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E5_Design and make an audiovisual product (consisting of still or moving images), taking into account both its technical and artistic aspects, in all its components
E8_Design the lighting needs of a space according to its characteristics and the final purpose of the product to be recorded, photography or video
E10_Apply processes, methods and techniques to develop creativity and innovation in audiovisual production, multimedia development and video game programming
The subject is aimed at raising awareness in lighting, in the use of light in order to make more elaborate or constructed images.
It is carried out during the first year of the Degree in Audiovisual Media so that, subsequently, the student has a prior training that allows him to use photographic and film tools with more knowledge, with the basic resources of natural light and artificial lighting as structuring elements.
It has theoretical and practical content, with history and analysis being the transversal tools used during the teaching of this subject.
Cross-curricular teaching according to the following different topics:
Physiology of the eye and physics of light.
Principles of lighting: Controllable properties: Quality, quantity, direction, color temperature.
Basic lighting scheme.
Light filtering. Color: primary and secondary.
Introduction to the psychology of color.
Light units of measurement. Candles and luxury. Conversions
Types of illuminants. Fresnels. HMI. Arcs. Cold light screens.
Lighting on set. Set material.
The figure of the director of photography. Historical evolution.
History of lighting in cinema. Home.
Relevant films in the evolution of lighting in cinema.
Introduction to the figure of the director of photography. Historical evolution.
Awareness of representations in images: The portrait in painting.
Analysis of reports and documentaries.
Analysis of music videos.
- Continuous evaluation (60%), distributed as follows:
- Final exam (40%):
Exam, 4 points on the final grade.
To access this weighting, it is essential to have achieved an average of 5 out of 10 in both the continuous assessment and the final exam. Yes, the student has
a lower average, in one of the parts, does not accede to this weighting and suspends with the note of the suspended part.
The part of continuous assessment is not recoverable.
The exam part is recoverable in the Recovery Exam. To access the weighted calculation of the grade it is necessary to get a grade of 5 in the
The statements of the different exercises will be provided throughout the course.
The exam part is recoverable in the Recovery Exam. To access the weighted calculation of the grade it is necessary to get a grade of 5 in the recovery.
Identification of plagiarism is considered a serious circumstance that may lead to a failing grade in the subject. In case of detection of plagiarism, the coordination of the degree will be informed so that the corresponding disciplinary measures can be taken.
Revault D'Allonnes, Fabrice (2008). Light in the cinema. chair
Millerson, Gerald (1994). Lighting for video and cinema. IORTV.
Casanovas, Cristófol (2022). "Teacher's notes" (will be given as the syllabus progresses). TecnoCampus.
Almendros, Nestor (1983). Days of a camera. Six Barral
Heredero, Carlos F. (1994). The language of light. Interviews with directors of photography in Spanish cinema. Alcalá de Henares University.
Tanizaki, Junichiro (2011). Praise of the Shadow Watercress
Shaeffer, Dennis, and Salvato, Larry (1992). Masters of light. Conversations with directors of photography. PLOT.
Loiseleux, Jacques (2005). Light in the cinema. paid
Brown, Blaine (1998). Lighting for cinema and television. Author-Editor.
Moreno, J. Carlos, and Linares, César (sd). Illumination (Scenic illumination notebooks) (6th ed.) Ñaque.