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Teachers: Cristòfol Casanovas and Eva Parey
La impartició de l'assignatura pot ser en català o castellà. The notes, in Catalan.
Questions asked in either of the two co-official languages will be accepted and answered in the same language as the text, in order to facilitate the student's comprehension.
E5_Design and make an audiovisual product (consisting of still or moving images), taking into account both its technical and artistic aspects, in all its components
E8_Design the lighting needs of a space according to its characteristics and the final purpose of the product to be recorded, photography or video
The subject of Photographic Equipment and Techniques responds to a subject that addresses, on the one hand, the knowledge of photographic material in the field of operating principles, parameters and characteristics, and on the other, the use of these applying them to the photographic fact, introducing the techniques that make it possible.
The other important side, which is applied in almost all theoretical sessions, is that of image analysis, with a special interest in images from the press of the moment, where the student gradually applies his knowledge and sees the application of the learned technique.
1.1 The Viewfinder.
1.2 The Shutter. Priority to Exposure Time.
1.3 The Diaphragm. The Depth of Field. Priority in the Opening.
1.4 The Focus System.
1.5 The Image Sensor.
1.6 Photometer and Exposimeter: EXHIBITION:
1.6.1 Reading the Light: Basic Photometry.
1.6.2 Measurement Systems.
1.6.3 Exposure Compensation.
1.6.4 Analysis of images related to the subject.
2.1 Constructive Details and Optical Considerations: Aberrations and Corrections.
2.2 Focal Distance. FOV. Amplification Factor. Brightness.
2.3 Classification of Objectives.
2.4 Singular Objectives.
2.4.1 Reflectors, Tilt & Shift, Macro.
2.4.2 Focal Multipliers. Macro Alternatives (Approach Lenses, Inverter Rings).
2.5 Analysis of images related to the subject.
3.1 The Flash.
3.1.1 Description, parameters (GN and Sync Speed) and types.
3.1.2 Photographic Techniques with Flash: Fill Flash, Synchronization at 1ª and 2ª Cortineta, Slow and High Speed.
3.2 Basic Filters: UV, PL, ND. IR photography.
3.3 Singular Devices: Triggers, Intervalometers, Umbrellas, Tripods and Monopods.
3.4 Singular Cameras: Mirrorless, Stereoscopic, Lomography ...
3.5 Analysis of images related to the subject.
Continuous assessment (40%):
Laboratory practices (compulsory) 20%. Attendance at practicals cannot be less than 80% to weight the grade.
Jobs (20%)
Final exam (60%):
60% exam
To access this weighting, it is essential to have achieved:
- A minimum average of 5/10 in the continuous assessment.
- A minimum average of 5/10 in the final exam.
If the student has a lower average in one of the parts, he/she does not access this weighting and fails with the grade of the suspended part.
The part of continuous assessment is not recoverable.
The exam part is recoverable in the Recovery Exam. To access the weighted calculation of the grade it is necessary to get a grade of 5 in the recovery.
The statements of the different exercises will be provided throughout the course.
Identification of plagiarism is considered a serious circumstance that may lead to a failing grade in the subject. In case of detection of plagiarism, the coordination of the degree will be informed so that the corresponding disciplinary measures can be taken.
Casanovas/Parey (2023). Course notes in pdf. TecnoCampus.
Freeman, Michael (2009). The Eye of the Photographer. Blume Photography.
Langford, Michael (1994). Step by Step Photography. Torsen Hermann Blume.
Adams, Ansel (2002). The Chamber Omnicon.
Szarkowski, John (2007). The photographer's eye. The Factory
Rodríguez Pastoriza, Francisco (2014). What is photography? Brief history of genres, movements and great authors of photographic art. Lunwerg.