General information

Subject type: Mandatory

Coordinator: Monica Juliana Oviedo León

Trimester: First term

Credits: 6

Teaching staff: 

Alexander Kucel

Teaching languages

  • English


Basic skills
  • B3. That students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their area of ​​study) to make judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific, or ethical issues.

  • B4. That students can convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized and non-specialized audiences.

Specific skills
  • E7. Manage in a timely and convenient manner the resources available in the work environments in which it is to be directed.

  • E8. Synthesize ideas to make them feasible and profitable business understanding the current market.

  • E10. Analyze and evaluate the role of digital communities and social media in business.

  • E12. Apply the English language in different cultural environments of business negotiation.

  • E14. Apply the knowledge acquired to the management of digital communities.

  • E1. Recognize the environment in which the organization operates, the operation of the company and its functional areas and the instruments of analysis.

General competencies
  • G1. Be able to work in a team, actively participate in tasks and negotiate in the face of dissenting opinions until reaching consensus positions, thus acquiring the ability to learn together with other team members and create new knowledge.

  • G2. Be able to innovate by developing an open attitude to change and be willing to re-evaluate old mental models that limit thinking.

  • G3. Integrate the values ​​of social justice, equality between men and women, equal opportunities for all and especially for people with disabilities, so that the studies of Marketing and Digital Communities contribute to training citizens for a a just, democratic society based on a culture of dialogue and peace.

Transversal competences
  • T5. Develop tasks applying the knowledge acquired with flexibility and creativity and adapting them to new contexts and situations.


This course aims to familiarize students with the economic implications of social media on personal decisions through various, and often non-trivial, channels. Social media affects our lives directly and indirectly, through education, work, consumption, health or decision making. It therefore seems important to know the mechanisms of this influence in order to be able to predict its economic effects.


Learning outcomes

Master the basic technological tools for harnessing the resources of marketing, e-marketing and social media as a support for business decision making.

Working methodology

Theoretical sessions
MD1.Master class: Expository class sessions based on the teacher's explanation attended by all students enrolled in the subject
MD2. Lectures: Face-to-face or streaming sessions, both in university classrooms and in the framework of another institution, in which one or more specialists present their experiences or projects to students.
MD3. Presentations: Multimedia formats that support face-to-face classes

Guided learning
MD6. Debates and forums: Face-to-face or online conversations, according to the objectives that the teacher responsible for the subject pursues. 
MD7. Case study: Dynamics that starts from the study of a case, which serves to contextualize the student in a specific situation, the teacher can propose different activities, both individually and in groups, among their students

Autonomous learning
MD10. Research and critical reading of articles. Students start from a working hypothesis that they will develop, following the phases of the research methodology, including the critical reading of articles.
MD12. Non-face-to-face tutorials: for which the student will have telematic resources such as e-mail and ESCSET intranet resources.

This subject has methodological and digital resources to make possible its continuity in non-contact mode in the case of being necessary for reasons related to the Covid-19. In this way, the achievement of the same knowledge and skills that are specified in this teaching plan will be ensured. The TecnoCampus will make available to teachers and students the digital tools needed to carry out the course, as well as guides and recommendations that facilitate adaptation to the non-contact mode.


Topic 1. Education

Item 2. Selective pairing

Topic 3. Health

Item 4. Employability and Entrepreneurship

Item 6. Policy

Topic 7. Consumption

Item 8. Security, terror in the

Topic 10. Conclusions

Learning activities

AF1. Theoretical sessions
AF4. Individual work
AF5. Personal study
AF7. Face-to-face tutorials
AF10. Search, read and prepare reviews / text comments on bibliography / information through ICT / virtual platform.

Evaluation system

  • Partial exam 1 in groups of 3 people = 20% of the final grade
  • Partial exam 2 in groups of 3 people = 20% of the final grade
  • Individual final exam = 60% of the final grade
  • It is necessary to pass the final exam with a minimum of 5/10 to pass the subject regardless of the previous grades.



PISKORSKI, Mikolaj Jan. A social strategy: How we profit from social media. Princeton University Press, 2016.

TWENGE, Jean M. IGen: Why today’s super-connected kids are growing up less rebellious, more tolerant, less happy - and completely unprepared for adulthood - and what that means for the rest of us. Simon and Schuster, 2017.

CHRISTAKIS, Nicholas A .; FOWLER, James H. Connected: The surprising power of our social networks and how they shape our lives. Little, Brown Spark, 2009.

KADUSHIN, Charles. Understanding social networks: Theories, concepts, and findings. OUP USA, 2012.

Centola, Damon. How behavior spreads: The science of complex contagions. Princeton University Press, 2018.