execution of projects
9.1 Main components of the execution
9.2 The launch of a project
9.3 Daily project management
9.4 Communication management
9.5 Treatment of expectations
9.6 Team management
9.6. Monitoring and control
9.7 Indicators, KPIs, measures and metrics
10. Documentation of a project
10.1 Deliverables
10.2 Documentation tools
10.3 Acts of work
10.4 Requirements Reports
10.5 Change management documents
10.6 Final report of the project
10.7 User Manual
10.8 Installation and configuration manual
10.9 Administrator's Manual
10.10 User support systems
11. Closing and evaluation of the project
11.1 Closing elements of a project
12. Application of project management to the management of the TFG (Final Degree Project)
12.1 The process of carrying out the TFG
12.2 Planning and estimation
12.3 Cost evaluation and feasibility study
12.4 Oral and written communication techniques
12.5 The documents of the TFG:
12.5.1 The preliminary draft
12.5.2 The buffer
12.5.3 The final report
12.5.4 The defense
The final grade will be calculated with the grades of the weighted activities as follows:
1.- Case study to be developed throughout the course. Laboratory practices. (This task is done in groups).
50% of the final grade of the subject cannot be recovered, and at least a 3.5 must be obtained to pass the subject.
This note is divided into:
2.- Final exam of the subject: 50%, yes you can recover and at least you need to get a 4.5 to pass the subject.
Therefore, it is understood that the laboratory activity is not recoverable in any case in the recovery phase, where only suspended students (excluding those who did not present) with a grade of at least 3.5 in the activity can appear of laboratory
"Guide to the Fundamentals of Project Management." Third Edition. (PMBOK® Guide). 2004. Project Management Institute, Inc. ISBN - 1-930699-73-5
McConnell, Steve. Computer Project Development and Management, McGraw-Hill., 1997, ISBN-9788448112295
Horine, Gregory M. Absolute Beginner's Guide to Project Management. Que Publishing, 2009. ISBN 978-0-7897-3821-9
Sommerville Ian. Software Engineering 9th Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2011. ISBN 978-0-13-703515-1
Pressman, Roger S .. Software Engineering: a practical approach. 7. McGraw-Hill, 2010. ISBN 9786071503145.